Indy's brother wrote:You simply MUST post more pics once you get it! Preferably at a range in full gear, also with video!!!

Pics will be posted. At a range in full gear is a problem as my gear is in storage in L.A. and we have no shooting ranges here in Hawaii on the Island I am on. However, I may be able to let off a few rounds in my backyard since I live on 5+ acres. Plus to be screen accurate going to the range dressed and looking like Chen below would be a little strange!
Michaelson wrote:They're out there, though the older models are sure pricey!" onclick=";return false;
Regard! Michaelson
Yes I almost purchased that exact gun from Adams Guns. I emailed him a few weeks ago to ask if he would come down on the price. He didn't reply. I finally called him last week and he said it just had been sold that morning. Strange that it's now been over a week and the listing is still up.
The gentleman I purchased this from had put up a thread about the Webley over a year ago on one of the gun forums. About a month ago I found his thread, contacted him, asked what he had paid for it, and mentioned if he ever wanted to sell it to let me know. A few days ago he contacted me and asked me to make him an offer which I did. He drove a hard bargain and I ended up buying it from him for $300 more than he had paid for it (he had bought it from a friend at a real good price). So he made a good profit. But I still got it for 3/4 of the price of the Adams gun and as you can see it is in far better shape. Plus the Holster itself is probably worth at least $100. It's not an antique so I still have to do the FFL transfer but that's OK as it is probably closer the same age as Curator Ricks screen used Webley. I need to ask Rick if he knows when his was made.
Once my FFL gets it I'll get some more pics and post them. My Wuhan S&W Revolver and my Luger are now in my possesion and the Mauser "Broomhandle" will be released tomorrow. I'm keeping an eye out for an Inglis eventhough I do have a more recent made FN Hi-Power. I've caught the "bug" regarding these vintage handguns plus the Inglis would be more accurate to have for Indy's Hi-Power. I'll keep the FN as a representative of Mac's Hi-Power in KOTCS. It's too bad that the other half of my Indy handgun collection is sitting in storage in L.A., but I will make a photo collage to bring them all together and will post it here. I may have the chance to get back to L.A. this July so then I will be able to bring them back here to Hawaii.
Thanks again for all the kind words. I'll get more pics and keep you posted when it gets here!