Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

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Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by darkhelmet »

I remember asking the question about trying to dress like Indy without looking in costume...Well I finally did it.

I found some nice taupe colored cargo pants at our local Meijer store and thought hmmmmm :-k . Yesterday, my son had a Marching Band competition down in Indianapolis so I decided to wear my new cargo pants, my Todd's shirt and Bantu jacket, and my Aldens (no fedora)...and I must say, I didn't feel out of place at all.

My wife even complimented me. She said it made me look distinguished and dashing and a bit rugged, like a pilot :whip: . I wish I took a picture so I guess this thread is pretty useless :lol:

I must also say that my Todd's shirt and my Bantu jacket have quickly become frequent wear for me. I love both, especially with a pair of jeans.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by wellofsouls »

Cool. This is where it's at for me, too. I don't have a gas mask bag or a whip and probably never will. I think something often missing from Indy-esque outfits is a pair of 1930's Levi's. They still make them - last pair I saw was about $250. :shock:
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by IndyOriginal »

Although the SA Indy look is great on screen, and if they ever do make another Indy, I hope they never change it...yeah, I can't dress like that and be taken seriously by anyone, so I know exactly where you're coming from.

I'm 24 years old, living/working in a fairly urban environment (DC/Northern VA). In the same vein as your original post, I'm trying to put together my own rugged look without overdoing the Indy vibe. And to be totally honest, I think the most actual Indy gear I could get away with without looking ridiculous is the jacket and Aldens (maybe the shirt). Other than that, I've got a saddleback leather bag that I use sometimes, as well as another canvas bag (the Indy satchel is too small to function for me). Jeans or cargos work much better for me than khakis. The Indy shirt is a cool shirt, and not necessarily a dead giveaway, but I'd personally prefer a henley shirt, ala Drake. I'd love to wear a fedora, but just don't think I can pull it off, to be quite honest with myself. Instead of distinguished, I think I'd look costume-ish. Perhaps when I'm older I'll be able to pull it off. Overall, I think a mix of Drake/Indy ruggedness is much more practical for me.

I've always admired the way Jens kind of put together his own distinctive gear, as seen on many of his digs. Of course, as an actual archaeologist, he really utilizes his gear in way that I don't. If I ever get my own stuff all together and looking good I'll definitely post some pics.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Texan Scott »

Here is another thread on this very topic:

http://indygear.com/cow/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=52951" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by IndyOriginal »

Hey TS, I knew this topic felt familiar :) . Thanks for the link.
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Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by lantzn »

I wear my TN CS and my nice Penman gray CS daily and get many compliments on the hat. Rarely an Indy comment follows. Hats are getting back in style with all the young guys wearing stingy brims. I'm hoping the wide brim hats will follow. I usually carry my bag when I need my camera and can't believe how many young ladies love the bag. They never associate it with Indy.

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by IndyOriginal »

I usually carry my bag when I need my camera and can't believe how many young ladies love the bag. They never associate it with Indy.
For some reason, I am not shocked. ;)
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by WConly »

You know it is funny to me now, but when I got my first Stetson Indy-style hat back in the 80's, I was paranoid about the same issues you mention here. Adding an A2 jacket, at that time, almost seemed like over kill! But, as time has past and I have grown older, I find that I now have worked into my own style of 'Indyish,' yet still 'me' clothing. If I were to ever look totally SA, I would probably return to the way I was feeling and thinking in the 80's. I don't wear the same things everyday, as I consider everyday a new adventure in life and I go with the feeling of the day. But, that's me. W>
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

I've said it several times, but I've found all you usually have to do is just change the color of the fedora, and all of a sudden all 'Indy' references go away.

