First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

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First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by dmdmorris »

Hi to everybody,

I'm new to the forum, so be kind.

I've been reading the various posts with great interest.

I would love to hear everyone's experience the first time they wore their Indy gear in public and what the reaction was. I'm not talking about the full costume, specifically I'm referring to the Fedora, the Leather Jacket, Alden's, and Chinos. (No gun, whip etc... )I'm planning on wearing this as my everyday outfit but am a bit nervous as to the reaction, especially the hat. I know I shouldn't probably give a ####.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

You're right, you probably shouldn't give a ####. I think most people find that the fedora, unless you already have hats as a part of your regular wardrobe, is the piece that causes the most trepidation and provokes the most comment. I wore hats for years, even before Raiders came out, and have had more comments when I've worn non-Indy hats and jackets. For the rest, it's just pants and a jacket. No-one has ever commented to me on the shirt.

Just wear your gear and don't feel self-conscious. The people who'll really notice are all probably here anyway.

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Gorak »

I've been saying this fir years as I am sure all the old timers can attest to....wear with confidence. The trick, literally, is to wear the stuff as if you always have, even before the movies existed. Make no mention of your gear, don't fiddle with it, adjust it, or stumble around with it. People make comments , just act like you aren't sure what they mean, or smile and just tip your hat ( which works for all comments positive or negative) or just agree completely. Don't take yourself serious and have fun.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Dalexs »

If you're really worried about making a grand "I'm dressed like IJ" statement, try wearing bits and pieces a little at a time.
Don't wear all of it at once. Start with the hat, maybe the jacket.

IJ is a very distinct look. If you wear it all together, someone is bound to say something.

The hat and jacket go great with jeans or cargo pants (my daily staple.)
I often wear just the hat in some of the worst weather.
I can be standing outside in a downpour staying fairly protected, while the guy next to me is getting soaked.
He's the one who'll make some comment. I just tell him its keeping me dry!

Only you can decide if you want people to make the connection and say something.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by wwtwo »

I agree with everything said here. But I find it frustrating some of us (me included) feel self-conscious wearing our gear, especially the fedora. I always wonder why we feel that self-conciousness. Is it because it is from a movie? We all know that isn't the whole picture as that style existed long before the movie. Is it because some might consider that style dated? I'm doubly frustrated I involuntarily give a darn what others think considering how folks dress these days and what some folks choose to put on their heads and bodies. Whenever I see someone wearing a hat-style I think ridiculous I always ask myself, "how is it he can unironically wear that thing, and I can't wear my fedora?"

"Life is short. But it's shorter without a fedora."

(I just made that up...I think so at least) ;)

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by morethanatimelord »

Ive had loads of negative comments while wearing my fedora out and about. I used to take it to heart, take i off and then not wear it fora while. Then one day i went out with my fed and a young kid (thug) dressed so unbelieveably scruffy made a passing comment about my hat, i simply turned, looked him up and down, smiled and walked away. It was then i realised that i shouldnt care what others think. At the end of the day its a smart piece of kit, more so when you double it up with the shirt and a good pair of jeans, you just look smart. Much better than how some idiots go around dressed these days.

Wear your gear sensibly and you'll be the smartest guy around :TOH:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by fifthchamber »

Let's face it, humans are "that kind of animal"... We like to feel we "belong" to a group, so we pay special attention to our clothes and look since it shows who and what we like and want to be "part of"....

If you go out wearing baggies and a Wu-Tang T-shirt, you're making a statement, and that statement will be read by those around you, with some appreciating it, and some moving away from you because they think you're "scary" or something bad...

Whatever you wear will have SOME reaction with SOMEONE....It's the case in anything, and everywhere...

The "Indy look" is one that is rather "traditional".... I would say that I've stepped out of my house wearing a suit and the hat and been rather well received by most people who met me (It's my daily wear for work).. And I'll often have the jacket on over it, and the pants on too, since I love the fit of them... But class is still class....

