What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Michaelson »

Yeah, and when you DO call him, he's always out :-s , uh :[ , doing other things 8-[] .....at least that's been MY recent experience with the guy. :-


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

bish wrote:
BendingOak wrote: -When not wearing store them in a good hat box. One that moths cant eat their way in or slip into.
Any recommendations of a good moth resistant hat box?
Unless I'm mistaken, and would appreciate the correction if I am, John does not sell his hat boxes unless you buy a hat. However, Sarah's Hat Boxes is where he gets them made and they are top of the line in terms of hat boxes. I have 6 from them, and a 7th on the way, in different colors for my hats. A tip when looking at their website, check under the "round boxes" as well as "hat boxes". There are more choices in the round boxes if, like me, you want something different for each hat. The round boxes don't come with the cord handle the hat boxes do, but since mine are sitting on shelves and I don't ever carry the hat boxes by the cord anyway, it was a great way for me to expand my box variety.

I pop a hat stand from Todd's inside each box along with a cedar block and I'm good to go.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Jeff you are wrong. I do sell my boxes. You do not need cedar or a hat stand for the boxes.

This is number one reason is to go straight to the vendor or company because most people information is wrong.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Thanks for clearing that up, John.

The hat boxes I buy direct from Sarah's Hat Box retail at $34, but don't have inserts. I suppose there would be an added cost to include an insert, but haven't asked. As John mentioned, best to contact Sarah's Hat Box directly so they can give you the most accurate information.

Even is there was an insert, I prefer using a hat stand available from Todd's since I don't like the idea of pressure being placed on the brim when it's inverted in the box resting on the insert. To me it makes more sense to have the hat resting on a stand where the sweatband is the point of contact. That would be most similar to when the hat is on my head and best preserves the shape of the hat.

I have found the xxxl box size is perfect for Indy-sized fedoras. Sarah's Hat Boxes has AB logo boxes listed on their site and the xxxl size is the same dimensions.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Again Jeff please get you facts straight before posting. Best to contact me. The insert is made to be used both ways (flipped over so to have the brim float in the air) and cost less then a plastic hat stand. The hat stand will move around in the box as the insert is mad for the hat box.

cedar doesn't work unless its fresh meaning wet. Moth balls are not needed as my hat boxes are mad so the moths can't eat the material the boxes are made of. IE: acid free chip board finished with a few different types of fabrics.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Far as I can tell my facts are straight. I wasn't talking about Penman boxes or inserts, I was talking about the boxes I bought direct from Sarah's Hat Boxes and how I choose to use them.

Good to know about the cedar needing to be fresh though. :TOH:

Actually this reminds me of an interesting bit with me putting cedar in my hat boxes. When I got my first couple of boxes from Sarah's, my Bride was really impressed with the construction, quality, colors and fabrics. Much more so than I would have expected. She then asked, "So are you going to put cedar in the box with your hats?" I was surprised by her question because that had been my plan. I asked her why she would ask that specific of a question. She answered, "Because my grandma always had cedar chips in her hat boxes." I had gotten the idea to do so because my grandma had done the exact same thing. :) So, even if the cedar blocks aren't effective and ultimately unnecessary because of the acid-free chip board Sarah's uses, I do get to be reminded of our grandmas each time I reach in to grab a hat.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Not really. They are miss leading and in the long run will cost people more money and won't work as well. The cedar has to have a strong smell and wet. Thats how fresh they must be. Moth balls work better but aren't needed at all. A waste of money.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by youngjedi71 »

all i can say is ...you people must have some serious issues with moths? do moths really eat your clothes and hats? ive never seen such a thing. pretty much thought it was an old fairytail? lol..and also why do people have closets made from cedar if it has to be wet and fresh to work? whats the use? I mean it drys out pretty fast from my experience.I say get a box, make your own hat rest in it and dont sweat it..but thats just me.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

People believe in all kinda of things that aren't true.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

:rolling: youngjedi71, you bring up a good point. The irony is in the four years I've been living in the desert I've seen 2-3 moths. They aren't common here, but like I said, it's more of a nod to the memory of my grandmother.

