It served a good full year's life, however. It did have some length issues (2 inches short in the sleeves and an 1.5 inches short in the length) BUT it was a savvy looking Raiders jacket. I remember being so jazzed at how the pockets were just right...the first time I had scene a Wested Raiders jacket where the pockets were right on (and I have been through a number of 'em

SOOooo, here's the flip side. My parental units have proposed getting a "Hero" for me.

I am VERY excited. BUT I go into this knowing full well that I have to size up. Since the 38 regular had length issues, I'm going for the size 40. This will most likely present with lower shoulder seams, but with the 38, the shoulder seams were pretty much at the tip of my shoulders, so I have some wiggle room there. And I think that will also help with the sleeve length.
Comparisons of a late model custom Raiders and the Hero jacket may be an apples to oranges thing, but I really think upsizing to the 40 is gonna work out.
Here are some pictures that demonstrate what I'm talking about:

What do you think? Should I upsize to the 40 with standard sleeve and back lenght? Or should I stick with the 38 and add 2 inches to the sleeves and an inch and a half to the back length? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated!