I think if you went out everyday looking like the "Streets of Cairo" scene, you could rightly be called a "cosplayer" (which may bring some insults etc too), but that's because of what it is, it's a movie scene....And I don't think you're even considering doing that right?

If you mean just heading out in the wool trousers, double pocketed shirt, jacket and a good fedora, THAT look is classic...And while there will be some who may see the link, most will see someone with a little more care in how they dress than the average man....And THAT wins respect...

In my 8 years here in Tokyo, I've worn a lot of different styles of clothing...And the one I get the most respect from other people for wearing, is the Indy, or a variation of it....Older people like it because it reminds them of their history, younger people like it because that image IS Indy, and they can see it's cool...And sure, some may well think "he's trying to be Indy", but so what? I am..... Might as well face up to that...

We all wear the clothes BECAUSE they looked so cool on Ford, and the same does, generally apply when we wear the clothes as well...That image IS cool...Those who would say something negative about it aloud, would say something negative about whatever ya wear...Because they lack the confidence to do the same...

Essentially, "don't give a ####" is right... But beyond that, recognise that this look is cool, fashionable, and classic, and that you have a head start on many when you wear it.... And that'll get you through.

Good luck!
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Hollowpond »

fifthchamber wrote:Let's face it, humans are "that kind of animal"... We like to feel we "belong" to a group, so we pay special attention to our clothes and look since it shows who and what we like and want to be "part of"....
And yet here we are once again around 3296 people trying to "belong" to a group... ;)
fifthchamber wrote: If you go out wearing baggies and a Wu-Tang T-shirt, you're making a statement, and that statement will be read by those around you, with some appreciating it, and some moving away from you because they think you're "scary" or something bad...
And TOTALLY have a Wu-Tang T-shirt!!! =;
fifthchamber wrote: Essentially, "don't give a ####" is right...
And there is the truth in it! :tup: As my good friend :M: says, life is too dang short!!!!

ps. Ben, I'm pretty sure I've never quoted a post three times in one reply... :shock: :lol:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by afterthedog »

Who are you worried about making comments? Gangsters with their pants hanging off their butt, not showing enough sense to pull their pants up? I have a very hard time taking fashion tips from anyone these days.
Wear your gear like you own it. People may look, but probably won't say anything. Truthfully, the last comment of any kind I've ever gotten was a compliment on my hat, and I was wearing the jacket at the same time.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Indiana Bugs »

I wear different pieces of my gear because I love the way they look, and the way I look in them. Nothing else matters. The piece of gear I wear the most are my hats. I don't leave the house without one on my head. In fact, I have one on now as I type because I just finished re-blocking, and sewing it all back together last night, and I want to wear it.

Having diabetes, I need to carry around medication and testing equipment all the time. I've had many types of bags over the years, and the Mk VII is the best by far, so that's always with me, as well. I'll get an IJ comment on occasion, but I just smile and keep on going. When I add the jacket, or any leather of any color, for that matter, the likelihood for comments increases.

I wear the stuff because I love it, plain and simple. Preferring to be different doesn't hurt, either. My look is not only accepted these days (and has been for a long time by now), but expected. If should, by some anomaly of nature or man, not be in a fedora, I am questioned on it. It's all good and I love it.

Wear your stuff. Carry it naturally. People will come to expect to see you in it. 'Tards that pass you on the street that say stupid things don't deserve to even hear the sound of your voice.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by littledragon88 »

morethanatimelord wrote:Ive had loads of negative comments while wearing my fedora out and about. I used to take it to heart, take i off and then not wear it fora while. Then one day i went out with my fed and a young kid (thug) dressed so unbelieveably scruffy made a passing comment about my hat, i simply turned, looked him up and down, smiled and walked away. It was then i realised that i shouldnt care what others think. At the end of the day its a smart piece of kit, more so when you double it up with the shirt and a good pair of jeans, you just look smart. Much better than how some idiots go around dressed these days.

