anyways, show us your saddle tans. and especially the old and aged ones.

Moderator: BullWhipBorton
If you wait around for another month, he'll be making them again and you can buy onelelec2 wrote:I also love the whips Saddle color.
Great whips Pagey!
I was the lucky owner of 10ft saddle.
I sold last year because I was in urgent need of funds to cover unexpected expenses, but my heart is still very attached to the whip.
I wish I had another whip Pagey
It's that whip at the top that made me want to make a whip in saddle. I like the reddish tint that seems to be prevalent in saddle,whiskyman wrote:I'm also a big fan of saddle tan, even though most of my customers over the years have ordered natural tan. In this picture is a brand new (at the time) 10ft in saddle tan next to my personal 8ft (a year or so old at the time) also in saddle tan. I love how saddle tan looks as it ages!
I'm also a fan of saddle! And, I really like that top whip--it's simply stunning!whiskyman wrote:I'm also a big fan of saddle tan, even though most of my customers over the years have ordered natural tan. In this picture is a brand new (at the time) 10ft in saddle tan next to my personal 8ft (a year or so old at the time) also in saddle tan. I love how saddle tan looks as it ages!
Brilliant workwhiskyman wrote:Another saddle tan for the gallery. Literally finished this one an hour ago. A 10ft for Ballroller
And here's my trusty 2 year old 8ft - the same whip that was posted above.
I think saddle tan is actually my favourite colour for a whip even though the films whips were all natural tan ( although the film crew dyed some of them if I recall).
riku1914 wrote:Awesome!!! Both Pagey and and Aldo. I saw Aldo's on his blog and head already commented on it to him through a PM, but I figure
since I'm posting on this thread I might as well include both.
Great job guys
It may be the picture messing with things but that looks exactly like natural tan to me...Nebraska Schulte wrote:Well, I've finally got a photo to add to the discussion! James Emery of just mailed me my very first bullwhip today, and he also emailed me this photo of it to tide me over until it arrives:
This is a Raiders-style, 8-ft, 12-plait, kip/cowhide bullwhip in (you guessed it) saddle tan. Looking forward to seeing it in person soon, and will try to post other pics then!![]()
Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
Maybe the light background is affecting the image for you? I found the below pic of a natural colored whip by James, hopefully to give some contrast:riku1914 wrote:
It may be the picture messing with things but that looks exactly like natural tan to me...
Yep--keep an eye over in this thread for more pics over the next couple of weeks.whiskyman wrote:Could be the photography - indoor lights and flashes can be deceptive which is why I try to only photograph my whips outdoors in indirect sunlight.
Hope we'll see more pics when it arrives!
I think that's because most kangaroo hides that are used for whip making are drum stuffed so they already are darker. I just orderedclassicbullwhips wrote:I applied plaiting soap and shellaced the swatch because I knew someone would ask about it. Plaiting soap does darken the leather a little but nowhere near the color of the whip you posted riku1914. Cowhide in natural always tends to be lighter in color then kangaroo in natural.
It's just because they were all different whips. A lot of them were used so they had started to take on the saddle tan/darker brown color. If you look at some of them though, the whips look brand new, like in the opening scene in raiders, not withOildale Jones wrote:I never really paid attention to the whip until I started hanging out here. Then I jumped on the natural tan bandwagon and was happy, until I started really looking at the whip(s) and the color changes throughout Raiders. For example, in the Well of the Souls, the whip looks quite dark:
Yeah, yeah, lighting and all that. But even when it's on his belt in Cairo, it's more of a red-brown. And in the insert shot where he grabs the whip from his belt, it's dark brown (and dusty) at the handle and goes almost black toward the fall.
What I'm getting at is that saddle tan is really starting to grow on me.
Sort of tangential (and probably already discussed 10 years ago): In the "dead monkey" shot, you can see Indy's fedora, belt and whip on the table. The whip is a sort of red/brown/cinnamon color. Interestingly, it looks like the wrist strap is detached on one end.
Oops. I stand corrected. Anyway, it always seems to go back to "What scene do you want to emulate," doesn't it?whiskyman wrote:Definitely more of a natural tan here though.
I do live the Streets of Cairo whip thoughriku1914 wrote:I'm opposite, I really like the light color
Don't you like Sphynx catswhiskyman wrote:I find new natural tan whips really rather ugly - like a hairless cat.