My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by mikeg »

Just ordered my Garrison. 5 - 6 weeks wait time. That is going to feel like forever!

I have been looking for a Raiders style hat for some time and having a hard time deciding. When I say a picture of David's hat- I was done. It really looked great and I knew I wanted one!

Now I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!

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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

One step closer, David asked for my size info yesterday and I've been corresponding with him today making sure I measured right. He also asked if I wanted the Raiders turn. I really hadn't decided until today lol. But I decided to go for it. After all it is a Raiders hat!

My 39th birthday is April 2nd and while by the lead time it probably won't be done by then it shouldn't be too long after hehe.

So excited!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by youngjedi71 »

Looks like a nice sa hat to me..appears the brim is larger than normal?
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Just got an e-mail last night that my Garrison Raider is shipping out this week. Very excited I'll post pics when it arrives!

- bish
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

:) :tup:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by david_h »

Been enjoying mine a lot!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

david_h wrote:Been enjoying mine a lot!
Great picture!! :TOH: Oooh I can't wait hehe.

So for those of you with Garrison hats any specific care tips for a first time fur felt hat owner? Is it a good idea to waterproof it or does he do that to the hat already?

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Another great looking Garrison!! You wear it well.

Only David can answer what he does to waterproof the hats before they leave his shop. Steve Delk swears by regular Scotchgard as an 'over the counter' waterproofer/stain resister.

For me, I brush mine every week or so depending on wear. Some of my hats are in heavier rotation than others and pick up more dust/hairs/etc. I keep my hats in hat boxes so when they are not being worn they don't accumulate too much by way of dust. Hat brushes are readily available and, if memory serves, Bink uses a shoe shine brush (though one that's never been used to actually shine shoes ;) ).

To brush your hat:

Pop out the bash.
Brush the top front to back.
Work you way around the side of the crown counter clockwise.
Brush the top side of the brim counter clockwise.
Brush the bottom side of the brim clockwise.

The directions (counter or clockwise) are due to the way the fur is felted and brushing in these directions will help tighten the felt.


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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I've said it before and I'll say it again - I love new hat smell! :D

Got my newest Garrison hat today. Even better because I wasn't expecting it to arrive until later in the week. \:D/

As with my other awesome Garrison hat, this one is not an Indy. 8) David and I have been cooking this one up for a while. I need to fiddle with the front brim a bit before posting pictures, but they will be forthcoming, I promise.


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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Very cool looks like we'll have some Garrison picture goodness between the two of us. :) And thanks for the info, I keep meaning to ask David about the waterproofing but also didn't want to distract him too much hehe.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

I do waterproof the hats. However, it is a good idea to retreat the hat from time to time. Scotchgard is fine to use. PM me for a protocol. :TOH:

PS I really liked the way Indiana Jeff's latest hat turned out. It is an impressive looking hat. :tup: :tup: I have added it to me standard hat style offers.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

Well LLS am I the first person to ask for a TOD fedora? haha, i just sent you an email yesterday sorry if i'm asking for too much. Your lids look GREAT!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Yes, Aragorn658,
You are the first to ask for a Temple of Doom hat. I have not really posted about it yet, because I am in a block development stage. For the past year, I have worked on several hat endeavors and am beginnin to expand my line. I'll post in the Vendor section when I get my "ducks in a row". As a little hint, I have settled on a Raider gray travel hat. I ahve plans to revamp my website, too. Riding two horses at once is a challenge, between hat and surveying, but I've seen ot done before, so it is possible.
The TOD hat has itas own look without a doubt. I have had folks ask about it, so I felt I should look into it. Been doing alot of research. It has its own block separate from the Raiders hat. My tests seem to get the results I am after.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

You are the man!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Sammy »

Local Land Surveyor wrote:Yes, Aragorn658,
You are the first to ask for a Temple of Doom hat. I have not really posted about it yet, because I am in a block development stage. For the past year, I have worked on several hat endeavors and am beginnin to expand my line. I'll post in the Vendor section when I get my "ducks in a row". As a little hint, I have settled on a Raider gray travel hat. I ahve plans to revamp my website, too. Riding two horses at once is a challenge, between hat and surveying, but I've seen ot done before, so it is possible.
The TOD hat has itas own look without a doubt. I have had folks ask about it, so I felt I should look into it. Been doing alot of research. It has its own block separate from the Raiders hat. My tests seem to get the results I am after.
:D Pretty cool that Aragorn seems to be a sort of "maverick" in the case of ToD hat's. Don't think I've come across many threads yet where someone is adamamant about getting a SA ToD. It almost seems like the ToD is like the red-headed step child of the Indy lids. :#:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

so true sammy! haha but i think that the tod fedora suits me best of the crown height. With my toods raiders its really nice but i don't think the tall crown looks good on me, and i grew up with Temple of doom in stead of raiders so I think i have a real sweet spot for that film. Plus I don't know how it goes for others but when I think of Indiana jones the ending of temple always pops into my head i dont now why but the TOD and KOTCS are always going to be my faves!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