Wear your gear sensibly and you'll be the smartest guy around :TOH:
I'm just curious, what kind of negative comments did you get from wearing that Fedora?
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Strider »

I was really self conscious the first little while that I wore a real Indy hat, which was a Peters Bros. hat I'd bought from eBay. At first, I thought EVERYONE was staring at me, and anytime I heard anyone laugh I automatically assumed it was at me because of the hat. I wore it so often that I eventually got used to the look of the hat on me, and it became as normal as a pair of shoes to me. I don't even think about it anymore when I have an Indy fedora on.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by WConly »

I have been wearing hats most of my life. And, I wear a broad variety. If someone doesn't like one or makes a comment -- fine, that is their business, attitude, etc. I could make a ton of comments on the way I see other people dress, but I let that go to, as that is their business. As far as the jacket, shirt, pants and boots -- most really don't pay any real attention to these. More comments on the boots then anything and this is usually from people in shoe stores, etc. who will say things like: "Hey nice boots." Or; "Those boots will last forever." I have only had one comment on one of my 'Indy jackets' and that was in a leather store and one of the clerks was giving it the once over and told me what a great jacket it was and wanted to know more about it. It was my Wested Horse Hide. He had never seen a horse hide jacket up close as all their store carried were lamb, cowhide and suades, etc. Oh and when I say (regarding hats) I wear a broad variety, I am not kidding. I even wear deerstalker hats/caps (hat or cap depending on whom you talk to). Whatever I feel like and whatever balances with what I am wearing is what I wear. St. Pattrick's Day is just around the corner and I am hoping for good cool weather for my woolen Irish/Scotish/English wear including deerstalker(s) and inverness cape(s) (may change between events). Don't get me wrong...every once in a while I dress 'mainstream American' jeans, t-shirt and ball cap -- but the cap is on straight with the bill in the front -- thank you :rolling: ! I guess all I am saying is be 'you.' If being 'you' includes wearing 'Indy Gear' do so. If it includes whatever -- do so! Opinions of others are just that 'opinions.' Don't give others free space in your brain. You have enough going on in there to allow them room to lurk and spoil your life! Just my two cents! Wear. Enjoy. Live!
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by fifthchamber »

Hollowpond wrote:And yet here we are once again around 3296 people trying to "belong" to a group...
See? Exactly what I mean! Humans are like that, so, if THIS is the group you want to be "in", well, then it means other people may have other opinions eh? If they're too senseless to speak out in a rude way, well, then they deserve the poor group they hang around with.. I think... We all want to "belong".. Not all of us to "Justin Bieber's LOVE-GROUP"..LOL
Hollowpond wrote:And TOTALLY have a Wu-Tang T-shirt!!!
Yup....I love the Wu.... ;)

And it ALSO gives me both sides of my own debate...Since I've seen the reaction I get when in the Wu shirts (Which rock by the way... Limited Edition from a Tokyo brand... LOL), AND seen the reaction I get when in a shirt and hat... The hat gets far more respect from nearly everyone in central Tokyo... (Although I agree, Tokyo is hard to judge against "whereIliveUSA" I guess...It's not all the same... :)
Hollowpond wrote:ps. Ben, I'm pretty sure I've never quoted a post three times in one reply...
And now you just dragged me willingly into the "3-quote and you're in-gang"..LOL...Ah well...More than decent company, and well dressed too! Can't be bad at all! :TOH:
Indiana Bugs wrote:Having diabetes, I need to carry around medication and testing equipment all the time. I've had many types of bags over the years, and the Mk VII is the best by far, so that's always with me, as well. I'll get an IJ comment on occasion, but I just smile and keep on going. When I add the jacket, or any leather of any color, for that matter, the likelihood for comments increases.
Being a diabetic too, I totally agree (Type 1, since I was 7)....Spot on...The Mark VII is the best bag to carry the kits for testing etc and the insulin and some food in when out without a backpack...No doubt...It's a "man-purse" but far cooler....LOL
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by indyclone »

