Alden 405 color variations

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Alden 405 color variations

Post by wwtwo »

Hi everybody,
My unit threw a going-away party for me this morning as I'm leaving my beloved Marine Corps after 14 years! I wore my 405s, which are of the brick batch. Take a look at this picture! That's me in jeans with the lei. I wish you could see the boots better, but I think you'll get the idea. Look at how the lighting at the restaurant and type of camera changed the color of the Aldens. I think they're a dead ringer for the Raiders opening sequence. This makes me believe we are sometimes chasing a ghost to get our gear SA. I thought you folks would find this interesting. Here's a link for a bigger picture: ... /lightbox/" onclick=";return false;

- two
This one shows a more reddish tint to the 405s.
This one shows a more reddish tint to the 405s.
Image.jpg (37.79 KiB) Viewed 213 times
Image 7.jpg
Image 7.jpg (34.47 KiB) Viewed 213 times
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Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by fifthchamber »

Aren't we all "chasing ghosts"? I mean, that's what the majority of us gearheads do here....

It's still fun though...Just that sometimes you realise you haven't ACTUALLY caught the ghost you thought you had....(Usually when Wade Egan, John Penman, Todd Coyle or Azuma bring something new out....)

It's all about opinions pretty much...And eyes...And the way we see the colours we see...

Meh...I'm beyond it...I like decent gear that looks close enough I'm happy...And I enjoy getting a step closer each time I order..So I'll keep on chasing these babies...

It's funky right? (and yeah, crazy....But hey, what else would I do with my free time?) ;)

I like the look in the photos.... Solid boots... :TOH:
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Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by wwtwo »

fifthchamber wrote:Aren't we all "chasing ghosts"? I mean, that's what the majority of us gearheads do here....

It's still fun though...Just that sometimes you realise you haven't ACTUALLY caught the ghost you thought you had....(Usually when Wade Egan, John Penman, Todd Coyle or Azuma bring something new out....)

It's all about opinions pretty much...And eyes...And the way we see the colours we see...

Meh...I'm beyond it...I like decent gear that looks close enough I'm happy...And I enjoy getting a step closer each time I order..So I'll keep on chasing these babies...

It's funky right? (and yeah, crazy....But hey, what else would I do with my free time?) ;)

I like the look in the photos.... Solid boots... :TOH:
I think you're right. I've only recently gotten serious about collecting the gear, but I've wanted to the complete ensemble since 1981, as have many of us, I'm sure. Getting it right has certainly been easier with Indygear and COW. I'm embarrassed to say I actually called Paramount in 1990 in an attempt to get Anthony Powell's contact information so I could find out where to buy the boots! Whoever I spoke with kindly told me not to hold my breath! Anyway, I think you nailed it by going after decent gear. The trick is to make what you have your own. And there are worse things one can do with free time...

Thanks for the compliment on the boots. They're off tomorrow to visit the Alden homeland for restoration. I will wish them well and hope they come back rejuvenated!

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Re: Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by IndianaSloan »

wwtwo wrote:Hi everybody,
My unit threw a going-away party for me this morning as I'm leaving my beloved Marine Corps after 14 years! I wore my 405s, which are of the brick batch. Take a look at this picture! That's me in jeans with the lei. I wish you could see the boots better, but I think you'll get the idea. Look at how the lighting at the restaurant and type of camera changed the color of the Aldens. I think they're a dead ringer for the Raiders opening sequence. This makes me believe we are sometimes chasing a ghost to get our gear SA. I thought you folks would find this interesting. Here's a link for a bigger picture: ... /lightbox/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

- two
Congratulations on your retirement( so to speak) and thank you for your service.

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Re: Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by wwtwo »

IndianaSloan wrote:
wwtwo wrote:Hi everybody,
My unit threw a going-away party for me this morning as I'm leaving my beloved Marine Corps after 14 years! I wore my 405s, which are of the brick batch. Take a look at this picture! That's me in jeans with the lei. I wish you could see the boots better, but I think you'll get the idea. Look at how the lighting at the restaurant and type of camera changed the color of the Aldens. I think they're a dead ringer for the Raiders opening sequence. This makes me believe we are sometimes chasing a ghost to get our gear SA. I thought you folks would find this interesting. Here's a link for a bigger picture: ... /lightbox/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

- two
Congratulations on your retirement( so to speak) and thank you for your service.

Thanks, David. It was an honor to serve.
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Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by Michaelson »

I've always been fond of the 'red' version of the 405's myself. You can keep the color with application of Melatonian 'Brick' shoe creme, if you're not already using it.

Congratulations on your retirement, and thank you for your service to our country, my friend! :TOH:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Alden 405 color variations

Post by wwtwo »

Michaelson wrote:I've always been fond of the 'red' version of the 405's myself. You can keep the color with application of Melatonian 'Brick' shoe creme, if you're not already using it.

Congratulations on your retirement, and thank you for your service to our country, my friend! :TOH:

Regards! Michaelson
Thank you kindly, sir! Like I said, it was an honor to serve. I can't quite believe it is coming to an end, but all good things... I do use the Melatonian. I also use Pecards per your suggestion! I suppose another method to obtain Raiders opening sequence SA would be to hang out in very dim light... :lol:

Thanks again!

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