New Garrison Hatters Raiders Fedora

My Garrison Hatters Raiders fedora arrived today, this arrived shortly after my Crease N Corral Raiders bullwhip arrived so it was a great day. Just like the whip, I've been wanting a real Indy fedora since I was a kid and finally today is the day.

The hat is fantastic. David did a great job and being that this was my first fur felt hat it was awesome to open the box , pick up the hat feel how soft the felt was, put the hat on and have it fit perfectly. The leather sweatband is super soft and it makes the hat so comfortable. The only other hat I have is wool felt (not an Indy hat) with a cloth sweatband and it's nowhere near as comfortable as this hat.

David bashed it with the "raiders turn" as I figured if I'm going to get a Raiders fedora it might as well be distinctive.

If your looking for a well made fur felt Indy hat at a great price you can't go wrong with a Garrison!

Anyway on with the pictures. (the post about my Crease N Corral Raiders Bullwhip is here. )

Click on the images for a larger version:






- bish :TOH:
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Sammy »

That looks great!!!!!! Curious about the sweatband. Is that a A personal touch to have it pleated like that?
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Sammy wrote:That looks great!!!!!! Curious about the sweatband. Is that a A personal touch to have it pleated like that?
Thanks, the sweatband is just wavy and there is a bit extra at the back of the hat which is bunched up a bit. I can't say enough though how soft this sweatband is. It's really amazing and feels great!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Sammy »

bish wrote:
Sammy wrote:That looks great!!!!!! Curious about the sweatband. Is that a A personal touch to have it pleated like that?
Thanks, the sweatband is just wavy and there is a bit extra at the back of the hat which is bunched up a bit. I can't say enough though how soft this sweatband is. It's really amazing and feels great!

- bish
That's a unique touch. It actually looks comfy! Like when you see a pure leather sofa and you just want to sink right into it. Can't say it enough, that lid looks fantastic!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »


That Garrison looks right at home on your noggin! :)

As for an update with my latest Garrison, I'm one of David's customers that's been 'pushing' him to expand his product line. And by pushing I mean,
ME: "Hey, David, I'm thinking about X, can you do that?"
David: "Sure, I can do that."

And then he does! :D

I've had my 2nd non-Indy Garrison hat for a few weeks and the brim is almost where I want it to be to do my reveal pictures.


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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Fantastic, Bish!.
I was telling, Bish, when I sent his hat out, that the latest supply of my sweatbands are the softest I have ever felt in my life. The "bunching" is the result of the softness of the leather. while I was istalling these, they just folded away. Makes the hat a complete crushable one. They work fantastic with the softening process I do to my felts. The brims just flop in the wind. Tanis dig style. These sweats just have a unique way of holding to your head and, at the same time, feeling like you ain't got one.

Thanks for the completements folks.

Oh, and one other note. I did not "adjust" any of my hat deminsions one bit. I think they work well on anyone. Something to think about.

Another add. A suggestion to all to help enhance the Raiders look. Wear the hat lower on the back of the head. This helps the front brim effects more. If you wear the hat "level" across the head, the brim effects aren't as pronounced. Just a suggestion to wearers.

Last edited by Local Land Surveyor on Mon Apr 30, 2012 2:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by nicetrylaoche »

Wow, awesome looking hat. It really fits you well! Gosh, these hats are all stunning! How is the flex of the felt? I'm guessing this is the rabbit?

Looks fantastic :clap:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

nicetrylaoche wrote:Wow, awesome looking hat. It really fits you well! Gosh, these hats are all stunning! How is the flex of the felt? I'm guessing this is the rabbit?

Looks fantastic :clap:
All these hats have been rabbit felt. The hat flexes easily. When the wind blows, the brim gives similarly to the Tanis dig sunset scene. Note: This aides in the hat in not flying off your head. The brim won't act like a wing. My old Akubra Federation III blew off many times. :D

Dismiss the thought that this makes the hat less durable. Not so in the slightest. All these poster's are proof of it. Just ask any of the early poster's in this thread.