when i started wearing my gear i wore my hat and jacket ( and the hat and jacket werent the best either , they were a doefman hat and a lottery indy jcket from florida ) but people would stare , but i just strode by not really caring what they said , you would occasionally get a young kid come up and ask "are you a cowboy?" but i wear my new hat and jacket all the time with jeans and a t-shirt. and now my son wears his hat and jacket out now , and i can see his face that he doesnt feel comfortable, wearing it , but i tell him not to worry , it;'s a lot classier than wear his pants down to his knees and wearing a baseball cap side ways . :)
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by APL »

indyclone wrote:when i started wearing my gear i wore my hat and jacket ( and the hat and jacket werent the best either , they were a doefman hat and a lottery indy jcket from florida ) but people would stare , but i just strode by not really caring what they said , you would occasionally get a young kid come up and ask "are you a cowboy?" but i wear my new hat and jacket all the time with jeans and a t-shirt. and now my son wears his hat and jacket out now , and i can see his face that he doesnt feel comfortable, wearing it , but i tell him not to worry , it;'s a lot classier than wear his pants down to his knees and wearing a baseball cap side ways . :)
My son loves wearing his hat whenever he can and it's great to see him do it, too. He also has a moc-leather jacket that's close-enough for a 7-year old. He would wear them every day if he could. :D
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by fenris »

Just so I wouldn't get an Indy comment, I wear the gear separately.

The hat with the bag and jeans... Or the jacket (cotton Indy, though), bag and jeans.

Oh, my bag is just a close enough...

The only time I would wear the hat and jacket is if it's raining and still paired with jeans.

I do get a lot of cowboy comments from strangers when wearing the hat. Friends are the ones with the Indy jokes, though... But it's all good. I never hid the fact that I'm an Indy fan.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by morethanatimelord »

littledragon88 wrote:
morethanatimelord wrote:Ive had loads of negative comments while wearing my fedora out and about. I used to take it to heart, take i off and then not wear it fora while. Then one day i went out with my fed and a young kid (thug) dressed so unbelieveably scruffy made a passing comment about my hat, i simply turned, looked him up and down, smiled and walked away. It was then i realised that i shouldnt care what others think. At the end of the day its a smart piece of kit, more so when you double it up with the shirt and a good pair of jeans, you just look smart. Much better than how some idiots go around dressed these days.

Wear your gear sensibly and you'll be the smartest guy around :TOH:
I'm just curious, what kind of negative comments did you get from wearing that Fedora?
Just the usual really, typical negative comments from youths wearing baggy jeans or tracksuits "who do you think you are? Indiana Jones" etc etc Its just because you look different to them and stand out so you become an easy target. I was out and about in my gear today as a matter of fact. I think it looks smart and im never without a piece of Indy gear these days, be it the bag,jacket or hat

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by youngjedi71 »

I think MOST people feel the way the TC does. I know I do to a degree. I ordered pants,shirt and satchel from Todds and have yet to wear the satchel outside my home. I think THAT is even more INDY then about anything...I wear my Fed IV quite often though. BUT a guy starts carrying a satchel around he IS either Indy, or told he's got a "man purse" you kind of lose all the way around. Sure, we know that the INDY comments are going to happen. I mean, the outfit is kind of in your face INDY..It just gets old.."hey its Indy"
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by APL »

youngjedi71 wrote:I think MOST people feel the way the TC does. I know I do to a degree. I ordered pants,shirt and satchel from Todds and have yet to wear the satchel outside my home. I think THAT is even more INDY then about anything...I wear my Fed IV quite often though. BUT a guy starts carrying a satchel around he IS either Indy, or told he's got a "man purse" you kind of lose all the way around. Sure, we know that the INDY comments are going to happen. I mean, the outfit is kind of in your face INDY..It just gets old.."hey its Indy"
I use my satchel to carry all my stuff to work each day. It holds an iPod, flashlight, pens, reading glasses (which I have to wear when using the computer), notepad, assorted chargers for iPod, phone, and an Epipen (which without, I could find myself dying an early death). Sure, it could be considered a "man-purse", but I'm also scrappy, so the first person to say that to my face will regret it pretty quick. :lol:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Dr._J »

