But seriously, this is my first pair of stockwhips (though for a year I was caretaker of a pair of PH whips made by Lauren Wickline, which are a type of stockwhip, but that's another story!).
These whips from Joe are beautifully crafted, as anyone familiar with Joe's work would expect. I ordered them 12x8 plait (the handle is 12 plait, and the thong is 8 plait). I was going to order them 12x12, but Joe said that as the length of the whips was only 4', I wouldn't even notice the difference, and he was right. Since a four foot thong is pretty short, dropping strands from 12 to 6 didn't make sense, and doing them as 8 plait saved me $30 a whip! So thank you, Joe, for the good advice.
As for the design, the handles are half-plait. Joe recommends these for anyone trying to develop quick routines. To quote his site:
"Many entertainers, performers and competitors prefer the half plait cane handle because it is stiffer than a steel lined cane handle and gives a quicker recovery between cracks, which is essential when performing a complicated routine."
I requested the color be saddle tan, and I asked him to decorate the knots as he saw fit. Thus, he chose some natural color leather to dress up the turkshead and first ringknot. There's also a slightly fancy design on the handle itself. These whips turned out exactly as I hoped, and my plan is to really put them through their paces as I teach myself complex two-handed whip routines, ala Adam Winrich (yeah, right!). To help me, I've been studying Mike Murphy's DVDs on whipcracking, and they have definitely been a great way to get started.
They handle quite well, though they are going to go need a good breaking in period. But so far after only a couple of days I'm already learning things that I hadn't been able to accomplish, at least not well, with bullwhips. After I get in some good practice, I'll post a video, naturally! Until then, wish me luck! I'm a happy whipcracker.

And here they are!

Thanks for looking!
Daren Henry W
PS Upon opening the package, I was reminded of just how much I LOVE the way a brand new whip smells. I wish all my whips would retain that scent forever.