Thing is, after all these years, I don't HEAR any Indy references anymore. :-k

I get more grief when I'm caught WITHOUT my hat these days. :lol:

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by trdaggers »

At 69 years old I have gotten over how other react to how I dress. I've been wearing my hat and leather jacket for over 25 years. If it makes you happy to wear your hat and jacket in public then wear it. Unless your in a position where it affects your job why should you care. I don't worry about how others see me, only about how I see myself.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

Well said. :TOH:

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by irishjones »

Are there any pics to see this?
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

I can't believe no one's used this yet:


;) :TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Texan Scott »

I tried to point them in the right direction.... :P

...thread has got no pics.... :cry:

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by The Antiquarian »

IndyOriginal wrote:Although the SA Indy look is great on screen, and if they ever do make another Indy, I hope they never change it...yeah, I can't dress like that and be taken seriously by anyone, so I know exactly where you're coming from.

I'm 24 years old, living/working in a fairly urban environment (DC/Northern VA). In the same vein as your original post, I'm trying to put together my own rugged look without overdoing the Indy vibe. And to be totally honest, I think the most actual Indy gear I could get away with without looking ridiculous is the jacket and Aldens (maybe the shirt). Other than that, I've got a saddleback leather bag that I use sometimes, as well as another canvas bag (the Indy satchel is too small to function for me). Jeans or cargos work much better for me than khakis. The Indy shirt is a cool shirt, and not necessarily a dead giveaway, but I'd personally prefer a henley shirt, ala Drake. I'd love to wear a fedora, but just don't think I can pull it off, to be quite honest with myself. Instead of distinguished, I think I'd look costume-ish. Perhaps when I'm older I'll be able to pull it off. Overall, I think a mix of Drake/Indy ruggedness is much more practical for me.

I've always admired the way Jens kind of put together his own distinctive gear, as seen on many of his digs. Of course, as an actual archaeologist, he really utilizes his gear in way that I don't. If I ever get my own stuff all together and looking good I'll definitely post some pics.

I know what you mean, it can be tricky to achieve an Indy-inspired look, yet not be seen as being in costume by others. Since I got my Akubra Federation back in 2009, I have been gradually transitioning my style to be more Jones-esque. I have a haircut that's sort of like the one Sean Patrick Flannery wore in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (but it's really a poster of Johnny Depp in Public Enemies that I bring to show my barber to get a haircut). I typically wear jeans, but about nearly as often I wear chinos (light khaki, dark khaki, dark brown, charcoal grey) as well. Owning a G-1 flight jacket, I'm not afraid to pair one of my safari shirts or chinos with it for an Indy/aviator vibe. I also wear brown leather shoes at nearly all times, a cheap but serviceable pair of Dockers that look sort of Indy to me (plus natural distressing that's occurred over time). That's about as far as the Indiana Jones influence goes with my style, but sometimes I wear one of my hats; almost never with the leather jacket though. I'm not brave enough to do that on a regular basis, and it'll embarrass my family members when they walk around with me in public. Hmm, I also aspire to be something of an archaeologist or get involved with history myself; I think you're right about the practicality of certain aspects of Indy gear for this type of occupation, the hat for sun-protection, long-sleeves for the same reason, jacket for warmth, khakis (although he really wore wool trousers), and sturdy leather boots, among other things.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by wellofsouls »

I don't ever try to look like Harrison Ford in the movie - it's a costume dreamt up in Hollywood. What makes it cool is that it's based on really great clothing from the 30's, a time of amazing style in mens clothing (and womens too for that matter). If you branch out into this broader world then you have pretty limitless opportunities to evoke the clothes that Indy would have worn, including what he wore on screen, without looking like you're wearing a Halloween costume. At least that's how I see it.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

Actually, I have to say 'yes', and 'no' to what you posted. ;)

The gear ensemble itself is costume, but if you could go back to the 40's through early 60's around steel mills and railroad yards, you would have seen a LOT of men in leather jackets, boots and fedoras. It was the 'uniform' of the day, and the jackets and boots are what a lot of veterans brought back with them from the war.

Safety gear wasn't supplied by the companies, with the exception of maybe goggles. They were supplied by the men, and I saw many a man walk home from work dressed just like 'Indy'.