I distinctly remember the comments I received the first time I wore my Hovitos gear. Did it stop me? Heck no! Did I get arrested? Heck yeah! :notworthy:

To each their own I say. The trick is to "own it"! Be confident and walk tall. Odds are you're dressed better than anyone in the room. :TOH:

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by indyclone »

Dr._J wrote:I distinctly remember the comments I received the first time I wore my Hovitos gear. Did it stop me? Heck no! Did I get arrested? Heck yeah! :notworthy:

To each their own I say. The trick is to "own it"! Be confident and walk tall. Odds are you're dressed better than anyone in the room. :TOH:

Regards, Dr. J
i hope you shaved your legs ? most hovitos don't have hairy legs. :lol:
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First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by lantzn »

I agree the hat got the most comments when I first started wearing IJ gear back 2008. The hat is a very tall hat and easily noticed. Got to say older crowd really love it. In the past couple years hat like the stingy fedora are in style with the youth. I make it a practice to compliment all hats (not caps) when seen.
I wear my hat and jacket daily to a law office and dont feel out of place. On weekend I wear the rest of my IJ clothes and they fit in here in the NW.

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Max Power »

great replies. Enjoy your gear especially the hat, the fact that today people in general don't know how to dress doesn't mean that you have to feel self-conscious if you want to adopt a vintage look for yourself.
Honestly how many weirdos do we see everyday and they seem perfectly at ease with themselves so why can't we enjoy our gear???

few weeks ago I saw a guy, at the subway station, wearing a navy like pea coat jacket, no pants just his underwear, and a pair of loafers...

this website is something that will change your prospective on being self-conscious: ... tos/page/7" onclick=";return false;
scroll down to the lat picture...
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by kwh »

i went to a church luncheon.someone said i like your looks military.another one said. excuse me for saying so.but you look very indiana jones like to me. :D

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by wwtwo »

kwh wrote:i went to a church luncheon.someone said i like your looks military.another one said. excuse me for saying so.but you look very indiana jones like to me. :D

To which you replied, "who?"
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Oildale Jones »

The first time I wore some of my gear in public (Fed IV and Bantu Wind) was to Disneyland for one of the special Halloween nights. I wore the gear with jeans and a Jack Skellington T-shirt, but still got a couple of "Indiana Jones!"-es. I've worn a Todd's or a Wested jacket on numerous occasions but no one has ever said anything about them. (I can't help but think that age is a factor--meaning that when Indy was a big deal, most of my coworkers were too young to appreciate him.)
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by littledragon88 »

I am currently in the process of upgrading all my Indy-gear (I used to only have a Wested Jacket, LL Bean shirt, licensed Lucasfilm Fedora, MK VII Gas Mask and some Alden-lookalikes). Here's everything 'new', still waiting for a more SA leather belt, pistol holster, whip and felt Fedora.

What you guys think? I'm going to travel this easter, so I'll be sporting the complete Indy gear. It's gonna be great! \:D/

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Adirondack Jones »

I wear my Exploradora fedora and Wings Legend or Todd's Bantu Wind everyday. If it's cold, I wear a fleece underneath. I only occasionally get Indiana Jones comments, and when I do, I say, "thanks." Sometimes I'll just smile and say, "Well, it's because my life is an adventure." Never had any negative comments. Frequently I'll get "Love the hat." And a lot of times people will say, "I've got a hat JUST LIKE THAT at home. Only mine's leather."
I've been leather jacket and fedora guy for so long now, nobody pays any attention. People sometimes tell me that they don't recognize me without the hat.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by irishjones »

The only times I've ever worn the entire costume out in public was on Halloween. But for everyday wear, I always have my Wested LC/CS jackets (lambskin in warmer weather, pre-distressed cowhide in colder weather). I used to wear my Todd's boots all the time, but I have literally worn them out. They are literally falling apart and I need another pair. If I need to carry my iPad about, I use my Todd's bag. I think I've worn the AB shirt out once or twice. I've never worn the hat or pants for general use.

