I'm just curious about these things because I'm wondering if it literally takes a lifetime of abuse to get certain hats to become cracked and full of holes. Or if some hats have already become that way.

Moderator: Dalexs
Hmm...interesting.Michaelson wrote:Grabbing by the 'pinch' of the crown has been the worse practice I've seen so far. It doesn't take that long to go this route.
As I recall, Depp's hat is an old Borsalino, which isn't the thickest felt in the first place.
I had one go that route WAY back when, and once you've lost a hat to that practice, you don't forget.
Regards! Michaelson
Well Depp was friends with the late author and gun enthusiast, Hunter S. Thompson, so you never know!j2m wrote:I've seen a hat get a hole like this one, it was in the movie ''my name is nobody'' when Henry Fonda's character shoots Terrence Hil's hat like 4-5 times and there's supposed to be only one hole...
youngjedi71 wrote:actually sad the felt isnt stronger than that. I mean the first place you want to grab is the pinch.Its just natural to do so..need to make the felt much stronger or thicker on the crown..
backstagejack wrote:yeah, that's just a hideous picture and that bowler does nothing for her. I have a bowler at home that looks great on me and nothing like that ......monstrosity, lol.
Sammy wrote:The costume designers probably intentionally made those design choices on purpose to create a shocking discomfort in the audience. The bowler makes her appear "taller" like a man and brings out her cheekbones and chin line to create a more masculine look. A properly fitting bowler probably wouldn't accentuate those features as much and the effect would be lost.
Possibly, and some good points.Zuiun wrote:.......
He also has the same eyeglasses and similar facial hair / hair style in the photos, too. So I would guess the photos were taken relatively close together.
Thanks Michaelson, I hope I did just that.Michaelson wrote:Anything that the originator of a thread can do to make a discussion clearer is always a good thing.![]()
Regard! Michaelson
Michaelson wrote:You might also want to reword your subject title. That's what always draws me into this thread.
"Distressing" is not always 'Destroying" an item.![]()
Regard! Michaelson
Any recommendations of a good moth resistant hat box?BendingOak wrote: -When not wearing store them in a good hat box. One that moths cant eat their way in or slip into.
BendingOak wrote:Only one comes to mind http://www.penmanhats.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
BendingOak wrote:Only one comes to mind http://www.penmanhats.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Michaelson wrote:Humm. Any idea how to get in touch with the man who sells that particular hat box , John?![]()