I was wearing leather jacket and fedora before Indy ever hit the screen, so there was more 'historic' support for what was created than 'Hollywood' imagination.

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by wellofsouls »

Right - and to be sure the screen costume is very much generic work clothing of the day (the pants are a little dressy though...) What I was getting at is that the "evoke Indy's costume" idea is a treasure trove of cool clothes that will always look sorta like Indy, only not. It's even easy to justify a bag these days - (how do you carry your Kindle without a gas mask bag??) ;) You're on your own where the whip is concerned... :lol:

People who like dressing like Indy but also feel slightly self conscious when they do can just sort of "zoom out" into all the clothes you see in your grandparent's photos of the 30's. Noone but you needs to know where you got the idea, or what you're driving at. The "Adventurer's Clothing" thread over on Fedora Lounge will give anyone a ton of ideas. It also takes some of the load off of being a thread counter (unless that's part of the joy, in which case count away!)
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Texan Scott »

vintage explorer's gear:

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... g&dur=2340" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... Q&dur=1623" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Picker »

I have always worn leather jackets, and as a retired principal and now a part-time teacher, khaki pants are the uniform of the day. When I started seriously wearing a fedora in 2004, I simply added it to my attire. I don't have an Indy bag or whip and never will, nor do I own an actual or close-enough Indy shirt or the twill pants. I love Alden 403's and own two pairs. My usual working attire, top to bottom, is a brown AB Henry fedora (just acquired after many Feds), black or brown leather jacket, print cotton shirt from L.L.Bean, khaki slacks from Bean, and the Alden 403's or Alden shoes. I only own one pair of jeans, so on the weekends, I swap the Bean khakis for Carhardt work khakis. Admittedly, it's a semi-Indy look, but it's very functional, comfortable, durable, and affordable. When I do carry a bag of papers to grade, or a bag with music gear to a gig, it's a Filson medium oil cloth field bag, unaltered. In seven years of wearing the hat, only 2 audible "Indy" comments have I encountered, and they were both favorable. I have two Indy type holsters: a Wade Egan and a Lee Keppler; I don't wear them. I just like them for my revolvers when I haul them to the range. It's all just classy stuff.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Bigfoot »

If you look further down the page on the second link, you'll find a pic of IJ and Hiram Bingham.
Texan Scott wrote:vintage explorer's gear:

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... g&dur=2340" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... Q&dur=1623" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Indiana Bugs »

I pretty much have always had to carry a bag for my medical supplies. It wasn't until after joined COW that I discovered where I could actually purchase a Mk VII.

As for pants, shirts, and hats, even before COW, I just bought what was available, usually at an Army/Navy. These days I try not to wear the 'Indy' jacket with the hat for normal everyday wear, but the other stuff seems to work well together without being to over-the-top 'Indy.' No holsters or whips, ever, no matter how cool.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by wellofsouls »

Long ago I got into tweed "newsboy" caps and don't have any felt fedora style hats. But I have 3 newsboys and wear them year round.

The thing I wish I knew more about, but kind of don't want to spend the money on, :shock: is 30's-authentic Levi's.

No whip for me either - but I'm getting a Kindle Fire for Christmas, so I may have a gas mask bag in my future...
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by J.W. »

Digging up an older thread here, but it's an interesting topic:

I believe Indy's style is really classic in a way, so it's worth emulating. The pant's wouldn't actually suit me, somehow I think they are for older guys, let's say 50 and above (no intention of offending anyone here). So for myself, I would go for the chino or the cargo pant option, in order to transport the look into the present day. Synthetics? Hm, maybe even that.
I'm not a fan of epaulettes, so I'd pick a normal white shirt or yes, even a Henley, as mentioned above.
The boots... I never understood people's craze about the Alden's. That's why I finally got some M43 Roughouts and these boots set you apart from the normal Indy "costume", but they fit perfectly into the overall style.
As I've got the feeling that I'm beginning to lose my hair because of wearing hats and caps for too long, I'd simply drop the hat and just take a basecap in case I need protection from the sun. Not as bulky as a hat and you can clip it onto a bag.
The bag has to be big enough to keep a camera and some other goodies inside, so maybe a canvas shoulder bag form a surplus store would be the way to go - as long as a leather strap can be attached to it!
That leaves me with the jacket: it's a classic so you can't go wrong with it.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