I live in Belfast, Northern Ireland so I have to be quite careful what I wear because if, for example, I wore a combo of the hat, jacket, bag and shirt, people would recognise it and I would never hear the endless barrage of abuse that would be spewed my way. There are not a bunch of people in the world less tolerant of different styles than the youths of Belfast. Even my workmates would take the right royal p!$$ out of me if I wore anything into work more than the jacket (which they actually like), so to live a quiet life I keep a low profile fashion wise. But I do own almost a dozen Superman t-shirts, so they get me by. Lmao!
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by knibs7 »

littledragon88 wrote: Image
Better get that whip on the right side! :lol:

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Hollowpond »

It is on the right. It belongs on the LEFT. Thought you would know that knibs...

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Division 6 »

I wear a green canvas Aussi walkabout hat and a black or green M65 field jacket I get called Indy. (go figure)

I've also added a Shemagh scarf as a regular accessory since playing Uncharted 3.
Yeah I get stares or cat calls but I was raised never to follow trends so I wear what I like whether others like it or not so it's something I'm used to.

I used to scare everyone when I wore jack boots. :mrgreen:

First time wearing near full on Indy gear was with Kenny the Elvis Trooper at open cockpit day at Castle Air Museum.
Got the usual strange stares.
My avatar is from that adventure.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by cm289 »

I love my Todd's pants so much, I wear them with a shirt and tie at work (neatly pressed from the dry cleaners) about once a week. Most of my coworkers just think they're vintage. I wear my Wings steerhide legend whenever it gets cold enough, and no one around here realizes it's an IJ jacket- then again, all I ever wear in winter are various leather jackets, so most people that know me are used to it.

I'm still not comfortable wearing the fedora on a regular basis around town- I save it for hiking and what not. I'm working my way up to wearing it more often.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Indiana Bugs »

I was on 42nd Street in NYC yesterday around dinnertime at Dallas BBQ (meh) and I got a compliment on my Fed III. It was a simple, 'Nice hat!' from a waiter. I don't live for compliments but it is nice to hear them occasionally.

I see people walking around in what I consider some of the strangest clothing. It doesn't bother me what I wear, or anyone else for that matter.

In my head what I wear does not feel like a costume. It's all a part of me so I suppose it just comes across that way.

fifthchamber, I've had Type I since I'm 6. Nice to know someone else who understands how weird the highs and lows feel, not that I wish it on anyone. I don't.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by thePawn »

Except for Halloween, I've only had a few occasions to wear the jacket, hat, shirt, pants, and boots. I go through stages. My kids like it when I wear the hat as they can find me in a crowd. I can definitely say that the older you get, the more you don't give a $#%+, and wear what you like. Several years ago, I bought a several vintage suits from Magnola, and wore my gray fedora all the time, and then the jacket and hat as my casual wear.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by UkulelePinoy »

I wear my AB Raiders hat almost every day to work. I say almost every day, because I recently bought a nice Panama hat that I'm now occasionally wearing. At any rate, when I first started wearing it, I'd get the occasional ribbing from a few coworkers...all in good fun, mind you. I also got "nice hat" here and there. I still get the periodic jab, but again, in good fun. At this point, they've gotten used to me wearing my hat.

One thing for certain is that I've gotten LOTS of compliments while out shopping and such. Never before had I worn something that has come anywhere close to the number of positive remarks I've received about my hat. It's really kinda refreshing. I don't tend to wear it much on the weekends, unless I'm out camping, hiking, walking the dog, fishing, etc. I mainly wear it to/from work, but at times I'll stop at the store on the way home.

