Most authentic shirt

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Most authentic shirt

Post by indyexpat »

Texan Scott started a thread on the favourite Jacket. I'm interested to find the favourite and potentially the most authentic shirt. I love the Todd shirts for cut but really think the colour is wrong (easily fixed in a light bleach wash). It's quite peachy and many Indy photos are quite stone/washed.



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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by lantzn »

When it comes to color I really like my WPG.
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by irishjones »

I've got an AB shirt which I think is fantastic looking. More than happy with it. But I have also been eyeing up a WPG shirt too. ;)
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by j2m »

lantzn wrote:When it comes to color I really like my WPG.
I'll second that :H:
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by fifthchamber »


Pretty much every version he's made so far has been absolutely stunning....If you can't get an NH shirt, get an Azuma....His shirts are stunningly accurate..

Failing that, I'd have Magnoli in second place, and Magnoli's shirts are incredibly well made and tailored to you, which goes a long way as well...

Regards.. :TOH:
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by Texan Scott »

Other than the screen, would be MBA/NH, but extremely difficult to come by but not impossible. One will surface every once and while in the bazaar.
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Re: Most authentic shirt


Personally, my MBA Raiders and MBA Temple of Doom shirts. I also own three Wested Shirts, But think the MBA shirts are the best.Along with the MBA Raiders Trousers.

I remember several years ago there was an ongoing debate regarding the accuracy of the MBA shirts!!LOL!
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by indyexpat »

HANSOLOJONES wrote:Personally, my MBA Raiders and MBA Temple of Doom shirts. I also own three Wested Shirts, But think the MBA shirts are the best.Along with the MBA Raiders Trousers.

I remember several years ago there was an ongoing debate regarding the accuracy of the MBA shirts!!LOL!
Thanks for the comments. MBA seems key. Do you have a link please? Azuma.. is that a shirt.. link?
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Re: Most authentic shirt


indyexpat wrote:
HANSOLOJONES wrote:Personally, my MBA Raiders and MBA Temple of Doom shirts. I also own three Wested Shirts, But think the MBA shirts are the best.Along with the MBA Raiders Trousers.

I remember several years ago there was an ongoing debate regarding the accuracy of the MBA shirts!!LOL!
Thanks for the comments. MBA seems key. Do you have a link please? Azuma.. is that a shirt.. link?
A link? You mean a Link to MBA?

I could be wrong but I don't believe they do it anymore after Noel Howard(Who I delt with)Passed away.

Or do you want me to post pics of my shirts and trousers?
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by indyexpat »

indyexpat wrote:
HANSOLOJONES wrote:Personally, my MBA Raiders and MBA Temple of Doom shirts. I also own three Wested Shirts, But think the MBA shirts are the best.Along with the MBA Raiders Trousers.

I remember several years ago there was an ongoing debate regarding the accuracy of the MBA shirts!!LOL!
Thanks for the comments. MBA seems key. Do you have a link please? Azuma.. is that a shirt.. link?
A link? You mean a Link to MBA?

I could be wrong but I don't believe they do it anymore after Noel Howard(Who I delt with)Passed away.

Or do you want me to post pics of my shirts and trousers?
No, I want you to sell them to me ;-) Actually I just made a separate distinction on the favorite jacket thread, noting that favorite doesn't denote available. I'd love to see the MBA, though if I can't but it, I shall be looking for another variation until I'm happy with cut and most of all color.
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by Kt Templar »

Noel Howard.

Most of the others are too darn thick.

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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by ravencrow »

i really love the WPG shirt it is the right color and that has been my issue when buying. i have a wested and todds... todds being quite comfortable but not the right color in my eyes..wpg though takes the cake but it can chafe the nipples sometimes..
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I'm partial to the Magnoli shirt I picked up second hand.



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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by ReturningSon »

color looks dead on for a CS shirt. The raiders hand a hint of tan/creme/beige mixed in i think. The details look great though!
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by Adirondack Jones »

hate to be the one that brings this up...... 'most authentic shirt' is kinda like looking for the 'most authentic jacket.' it's kind of in the eye of the beholder....
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by fifthchamber »

Yeah....We all know that....

But have ya seen the amount of threads over on the jacket side of things asking about which is the "most right"?

I'd say it's a major part of being an Indy gear fan....Everyone has personal opinions so we throw them out there, sound them off others and come away with a clearer mind after the debate...I think that's a major reason why it's always best to listen here more than chat...Although eventually you get pulled into that too...

Hehe...No way out...We all LOVE the fact that the colours and clothes change..Without them, there'd be no :Dietrich:

I think Magnoli has the Raiders colour down rather well....Stone with touches of colour in different lights....Look at the first photo of Ford sitting down on Raiders at the top of the thread and I can see that being the same as Jeff's shirt above... :-k

I personally believe the Crystal Skull shirt to be a little more tan/sand than the Raiders...But like you say, it's all what we see....And we all have different eyes and TV's.... :)

Still, good fun throwing it off the cliff once in a while eh? ;)

Regards.. :TOH:
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by RayROnline »

fifthchamber wrote:Azuma...

Pretty much every version he's made so far has been absolutely stunning....If you can't get an NH shirt, get an Azuma....His shirts are stunningly accurate..

Failing that, I'd have Magnoli in second place, and Magnoli's shirts are incredibly well made and tailored to you, which goes a long way as well...

Regards.. :TOH:
I recently got a like new Magnoli shirt. It is the best material of all that I have owned...AB, Todds, Magnoli. I have a lot of high-end shirts so I have a pretty good feel and eye for quality. IMO the Magnoli is the best made and more like a fine shirt. (I'm not referring to accuracy of screen detail here) I have not had the pleasure of a NH or Azuma. Infact I don't even know how to contact anyone about Azuma. I would appreciate any input you can share on that!
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Re: Most authentic shirt

Post by fifthchamber »

Azuma has a thread up here;

viewtopic.php?f=16&t=50856&hilit=Azuma&start=100" onclick=";return false;

That's the link for getting on his list....I think he may have started production already, but there's often several extra made up so there's a fair chance his list will still be open for business....

My Magnoli is a lovely shirt....I'd agree with you absolutely that it is a wonderful product and the fabric is perfect for a dress shirt...

But of the two, the Azuma feels far more comfortable for me to wear...If his new Raiders design is the same as the LC I already own, I'll be more than happy with the new shirt I suspect...

I'd say I'm the same as you, since I have to wear dress shirts everyday for work here I've had a lot of experience with nice ones and decent ones and lower quality ones...And my Magnoli is up there at the top...The Azuma too...Both are the best shirts I own (Indy or otherwise..)..

Design wise the Magnoli is perfect....As is the Azuma...Which is why I'd put either of them at the top of any list about the "most authentic" Indy shirts out there...

Regards.. :TOH:
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