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

so what are the big differences in rabbit to beaver felt? I understand that beaver is more durable maybe with rain and other weather...but I don't see any vendors saying that one is preferred over the other. Because lets all be honest that the top hat vendors and garrison, penman, and AB. So whatever they say is law!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jlee562 »

Beaver is denser and generally more durable. There is also a slight difference in the feel and finish of a beaver hat. Beaver is largely considered superior because of the durability factor. All other things being equal, a beaver hat will last longer without needing a reblock.
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Sammy »

I also believe (correct me I'm wrong) beaver is more expensive to source then rabbit and/or rabbit blends.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jlee562 »

I suspect that is the case. Rabbits...shall we say, multiply easily. Beavers have to be trapped.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Kim Hoffman »

The quality most appreciated in beaver is in the nature of the hair, the individual hairs being like tiny hooks, so that the hair locks together, similar, perhaps to velcro, enhancing durability and water resistance. I'm not sure who and when this was discovered, but Stetson spoke of it on his first trip west.
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Sammy »

Kim Hoffman wrote: I'm not sure who and when this was discovered, but Stetson spoke of it on his first trip west.
Davy Crocket?? Oh wait that was 'coon skin. :)
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

So I was out most of the day today here in Michigan and it was in the 50's so I decided that it was perfect weather to try out my new hat in public.

WOW!! Let me gush again... WOW!! I like hats, I've always like hats, think more people should wear them. However I have always been a tad uncomfortable in all the hats I've owned be they baseball caps to a black wool felt fedora I wore all through college to the green wool felt hat I posted about on St Patricks day.

Wearing my new Garrison is like nothing I've ever experienced before. It's the first time I haven't felt the need to take off my hat other than when I got in the car because my roof is too low. It is amazingly comfortable, and that soft sweatband is just the bee's knees!! David is right his hats are floppy and soft in exactly the way you would want it to be. This hat just felt totally natural on my head and I loved it. The best compliment I received today was from an elderly woman at an antique mall I stopped at. She didn't say anything but I could see the look of surprise in her eyes seeing a guy in a fedora and she got a big smile across her face. It was very cool.

Anyway maybe I'm just not used to wearing a high quality handmade hat. But I'm totally sold on it.

Thanks again David!

- Bish

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Thank you, Bish. I am humbled and very happy by your words.

More ladies look than you know.
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Local Land Surveyor wrote:Thank you, Bish. I am humbled and very happy by your words.

More ladies look than you know.
Shhh, my girlfriend won't like that hehe. ;) Actually she loves this hat about as much as I do.

And your welcome, you deserve every bit of praise, you do great work. :TOH:

- bish

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by david_h »

Bish, congratulations on the new Garrison hat!

David does such a nice job on these and the hats are an absolute steal at the price. I have quite a few fedoras, both vintage and custom, and the quality of David's work compares really well with just about any of them.

I'm looking forward to seeing more non-Indy Garrisons as well as the classic Indys that we have.

Enjoy your new hat - I love my Garrison!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

I have had a lot of inquiries lately and wanted to direct folks to this post. Be sure to read to the last post. ... 7&start=50" onclick=";return false;

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

That's a great looking hat there, Bish--it suits you well! :clap:

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by nicetrylaoche »

Mitch LaRue wrote: Image
I know this reply is to an older post, but MY GOODNESS IT'S PERFECT! Awesome hat!!!!
Is it a Raven's bar bash?

I just placed an order for a Garrison and I'm trying to figure out which bash to get...
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

Has anyone hear from garrison lately? Ive sent PM and emails, hope he's alright.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by indyhan »

Aragorn658 wrote:Has anyone hear from garrison lately? Ive sent PM and emails, hope he's alright.
hey there

i emailed LLS a couple of days ago and got a fast and thorough reply (i needed info about them hats)
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Texan Scott »

Truely a quality dawg, Mitch! I really like mine as well! :TOH:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

indyhan wrote:
Aragorn658 wrote:Has anyone hear from garrison lately? Ive sent PM and emails, hope he's alright.
hey there

i emailed LLS a couple of days ago and got a fast and thorough reply (i needed info about them hats)
he's probably sick of me haha
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

nicetrylaoche wrote:Mitch,
I know this reply is to an older post, but MY GOODNESS IT'S PERFECT! Awesome hat!!!!
Is it a Raven's bar bash?
Thanks for the kind words, ntlc!

