To cut this ramble a little shorter, after poking around the hat forum a bit, one of our members wrote to me that he had a Henry in my size that he was willing to part with and I jumped at the chance. It arrived two days later. When I opened up the box and took out the hat it was as if I was a kid again and I had just watched Raiders and somehow managed to get a hat like the one in the movie! Grinning from ear to ear!
The Henry is a lovely hat, lovely felt, a rich brown colour, nice and soft and to me really looks the part. I gave it a generic Raiders bash and have been wearing it ever since. I can't remember the last time I felt so happy about a hat.
So I'm not going to compare it to movie stills, not going to obsess and fuss about it - just going to wear it whenever I happen to feel like it - which might well be pretty often! Thanks to Ian for sending this hat my way!

And now some pics..
I should be smiling more but I was trying to explain to my daughter how to use the camera (excuses excuses...) ... CN3429.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... CN3422.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... CN3426.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... CN3430.jpg" onclick=";return false; ... CN3421.jpg" onclick=";return false;