J.W. wrote:The boots... I never understood people's craze about the Alden's.
Uh, well, maybe because this website is called 'Indygear.com', and Aldens are what were worn by Ford in all 4 films? :-k

Just guessing, of course, but I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons... ;)

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by J.W. »

Good point. :D

But people seem to love the Aldens in all kinds of discussion boards. Although Indy has been one of my favourite movie heros, I never liked his shoes. Simple matter of taste. ;)
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by afterthedog »

I think a person could wear the entire SA Indiana Jones "costume", minus the whip, gunbelt, and fedora, and no one outside of gearheads would ever equate the clothing with Indy. However, add the fedora to a pair of tan pants and a brown leather jacket, and the mind instantly goes to Indy. Mine does anyway. I wear my AB and Wested together all the time without feeling self conscious, but I shy away from wearing tan Khakis at the same time.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Oildale Jones »

Today I found myself juggling my phone, sunglasses, reading glasses (a new and unwelcome addition to my daily gear), keys, son, etc. and wishing I had my Indy bag to carry it all. It was sorta nice when my son was a baby and I carried a Diaper Dude bag.

Laboriously Swyped on my shiny new smartphone.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by teampunk »

for all the people that are going to put a kindle in an original Mk VII bag just be very carefull. they can turn very fragile with age and rip. my first ripped apart after twenty minutes of having only a wallet in it.
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Strider »

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

:lol: :clap:
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Michaelson »

J.W. wrote:Good point. :D

But people seem to love the Aldens in all kinds of discussion boards. Although Indy has been one of my favourite movie heros, I never liked his shoes. Simple matter of taste. ;)
Well, also keep in mind they were designed to be orthopedic shoes, so for those of 'us' who need that aid, they're a God-send. :TOH:

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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by backstagejack »

Well, dressing in ANY of the indy gear sans the hat......is pretty much going to look fine. When you get down to brass tacks, Indy wears pants, a shirt and a jacket. All of which don't stick out at all.

It's the Fedora that takes wearing with "civvies" that sticks out.

I know many COW members do, but I guess my point is. Wearing an Indy shirt with a pair of jeans to me isn't really....an "indy" look. Indeed, military type shirts with epaulettes, etc are in style right now. Wearing tan pants is not even noticeable. A brown jacket isn't even noticeable and would take a gearhead to notice it was an indy jacket.

It's the fedora that screams, Indy!

teampunk wrote:for all the people that are going to put a kindle in an original Mk VII bag just be very carefull. they can turn very fragile with age and rip. my first ripped apart after twenty minutes of having only a wallet in it.

Wow, I've had my original mk VII that I ordered from Noel Howard 12 years ago....and it's still going strong......
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Re: Wearing an updated Indy look...finally..

Post by Indiana Bugs »

With, me, it's how comfortable I feel in clothing. I assume that's how it is for most others, too.

I got a brown leather car coat off the bay a few eeks ago and ave been wearing it now for a about that long. For me, the car coat is different enough from an 'Indy' jacket that I feel completely at ease in it with the hat and Mk VII.

And it is all about the hat. I can wear my Indy jacket, tan pants, brown lace up shoes, off-white safari shirt, and even the Mk VII, and not receive a second look (well, maybe a second look), but just put the hat on with a clown outfit, and it's, 'Hey, Indiana Jones!'

Go as far as you feel comfortable. Experiment. Some combos you'll get used to, and some you won't. Go with what looks and feels right to you.
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