As to your question:
It's been a while, but if memory serves, I think I simply told LLS that I wanted a good, overall RAIDERS look and feel-type hat and since getting it I've just tweaked it and played with the brim and the pinch and just basically wore the thing a lot...
Frankly, I think the hat just kinda' wants to take on that shape and look!

Glad you like it!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Texan Scott »

Best Raiders Cairo hat I ever had! ;) :tup:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by nicetrylaoche »

Anyone received any Garrison's lately..?
If not, you could always repost pictures of you lids in a different pose ;)

Love to see pics of these fine hats.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Pyrodigital »

Well, it looks like I'm finally going to have enough disposable income next week to order mine after all! :D I've just been hired to score my first commercial for a major electronics company this week (I'm also a composer). Since this is writing for multimedia, I think it'll be fitting to have a good "film hat" as a reminder of my first paid job. Maybe it'll even get here in time for the fireworks shows I'm doing around the 4th. All are sort of in the desert (reminiscent of SOC, I think!), even though I'll be ordering an idol grab.

Nervous about the work (I'll have less than a day to write the music, which the director tells me is very typical), but still really looking forward to it & can't wait to order/wear the hat! \:D/

Apologies if this is way off topic, but I'm pretty excited about all this!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Aragorn658 »

Mr. Garrison how are your grey fedoras coming!?? What other fedoras are you gunna offer in the future!!!!??? \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Pyrodigital wrote:Well, it looks like I'm finally going to have enough disposable income next week to order mine after all! :D I've just been hired to score my first commercial for a major electronics company this week (I'm also a composer). Since this is writing for multimedia, I think it'll be fitting to have a good "film hat" as a reminder of my first paid job. Maybe it'll even get here in time for the fireworks shows I'm doing around the 4th. All are sort of in the desert (reminiscent of SOC, I think!), even though I'll be ordering an idol grab.

Nervous about the work (I'll have less than a day to write the music, which the director tells me is very typical), but still really looking forward to it & can't wait to order/wear the hat! \:D/

Apologies if this is way off topic, but I'm pretty excited about all this!
Congrats on the Garrison order, I love mine.

And good luck on your first composing job! I used to work in the film industry (as an editor) and for my first paid job I was given a tattoo by a friend (the only one I have) it's a permanent reminder of that first big step hehe. So I completely understand the sentiment.

Enjoy your hat when you get it!

- bish
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

OK, finally posting my latest Garrison. :oops:

As mentioned, I'm at least one of David's customers that have been working with him to expand his offerings. This is my second Bogart styled fedora from him. Looking to ever expand my color pallet I wanted a black hat. David and I communicated extensively over this hat since (for me) it's very easy for black hats to run into 'gangster wannabe/caricature/costumy' territory. I also wanted to avoid 60s era stingy styling. When the hat arrived I knew I got the hat I wanted that avoided both concerns.

The dimensions were right on, slightly smaller than an Indy, but not stingy. The pouncing is a bit longer than the finish on the moss colored fedora I have from David and reminds me very much of the pouncing on my AB Sahara 'Michaelson' fedora, which is to say I like it a lot.

However, honestly when first popped the hat on my head I wasn't convinced it was right for me. :? I love the look of the hat on it's own and the quality is top shelf, but there was something about the look that just seemed off on my noggin. As is my custom, I wear a new hat daily for the first 30 days to break it in to being my hat. There was something about the brim that just wasn't working for me. I've played with it quite a bit and I'm happy with the direction in which I'm headed. I've also taken to wearing it at just a bit of an angle that seems to add a bit of necessary flair to get the look I want.

Sadly not the best quality pictures, but I had fading light conditions and a 7 year old working as my photographer.


As with my moss fed, I love the ribbon and bow work.

Back/top of the fed as worn by the 7 year old Boy Photographer.

Thank you, David, for your attention to detail and working with me to design this hat. :clap: :TOH:


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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

You are very welcome, Jeff.
I really liked the look of this hat. The black felt was super to work with. I wasn't sure how it would look after working on so many brown colors. I loved the look of the hat in person. Glad you are pleased. Thanks for posting pics. You do it justice.
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My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by bish »

Great looking hat there. And outstanding photos especially for a 7 year old!

I really like the wide ribbon on it. Once again great job David!

- bish

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