Having said that, there have been members here who have shown moth damage to their hats so it has happened.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I checked with Sarah's Hat Boxes about inserts and here's the scoop.
Jeff; Thank you for your inquiry. It is an additional $6.00 for an insert. You will have to place the order by phone at the number below as it is not available on the web- site.
Sarah's Hat Boxes
141 Forest Road
Hancock New Hampshire 03449
http://www.sarahshatboxes.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Still a good price, $34 for the box and $6 for the insert, plus shipping.

According to Todd's Costumes site http://www.toddscostumes.com/costumes/m ... uctReviews the stands I use in my hat boxes are $4.95, plus shipping.

Any way you slice it, great products to use to preserve your hats.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Thank you for posting information about my supplier.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

"Do I detect a rebuke?" :-k

I would not know about Sarah's Hat Boxes if not for this thread you started. viewtopic.php?f=24&t=45132&hilit=sarah" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I, for one, am grateful. They have great costumer service and make an top shelf product.


Indiana Jeff
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Try not to read into anything. Again not right on the spot with your information. Steve Delk outed my supplier. After it was out in the world I then decided to post that.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Fair enough. I edited my post to indicate I learned about Sarah's Hat Box from your post. I didn't know Steve had already shared that information.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Fair enough. I edited my post to indicate I learned about Sarah's Hat Box from your post. I didn't know Steve had already shared that information.


Indiana Jeff

I think it might be a good idea for you to re-read this thread. I think you are missing my point.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Apparently I am, feel free to PM me to help me understand.


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by youngjedi71 »

BendingOak wrote:
Indiana Jeff wrote:Fair enough. I edited my post to indicate I learned about Sarah's Hat Box from your post. I didn't know Steve had already shared that information.


Indiana Jeff

I think it might be a good idea for you to re-read this thread. I think you are missing my point.
I know im over stepping my boundaries with some here for making this comment..AND I dont mean it rude or anything at all to you John Penman...BUT it seems you are quite "forward" with people? And by "forward",I mean slightly hateful? Sure someone may get some facts a tad off, but man,you seem to jump on people quick. I know your profession is hatmaking and all, but no need in being so defensive all the time..lol..AND again, i mean no hate in my comment at all, just an observation from an outsider.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Dalexs »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Apparently I am, feel free to PM me to help me understand.


Indiana Jeff
Don't worry about him Jeff, John is just being his sweet lovable self...

He probably means this thread
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=41471" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Followed by this thread
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=42362" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Then followed by his thread (you mentioned above...)

Johns just a sticker for details...

And for what its worth, if you google hat boxes, Sarahs is the first result that is not a sponsored site.
Nice work folks!
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

youngjedi71 wrote:
BendingOak wrote:
Indiana Jeff wrote:Fair enough. I edited my post to indicate I learned about Sarah's Hat Box from your post. I didn't know Steve had already shared that information.


Indiana Jeff

I think it might be a good idea for you to re-read this thread. I think you are missing my point.
I know im over stepping my boundaries with some here for making this comment..AND I dont mean it rude or anything at all to you John Penman...BUT it seems you are quite "forward" with people? And by "forward",I mean slightly hateful? Sure someone may get some facts a tad off, but man,you seem to jump on people quick. I know your profession is hatmaking and all, but no need in being so defensive all the time..lol..AND again, i mean no hate in my comment at all, just an observation from an outsider.

How was I hatful??? Blunt yes, hateful no. Heck Im from NYC we are blunt and to the point. Would you rather me keep my mouth shut and let me people be miss guided by wrong information??
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by youngjedi71 »

BendingOak wrote:
youngjedi71 wrote:
BendingOak wrote:
Indiana Jeff wrote:Fair enough. I edited my post to indicate I learned about Sarah's Hat Box from your post. I didn't know Steve had already shared that information.


Indiana Jeff

I think it might be a good idea for you to re-read this thread. I think you are missing my point.
I know im over stepping my boundaries with some here for making this comment..AND I dont mean it rude or anything at all to you John Penman...BUT it seems you are quite "forward" with people? And by "forward",I mean slightly hateful? Sure someone may get some facts a tad off, but man,you seem to jump on people quick. I know your profession is hatmaking and all, but no need in being so defensive all the time..lol..AND again, i mean no hate in my comment at all, just an observation from an outsider.

