Michaelson wrote:Not really. It's just another vendor selling jackets that's being talked about here, and one who's been a member here for years....LONG before he started filmjackets.com.
Hahaha. I have been a member here since Jul Sat 06, 2002 7:09 am according to my profile. I would have sworn it was longer. But after nearly 10 years here, I am considered "just another vendor?" God, what does it take?!?

Just kidding, as you know I do not advertise our stuff here. I want to keep business and pleasure separate and a vendor status or attempt to peddle our wares here would ruin that plan.
Hollowpond wrote:Yeah, CRB...not sure what you're driving at there. There's no competition here and I'm pretty sure Rick would agree.
I do not look at Indygear as a competition but as an important
resource. I have sent many, many people here who are looking for the ultimate Indy jacket. I can never touch what this place has achieved. More on that below though. I think I know what CRB is saying as I seem to remember a time when seemingly random threads would get canned because they did not properly establish a connection to Indiana Jones. I had at least one removed, but I think I got away with posting a few other jackets here just by throwing a fedora on. Shhh! Don't tell! LOL.
Now it is Indy-related! Seriously though, it is the evolution of any site to grow, change and become better and Indygear has always done just that. No need to change that.
_ wrote:Btw: Ricks been working on IJ iterations specifically.
Hey Todd, what's up?! You know this already, but for general knowledge and for what it is worth, we do not try to build screen-accurate versions of any Indiana Jones jackets. I believe in the K.I.S.S. philosophy and there are vendors in our price range that will offer customizations. To me, each customization is an opportunity – but also an opportunity for errors. As a business, we are too young to take this on and we are not trying to take business from those who do this. If you miss one detail on the laundry list, you get on another kind of list - and you know which list I mean. We are only offering our interpretation of the general look for this jacket. Because, as Michaelson pointed out, I was here LONG before FILMJACKETS.COM was started, I know that 100% screen accuracy for this particular jacket (or group of jackets) will never be attainable.
Besides I have other jackets to worry about. You guys have the Indy jackets pretty much covered