Alden 405's (New colours?)

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Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

Heya Guys and Gals!

First off, Happy New Year to all of you! I hope Christmas and the New Year was a decent one for us all! Mine started with a large Earthquake...So I'm feeling rather used to it all since 2011 was the same...Maybe someone needs to tell Japan that it's 2012 and "it" should stop shaking now and return to "nice to live on"? Meh...That aside, the year has started well...


I'd promised to post photos of the Alden's I'd ordered for a self Christmas present...They arrived on the 29th and I have to say, I'm highly impressed by what I received...

They're 405's...Although I find it very interesting to see the colours..They are darker than nearly all the other 405's I've seen posted here before, and certainly darker than the ones on the Alden website..

I've Pecarded them twice, and used a hot air dryer to soak and lock the oils in better, and they're close to where I want them to be colourwise...

Anyway...Here are the initial photos! I'll post up some comparisons with the 403's next so you can see what I mean about the similar colours...Hope you appreciate them as much as I do!



Regards and Happy New Year!
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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

This is what I meant about the similarity...The colour does seem rather amazingly close if not identical to the 403 colouring....I hope this change means that Alden have finally decided to focus more heavily on the 405 classics and save time by making the lining leather and the colour darker, perhaps with an eye to stopping the 403 entirely? Anyway...The colours of mine are wonderful..

This is the boots above after two Pecards and air drying...


And just for reference this is a photo of a pair of brand new 403's....


And I see no difference at all between them... :D

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by Noah »

Congrats Ben! The 405's look nearly identical to the 403's there. I like the darker color.
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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

Thanks for the comment Noah!

Yeah, I agree...I think a good friend of mine will be getting some Aldens soon too, and he showed me some photos, and they look darker too, so perhaps it is a new colour that they're using at Alden recently? I can't really be sure..

Thanks for saying that you see what I see though!

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by Ian »

Great boots Ben!!! Just awesome, and I love the new colour of the 405s....They'll look even better when you start to get some creases in them.. :D :D

So, from what I understand, the main distinction between 405s and 403s is the 403s have Chromexel leather uppers, which are the darker colour....So is it just the colour they've changed on yours or is the leather different? :-k

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

Heya mate..

(Happy New Year too eh!)

The leather is the Waxhide 405 standard...Not Chromexel...So it's just the dye it seems?

And yeah, I've worn them most days since I got them and they're relaxing into the best pair of shoes I've worn..The only down side is that I now prefer standing more, which means I'm more tired at the end of the days walking...LOL

Good shoes means you want to walk..Not sit down and do naff all..But that's probably no bad thing..

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by Ian »

Merry New Year to you too Ben.. :TOH:

I know what you mean...I fight the urge to wear mine every day.. :D

Where does your big toe sit in relation to the upper stitching when you're stood up? (Just out of curiosity)..


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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

It feels like the tip of my big toe is just a bit beyond the top stitching...

Hard to tell exactly, but it's past the thread at the very least...But not by much?
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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by Ian »

Aye....That's where mine are...I was just checking because I always wondered about the 'last' size....It's quite roomy, but still feels right.. :-k

Cheers... :TOH:

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

Not at all, yeah, mine feel about the same....No slide, but "wiggle room" for sure...

They are a little more "wrapped" if I wear two pairs of socks (like my old walking boots used to feel somewhat?), but with just one they feel just about spot on..
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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by IndianaSloan »

Beautiful boots fifth! Hope you get many miles out of them.

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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

I've bought shoes that made me enjoy running more... But these are probably the first pair I've owned that actually let me enjoy just walking....

That alone is probably more than enough decent advertising for Aldens...They are a real pleasure to wear and I jump at chances to do so..

Thanks Indysloan! Regards and welcome to Obi Wan too! :TOH:
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Re: Alden 405's (New colours?)

Post by fifthchamber »

Just thought that I should add a small postscript to this...

My laces got soaked last week in heavy rains and have started to fray (I think because of the metal holders? But I could be yanking too much...Regardless...), so I emailed Alden about possible shops here to buy new ones from... They replied that a new pair would be sent out to me.. I emailed back pointing out that I was in Japan, so that might be pushing it? And their reply made me feel that Alden deserve the money they make from great shoes and the name they get from superior service... "They'll be sent out this week, warm regards".... Alden rock... Absolutely.

I'd heard that people here would be sent new pairs, but I checked and they all lived in the US, so I'd not expected that at all... Highly pleased that Alden care about customers, rather than just do what "needs doing"... Great service, and just another reason to really appreciate these boots...

Well, forgive me, just wanted to say that Alden are still the greatest, and that they have rather stunning customer service..

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