It certainly has softened - not sure how much of that is due to neatsfoot or how much is due to wear - I would guess more to wear. It is draping very nicely and behaving more like lamb, which is welcome.
It is definitely darker than when I received it - by how much is hard to tell, as those photos had flash on. Its not massively darker, no. But a shade darker, yes. Apologies if that's a clear as mud !
Hi thanks for all the kind comments, I am happy now with the fit myself too.
tomek9210 wrote:Just awesome. What size is it? Could you take some measurements? Collarstand length, collar wide and pockets size?
Ok - I ordered a size 42 and went custom on the back length (25") and sleeve length (26.5") but since took an inch off the sleeves. The collarstand length is 3cm.
The collar is 8cm at the tip and 7.5cm at the shortest part (behind the neck). The pocket is 18cm high and 17.4cm wide. Hope that all helps !
I ordered mine with a 24.5" back. My dark goat is 23" which I feel is a little short on me (I'm 6') - I hope the little extra length with look and feel about right. I also reduced the sleeve length to 24" as opposed to the 25" on my current jacket.
I think you should be fine with those measurements. I'm 5ft11 and my back length is 25 and it fits perfectly (I originally thought it was too long but it isn't)
I'm no expert on the design or who designed what, but those are the measurements of the one I'm wearing. I went for a custom back length if that makes any difference ?
very nice CRB - Wested has finally come along to a great Raiders look with this one.... I should think folks will no longer need to send all these custom changes to every piece of the jacket pattern to get the look they want out of Wested, and Peter should be seeing much easier orders coming in from now on.
Have to agree with you there. I've had a couple of other Westeds along the way and although nice jackets in their own right, just didn't have a Raiders feel about them, so sold them on. This hero does. Originally I wasn't overkeen on first receiving it (as mention, it wasn't what I was expecting at all) but I've since worn it a lot and it has grown on me immensely. Mainly for the fact it's a very very comfortable jacket ! Plus all the crumply effect is starting to drop out, simply through wear. I'll be interested to see it in a year's time. I like the Hero design so much that I'm going to pop down to the Wested barn next week I think and see what other leathers Peter has to do the Hero in. This shrunken lamb is pretty heavy actually, so I'm after something very lightweight that I could wear on sunny days (or in Petra for example!).