As was mentioned by others before, I don't really care if, for some reason, others have a problem with it. And yes, there are plenty of strangely-dressed folks out there to garner more critical attention.

Long story short: wear what you want and let it become a part of you. Don't let others decide for you what you should wear. Brush off the looks and off-color comments. But mostly, enjoy the compliments. You might get one here or there.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Adirondack Jones »

I can't remember the last time I got an "indiana Jones" comment, but I frequently get "nice hat,' or "i Like your hat".
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by marshall2288 »

thePawn wrote:Except for Halloween, I've only had a few occasions to wear the jacket, hat, shirt, pants, and boots. I go through stages. My kids like it when I wear the hat as they can find me in a crowd. I can definitely say that the older you get, the more you don't give a $#%+, and wear what you like. Several years ago, I bought a several vintage suits from Magnola, and wore my gray fedora all the time, and then the jacket and hat as my casual wear.

" I can definitely say that the older you get, the more you don't give a $#%+, and wear what you like." At my ripe old age of 26 I can definatly tell this is true. I'm seriously careing less and less about what anyone thinks of me. This is also helping me understand all the crazy stuff my dad used to do in public that made me embarassed to be with him. I now do this stuff and my wife gets embarassed. It's kinda nice getting old :TOH:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

And you can still look forward to embarrassing your kids! :lol:

We need a new smiley, "It's not the years, it's the mileage".

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by fenris »

I remember one of the few times when I was first starting to wear the hat... I was at a toy store buying some Indy figures and didn't notice I was standing next to a Freddy Krueger bust. The saleslady said, "Oh, you have the same hat!" :x

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Columbiana Jones »

I'm also a regular hat-wearer in general--various "driver's caps," and light-weight fedoras in straw, paper, etc. When I do wear them--especially out to a grocery store--I will get something along the lines of a "hey--nice hat" from other guys who are hat-wearers. I guess that they can appreciate the fact of wearing a hat, and notice them.

As for the Indy hat alone, I've never really gotten many looks as far as I can tell. Same with the jacket by itself. BUT, when I have worn the hat plus the shirt and/or pants and/or jacket (with the web belt), I have noticed that I do get a few extra lingering looks, and I imagine this is because it looks vaguely familiar to the person looking, as if they can't quite place where it is that they have seen this outfit before. Or else it is sort of "shocking" to them to see an Indy "ensemble" out and about today.

This is funny: the first time I put the pants, shirt, and belt on in front of my wife, her first comment was: "Are you in the military in the 1940s or something?" I laughed. . .a little nervously!

This is all so much fun.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Oildale Jones »

I wore my Garrison fedora on a safari park trip this past weekend and nobody said a thing to me, although my wife did compliment me on my Indy-ish military/safari shirt. (What are those things called?)

Sorry about the blur. No follow-through...

My son, however, wore the main pieces of his close-enough Indy gear (shirt, pants, fedora, belts and holster) and got positive comments ranging from "Nice safari outfit!" to "It's Indiana Jones!" A couple of fathers thought it was fantastic that I was "carrying on the tradition," which led to a discussion about how well the movie's held up. So it was nice.

Here he is getting ahead of the group. He's always all up on the teacher... ;)

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Switch625 »

The first time I wore my gear it was to the midnight screening of Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was all "close enough" gear, costume fedora, shirt, pants and boots, but it got the point across and everybody loved it. I even took a few pictures with people, which was a new experience for me. I've since upgraded everything to as screen accurate as I can afford. I wear the hat and jacket all the time in the winter and nobody pays attention.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Baldwyn »

dmdmorris wrote:Hi to everybody,

I'm new to the forum, so be kind.

I've been reading the various posts with great interest.

