Sorry mods if this poll has already been conducted a hundred times over. I did many searches and didn't come up with any results. If this has been done already, feel free to lock this down and point me in the right direction. Thank you.
So just out of curiosity, I'd like to know which fedora is the most popular here. Since there are many styles, I'll allow two votes each. Thanks for voting. And if you want to change your vote, that's fine too.
Me personally feel that the Temple Of Doom bridge fedora is the one on screen that looks like it has followed Indiana to the ends of the earth and back, I mean look at the ribbon its soooo worn down and dirty. I know a lot of people will say the Raiders fedora and the streets of cairo are the clear favorites of many on here and that's totally fine! It may also stem from which film you saw first, watched the most, and love the most. One more point is (for me) that AB did a great job on the KOTCS lid that its almost a "best of" fedora, showing love for all the fedoras. But hey it's just one mans opinion. Great topic Sammy!!!
I went with the Raiders SoC, because to me it just has the most iconic "look" and Indy spirit of all, and frankly what got me into gear-collecting in the first place (although, ironically, I've never actually had a SoC hat).
I also chose the Temple bridge scene hat as my favorite for myself, because I love mine more and more every time I wear it.
CS for me. It just has all the elements of what Indy's hat should be. Tall crown, deep pinch, sweet bow and a nice swope. Best hat in the series and made by a true fan to boot.
The Raiders hat because it wasn't trying to be "like" anything else and wasn't a compromise to merchandising agreements. It was "original."
The CS hat because it has the same feel as the original, but has a look that matches adding 20 years to the character. Although it was obviously modeled on the original, it's an original in its own right and doesn't have the watered down look of the other two.
Last edited by Ridgerunner58 on Sun May 20, 2012 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
Ridgerunner58 wrote:.... it's an original in its own right and doesn't have the watered down look of the other two.
"watered down" PERFECT Description!! THAT'S the kind of description I've been looking for all these years as it pertains to certain indy lids!! Excellent choice of words, sir!!
Last edited by Sammy on Sat May 19, 2012 9:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I chose the Raiders Opening Scene, and the Temple Plane Scene hat. I love everything about Indy's gear when he emerges from the back of the plane, and the hat he pulls over his eyes as he dismisses Willie is absolutely my favorite Indy fedora.
Would have chose Well of Souls, but it's really (to me) a swoop brimmed SOC.
Weston wrote:I chose the Raiders Opening Scene, and the Temple Plane Scene hat. I love everything about Indy's gear when he emerges from the back of the plane, and the hat he pulls over his eyes as he dismisses Willie is absolutely my favorite Indy fedora.
Would have chose Well of Souls, but it's really (to me) a swoop brimmed SOC.
Dude post your vote for the Plane scene!!!!!! Heck yeah!! Own that!!!!!! thanks for commenting!
The grey train hat is absolutely my favorite hat in the series. My favorite brown hat is the Crystal Skull hat as well. Funnily enough, I know many folks favor the Raiders hat, but as I have gotten more and more into serious hat wearing, I like the Raiders hat less and less. My other favorite would be the Venice Pier hat from LC.
I went with the SoC hat. Esprcially the shot where he runs up directly to the camera to shoot at the truck. To me, that particular hat really looks like it has lived into any and all the adventures Indy has ever been on and that extent.
The hat that first caught my eye was the idol switch hat in the peruvian temple. I think it is the first real lite up view of the hat we get where we can see the famous "swoop" really coming into play. Right away I just felt there was something very different about this charactors costume than I had ever seen before!
I still love the SOC from Raiders and, even watching it for the very first time, could not figure out why it did not continue the rest of the film looking like this, but had to slow down and remember that movies are not shot in sequence, however a good (REALLY GOOD) continuity director would have established this to be true. Now, that being said. I have to say, that personally 'The CS' hat is my very favorite of all -- both -- adventure hat and train! I know they are different, but they are the best two of the bunch. I used to be a super 'Crusade' fan and still am to a degree -- but the hats from the last film made up for the lack of the film, iteslf. But, even with that said -- it was an 'Indy' film and you gotta love it -- warts and all ! Love the CS hats! W>
I voted for Crystal Skull because I think it's the most wearable in multiple situations. I wear mine camping as well as to church with a suit. The SOC has a great look, but it's on the edge of looking worn out, which is great for the scene, but not so much for a more sophisticated look.