How was I hatful??? Blunt yes, hateful no. Heck Im from NYC we are blunt and to the point. Would you rather me keep my mouth shut and let me people be miss guided by wrong information??
Ok i agree..I think I meant blunt..:) and im from the south where we tend to speak a little easier and with more patience..and no we dont want wrong information at all, just came off a little harsh I guess to me..im an easy going guy though. :H:
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

I know to most people here, its a hobby but im not a hobby hat maker. This is how I make a living.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by bish »

BendingOak wrote:I know to most people here, its a hobby but im not a hobby hat maker. This is how I make a living.
I am glad someone finally said something about your attitude in this thread, I've been reading these posts since I asked about hat boxes and Indiana Jeff has attempted to be helpful and friendly. He even asked for correction and was apologetic if he was wrong. However your posts Mr Penman have been arrogant and rude toward him and anyone else that has pointed that out to you. I like this forum for the info and for the friendly people. There is no need to talk to anyone the way you have wether you're from NY or not.

As a business owner I'd think you would care about how your potential customers perceive you wether they are hobbyists buying an Indy Hat or anyone else. I was going to order a hatbox from you because I do believe in supporting the people and artisans in this community that do such amazing work, I also liked your logo and I thought that was worth the premium price I was going to have to pay. However you've changed my mind for me. I won't support someone that comes off as snide, mean spirited and unapologetic even when confronted by multiple people. I don't care how great your hats are, if you're not someone I can respect as a person than I don't want to own your products.

I know that probably won't matter to you because I'm sure you have many people que'd to get one of your hats. But I will not be one of them.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Aragorn658 »

bish wrote:
BendingOak wrote:I know to most people here, its a hobby but im not a hobby hat maker. This is how I make a living.
I am glad someone finally said something about your attitude in this thread, I've been reading these posts since I asked about hat boxes and Indiana Jeff has attempted to be helpful and friendly. He even asked for correction and was apologetic if he was wrong. However your posts Mr Penman have been arrogant and rude toward him and anyone else that has pointed that out to you. I like this forum for the info and for the friendly people. There is no need to talk to anyone the way you have wether you're from NY or not.

As a business owner I'd think you would care about how your potential customers perceive you wether they are hobbyists buying an Indy Hat or anyone else. I was going to order a hatbox from you because I do believe in supporting the people and artisans in this community that do such amazing work, I also liked your logo and I thought that was worth the premium price I was going to have to pay. However you've changed my mind for me. I won't support someone that comes off as snide, mean spirited and unapologetic even when confronted by multiple people. I don't care how great your hats are, if you're not someone I can respect as a person than I don't want to own your products.

I know that probably won't matter to you because I'm sure you have many people que'd to get one of your hats. But I will not be one of them.

I have to agree with Mr. Penman as a person who is ALSO from New York, its just cutting through the @#$%. I recently had a fedora problem and instead of trading emails for days and days he just gave me his number and I talked to him while he was running errands and it wasn't a problem and that was his personal time. That's service, and being such a novice with fedoras and a product that wasn't even his didn't bother him or stop him from helping me. He was patient and gave great advice and told never to hesitant to call. I can't wait to get a product from him. Show some respect.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by bish »

Aragorn658 wrote:Show some respect.
Respect is earned and a two way street. I saw very little respect for Indiana Jeff in Mr. Penmans responses. Everyone has a choice in how they treat other people and just because you live in a certain part of the country does not give you license to treat people poorly. I've lived all over the US from one coast to the other, north and south, including New York City but I don't use that as an excuse to not be nice.
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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by BendingOak »

All I did was correct him on his information. I didn't sugar coat it. I was direct.

Respect is a two way street. I wasn't shown any respect first so why should I show it.

You want to know what kind of man I am. Hear my tone? Hear my intent? Pick up the phone..... 971-246-1832

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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

OK, I was going to leave this thread alone given the conversation has moved far away from caring for hats, but...

Thanks all for the kind words and support. :TOH: As Dalexs pointed out this is just 'John being John' and I don't need a hug to feel better. :lol:

I still don't know how I was being disrespectful, but I'm done posting in this thread about it. John, we can take the conversation to PMs if you'd like.

In any case, the one thing we can all agree on is Sarah's Hat Boxes are a great product. :clap:


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Re: What's the best way to CARE for your fedora? :-)

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Indiana Jeff wrote:
In any case, the one thing we can all agree on is Sarah's Hat Boxes are a great product. :clap:


Indiana Jeff

Amen :TOH:

And since this thread has run its course and it looks like some cant play nice I'm gonna lock her down.
