My original Mk VII bag with Todd's strap and buckle. One trip through the washer and dryer was enough to give it a nice, used look.
After a Halloween trip to Disneyland I decided I needed a more Indy-appropriate backpack. I believe someone in the KOTCS rucksack thread mentioned this inexpensive repro available on Amazon. ... 11&sr=8-10" onclick=";return false;
I washed and dried it a few times, sprayed/splashed it with some diluted bleach (hence the yellow, which I'm not thrilled about) and randomly applied some leftover coffee. I replaced the canvas drawstring with leather lace and replaced the plastic D-rings with the D-rings from my Wested; I intend to replace all the plastic hardware with metal—as long as I can keep the cost way down. And maybe someday I'll actually use it.
OOOO I like this thread..I love bags and have plenty of Indy close enoughs that I collected before I ever found the real deal.
This is what I use daily. It is my Go-to bag as it is a great size, Very lightweight and very tough. I put it on the floorboard behind my feet and if I step on it with dirty shoes, no problem as it just looks better the rougher it gets... ... 130906.jpg" onclick=";return false;
I1m gonna dig out all my others and try and take abig group pic. Right now I am all about vintage Doctor`s Bags but I will be getting my Leather Indy bag soon and I`m sure it will supercede!
And here are my travel bags....I am so in love with the Fossil Doctors bag but is is a little too big for daily use and the Saddleback is now ued more for display as it is VERY heavy...... ... 112740.jpg" onclick=";return false;
knibs7 wrote:Great looking bag, Mark! I've never had a Todd's before. Is it pretty durable?
Thanks for sharing!
had mine for a few years now and it is holding up well , but i did loose a chicago screw while on a trip to florida , but when i got home i bought some more so it will never happen again.
I don't have it in hand just yet, but for the sake of variety I'll be happy to post some shots of my Wade Egan Leather Mark VII once I get it
(Of course, it's likely there'll be a few of us here who'll want to do that!)
Here's my close-enough (if you can even call it that)...
The small pocket in front really breaks that Indy satchel look. At first I planned on removing it, but I found it to be quite useful for carrying small stuff that I need easy access to.
I even bought a Todd's strap for it which will be with me at the end of the month.
It may not be SA, but it's a very functional bag for me. I can carry a netbook or ipad in it, my vaping accessory kit (e-cig stuff; quit smoking about 6months ago), a small camera, etc...
lantzn wrote:Professor what is the bags origin? Was it a military bag?
Was your question directed to me?
If it was... I bought the bag from a local store, Giordano - a clothing store. I passed by the shop and saw the satchel. I thought it looked Indy enough, so I bought it. The strap was originally like a web belt, only a bit wider - pretty similar to a real gas mask bag's original strap. The material looks like my cotton drill jacket, so I assume it's the same material. It has no dividers inside, but there are compartments inside the lining of the bag for keys, phone, etc...
I have a '42 W&G and an old WPG(that never had the disk) that I swap out an old Kepler strap, but everyone has seen those.
My real daily use bag is a RRL reproduction of an old postal mailbag. Looked for years for the perfect leather bag and finally Jack Bauer shows up with it in season 8.
I'll save the pic space and just put a link to the Bauer info.
Can't say enough about how tough this bag is. I measured the leather to the low to mid three millimeter range which puts it at about nine ounce leather so it's stout. All the buckles are solid brass and the rivets are copper so it's made to last.
Sadly, I've been told, "Nice Indiana Jones bag" several times.
This is the satchel I got from Indy Magnolai about a month ago, and the strap is from Todd's Costumes as well as the buckle.
I love the satchel and have begun carrying it around all the time. The strap was a bit stiff at first and much darker. I used Acetone on it and sandpaper to lighten it a bit and bring out the grain. I also used water to make sure the dye wouldn't come of if it got wet and leave marks on my clothes. Then a light treatment of Pecards also softened up the strap and made it very supple. I am big guy so the buckle is obviously a bit low compared to the movie but its fits me this way. As I lose weight I can move the buckle up