I would love to hear everyone's experience the first time they wore their Indy gear in public and what the reaction was. I'm not talking about the full costume, specifically I'm referring to the Fedora, the Leather Jacket, Alden's, and Chinos. (No gun, whip etc... )I'm planning on wearing this as my everyday outfit but am a bit nervous as to the reaction, especially the hat. I know I shouldn't probably give a ####.

Thanks for your comments and suggestions.
I find when I carry a gun and a whip, I get no smart-alecky comments.

Oildale Jones, your son looks great!!!! Good work!
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by Max Chance »

I generally wear the complete outfit for Halloween - only, where it's accepted with open arms (: and I don't have to put up with the usual goofy looks and comments. I do wear the separate elements (especially the jacket, boots or shirts) as a normal part of my wardrobe. I wore Indy style shirts (WWII type) even before the movie as I always liked the adventurous look as a kid.

I guess a lot depends on your personality. I have a friend who can go full bore Indy at a funeral and not give a darn.

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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by The0w3n5 »

I usually wear the jacket, shirt and boots out.

I usually get nice comments about the jacket and boots (especially the jacket) and they are very surprised when I tell them it's an Indiana Jones Jacket from wested leather, but overall the comments are positive. :TOH:
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by TheBartender »

The first time I wore my gear was actually what led me to this site.

Every year at the airsoft field I play at they have a post-apocalyptic game which has everything from "cannibals" to rare artifacts that need to be found. My buddy and I were watching Raiders the day before and I said to him half jokingly what if I went as Indiana Jones? He yelled yes you have to! So for the rest of the night we put together a rough kit which included a ww2 pistol holster that hung around my waist, In it I put my browning hi-power, I borrowed my buddy's plain cloth satchel and his brown leather bikers jacket. I wore my own fedora I got years ago when I first saw the movies.

The next day was an absolute blast, right off the bat everybody recognized me and complimented the gear, and for the rest of the day everybody called me Dr. Jones. The two highlights of the day for me happened when I was sitting in the "saloon" trading gear with other people to try and get more artifacts and two kids come in with a bag to try and sell me the contents, not thinking I reach my hand in to pull it out, when I feel a snake. I call out what's in there they tell me they caught a snake and wanted to sell it to me. I promptly hand them the bag back while yelling I HATE SNAKES!! Well at that point the whole crowd starts laughing all except for the two kids who didn't get the reference. The second highlight for me was when I stole a small Zeus statue from one group and they chased me halfway across the field until I made it safely to the town.

In the end that was probably the most fun I've ever had at the field, and since the owner has already asked me to do it again next year I'd like to have a solid Indy impression instead of the ad hoc gear I was wearing last weekend.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by westy1970 »

I wear my hat almost daily and it's been jacket weather lately so I am wearing both together. I got one comment on the hat and the guy said "I could catch a lot of fish wearing that hat" to which I replied that I DO catch a lot of fish wearing it. I also wear kilts a lot of the time so I am used to stares and comments, but I get nothing wearing Indy gear.
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Re: First Time Experiences Wearing Your Indy Gear

Post by jlhampton »

I don't wear the full gear out, ever. I've only worn a piece here and there. I've had only a few comments from people who actually recognize the gear for what it is. Not too long ago, I was asked if I was a fan because I was wearing the bag(which I use every day to work. I hate carrying things in my pockets). This person knew exactly what it was. Sometime I wear the shirt with jeans or another pair of pants, or the boots with the same and I've worn the hat along with other clothing combinations. However, recently I was wearing my Magnoli pants with my Aldens and a regular dark green dress shirt. Well, I decided to change into one of my Indy shirts(Todd's) and go out to the grocery store. As I'm shopping, one of the employees, some kid no older than 16-17, gives me a double take and asks if I'm wearing an Indiana Jones shirt and I said, "Uh, yeah,.. why, yes it is." He said He'd been looking for one online and no luck, so I directed him to some sites that we're all familiar with and went on. My wife and I were just surprised that he recognized it like he did, but never noticed the rest of what I was wearing; only the shirt.

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