So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

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So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by ReturningSon »

This has probably been covered but I have been away for some time. Has Riley "officially" closed Tony Nowak productions or is he still filling orders? Just curious. I've read so many conflicting reports on the shop being closed but orders still be placed and filed, etc...any info would be appreciated!
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by jnicktem »

Riley hasn't taken any orders in quite some time... mainly to focus on larger orders (such as the Arnold Classic... which is where Riley is now).
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by ReturningSon »

Thanks for the info. Does anyone know if he plans to resume orders or if he is done for good?
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I'd think it's fairly safe to assume that Nowak and Co. won't be returning to the individual Indy jacket business. At least not anytime soon. And even if so, I'm not so sure that's a loss at this point. But that's just my personal experience talking.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Tibor »

One of the things I really liked about the Nowak company was the different kinds of leather he had. He was always tracking down something new and interesting. Kinda glad to see that Wested has sort of picked up there and started offering quite a variety of interesting hides. Still, a shame though. They were the only folks who would make an entirely custom jacket from a photo. (I'm thinking of the "Dance of the Giants" novel jacket one of the members here had made)
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Tibor wrote:They were the only folks who would make an entirely custom jacket from a photo. (I'm thinking of the "Dance of the Giants" novel jacket one of the members here had made)
That would be me. :TOH:

However, Nowak isn't/wasn't the only designer to offer this service, and they don't necessarily even have the distinction of being the only one in the Indy community alone to offer this as well. I remember being charged a premium for a new pattern with that jacket, and it would have cost the same had I brought it to another high-end vendor (i.e. JaL), or even our very own Indy Magnoli.

Not that I regret it, but I just thought I'd clarify.

However, what I did think Tony brought to the table was customer service, and more importantly to us, unquestionably direct lineage to an Indy jacket. He was, above all else though, a master showman.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Tibor »

Ah, that was you. Good points, Castor
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by ReturningSon »

Tibor wrote:One of the things I really liked about the Nowak company was the different kinds of leather he had. He was always tracking down something new and interesting. Kinda glad to see that Wested has sort of picked up there and started offering quite a variety of interesting hides. Still, a shame though. They were the only folks who would make an entirely custom jacket from a photo. (I'm thinking of the "Dance of the Giants" novel jacket one of the members here had made)
the "Struzan" i think it was called...and yes, it was a really cool jacket ;)
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by CM »

ReturningSon wrote:
Tibor wrote: They were the only folks who would make an entirely custom jacket from a photo. (I'm thinking of the "Dance of the Giants" novel jacket one of the members here had made)
the "Struzan" i think it was called...and yes, it was a really cool jacket ;)
Indy Magnoli will make anything you want from a photo too.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Rob »

Tibor wrote:Kinda glad to see that Wested has sort of picked up there and started offering quite a variety of interesting hides.
Wested have always done an interesting line in hides. They have also always offered to make jackets from images.

I have emails between myself and Peter going back, gosh, five or six years about doing a Red Baron WWI jacket from a photo, for example.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by ReturningSon »

Ok, Nowak Originals done? I've sent Riley emails to both of his addresses. Tried calling the phone number (some british sounding guy always wants me to leave a message) and nothing. The arnold classic is over. I wonder if Nowak Originals are just going to quietly step into the shadows? :|
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by CRB »

It is a shame. Having just received my TNO Raiders jacket from a member on here, I can now fully appreciate what a loss this is. I had a TNO CS before but it wasn't for me, so it got sold, but this Raiders I now have is the equivalent to the Holy Grail. It's a jacket I never thought I'd find - a Raiders jacket that looks and behaves like what I see on film and the fit is so utterly comfortable, that I still am finding it hard to acknowledge my search is finally over. When I rank this up in my collection of about 20 jackets, this is right near the top somewhere. And that list includes 10 Belstaffs.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by BendingOak »

Riley did state not to long ago that the biz was shutting down at least for the personal custom orders. That time has come and gone.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by thePawn »

:/ That *****. I was looking for a Nowak Raiders jacket.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Kevin Anderson »

There's always the second-hand option. Various Nowak Indy jackets pop up here on COW and Ebay all the time.
I sold mine, but I wish I kept at least one.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by sithspawn »

I've heard from a source that the business is alive and well. They have NOT shut down. They are focusing on large orders like the Arnold Classic and Riley just got done with his first film job. Like others have said before custom jackets are simply on hold for the time being. They are focusing on building the business up after Tony's death.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Michaelson »

Sooo, you're saying Riley's post of September 17, 2010 is no longer true? :-s
Hey guys (and gals?),

Sorry to post this, but Tony Nowak Originals is scheduled to close its doors forever........
Maria (Tony's widow) and I have had numerous long discussions, and we can not see a viable future in leather.
SO this is a last call for jackets, please DON'T hesitate to contact me using NOWAKPADAWAN@AOL.COM to get the ball rolling.


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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by sithspawn »

Michaelson wrote:Sooo, you're saying Riley's post of September 17, 2010 is no longer true? :-s
Hey guys (and gals?),

Sorry to post this, but Tony Nowak Originals is scheduled to close its doors forever........
Maria (Tony's widow) and I have had numerous long discussions, and we can not see a viable future in leather.
SO this is a last call for jackets, please DON'T hesitate to contact me using NOWAKPADAWAN@AOL.COM to get the ball rolling.



Regards! Michaelson

As far as I know yes. I'm just repeating what I heard.
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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Nowakpadawan »

Hey all,

This is what is going on with Tony Nowak:
We are currently in the process of selling the building in which the factory is located, our website is under construction, and a NEW email address is to follow soon. Our factory will be reopening in a new smaller location, and I hope to relaunch the Indy sales, as far as I know we have never intentionally duplicated numbers, and I am sorry that it became an issue. I do have all 4 original registry books with all the numbers used and names associated with them. Only open numbers are available.

I will try to keep everyone posted as to the future of Tony Nowak, but in the meantime, we are planning a warehouse sale, selling off any jackets that are in the factory, and I will be adding some jackets to ebay, so keep checking there as well.


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Re: So, whats the final word on Nowak and Riley?

Post by Michaelson »

Thanks, Riley. :TOH:

Well, there's the answer.

Riley, since you're a vendor, I suggest you make this announcement in the vendors section now.

Regard! Michaelson