Next I would have to go with one of the gray fedoras, but I haven't decided which. Eventually I will get one for wearing with suits.
1. Raiders (General) - There's just something undeniably "right" about this hat's bock, shape, and dimensions (at least for me). I prefer it in it's neatest state for my own personal wearing, and it looks great in the opening scene of the movie. No, not great... iconic! And even if I would never wear the SoC, I can't think of any other Indy hat that has every looked as realistically functional as that one.
2. Last Crusade - Less iconic. perhaps, but I think it's the best all-around hat in look. A bit neater, less severe, a strong basic fedora style. As a hat guy, I have to appreciate the beauty of it's simplicity.
I echo Chewbacca Jones; for me, the general Raiders look is THE Indiana Jones hat, while I think that the Last Crusade fedora looks the best all around.
My vote is for Temple bridge hat and Last Crusade, both equally dashing. The temple, with its flat, rumpled brim and weathered ribbon is just gorgeous, raw adventure embodied in felt, while the LC fedora shape is, I think, refined for a more mature hero. Witness the subtle evolution from the clean, starched Venice pier fedora with its elegantly flared sides, to the dust-caked and dented lid that shades Indy during the epic desert tank battle, and finally back to the nobly blocked, semi-flared Grail temple fedora, lightly stained with ancient dust. In my humble-yet-biased opinion, a Herbert Johnson Poet never looked so good.
I like the grey CS travel hat because Steve blocked it on 'my' block he has used for my hats for literally years.
He has even referred to it as the 'Michaelson' block on many occasions.
I had to vote for 'Raiders in general' because any fedora I wear inevitably winds up with a nice tight pinch. Some of my hats are turned and some aren't. Some are very worn looking, and some aren't. But they all have tight pinches, straight sides and swoopy brims to one degree or another. As my hats evolve, the image of a Raiders hat is always in my mind.
Hi, new here to the forum. I put my vote in for the Streets of Cairo look, because I quite like the distressed look of the hat, makes it look, edgy and rugged. The dust, I feel, really adds to the character of Indy.
I have a related question: Is there any way to get that "reverse taper/mushroom" look on my DM Akubra Adventurer as shown during this scene? Or at least more vertical? Any advice would be great.
My vote went to Streets of Cairo and Crystal Skull....The SOC look really IS the hat of an adventurer..And that hit SO well in Raiders..
The Crystal Skull hat is in my opinion, the best of all the films before it...Combined in a better product, better craftsmanship, and nicer made hat....Steve and Marc got it perfect on that on all accounts, and it's a lovely hat...Plus it's something I could see any "real" Indiana Jones actually using....The beaver is the only choice for what he does with it....
Those two..With the third choice going to Last Crusade if I had one, since the change to "flair" worked well too..Looked very cool...
Michaelson wrote:I like the grey CS travel hat because Steve blocked it on 'my' block he has used for my hats for literally years.
He has even referred to it as the 'Michaelson' block on many occasions.
I like the Raiders style (in general).
Also, the SOC fedora.
That's pretty sweet about the Michaelson block.
Maybe one day I can I have my own block...
The Scotty block.... nah.
The SoC fedora is the most representative of the character himself. Guts and blood, bruised and beaten dragged around like a dog...the guy that gets knocked down and gets back up again, with the same stubborn sticktuitiveness and dogged determination that has seen him through many an adventure. You call this archaeology, Jr? No, I call it Indy Jones.
Last Crusade has the best looking hat. Even if I try a Raiders bash on a new hat, I'll usually get to the point where it looks like the LC hat, and I'm just so happy with the way it looks that I give up on the Raiders bash. For my, it's not about how well loved the hat looks (save that for the jacket) - it's about the lines. You need good attractive curves in all the right places, like a woman or a sports car and that's what Last Crusade has.
Raiders (in general) has the most character. You could take any one of the hats from Raiders out of the film, but it's so iconic, it'd clearly be recognizable as Indiana Jones.
General Raiders and LC for me too. I love the Raiders hat, but like was said before the LC seemed like a real 30's style fedora. Very classy with a suit, yet at home with the gear...