My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Texan Scott »

Hey, IB! As I recall, your hat of another kind is shaping up, as well! ;) They only get better with age.

Happenstance, but was glad to have that look, as the hat just out of the box was just slightly on the large side, but it is breaking in now and fitting better with a little use. :H:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Deputy Jedi »

I am sorry the photos don't work. I will have to try a different host if I get time. :TOH:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mountaineer »

My wife called mid-morning yesterday while I was on a service call to tell me my hat had arrived at our house. Hence, yesterday was a long day. After David announced this deal, I inquired about the ability of his hats to weather rain and not bleed as I wear one just about every single day. He told me that, so far there hasn't been a case he's aware of; so I decided to take the plunge.

When I ordered it (4 Sept), all I said to David was "I'd like a Rabbit Raiders" and gave my hat size. That's it. No other emails because I just went with it. I wanted to see what that got me. Not to catch David up on anything, I didn't want to be responsible for making him change something and then end up not liking that change. (Too many chiefs, not enough Indians kind of thing.)

That was (psychologically, for me) a long wait, but then Saturday (15 Oct) I got my "your hat's in the mail" email. Monday morning (17 Oct) the hat was at my house. Go USPS!

This hat is really nice. Its softness threw me. I mean it is soft, but yet it holds its shape. It looked wonky in the box, but then turned hats are wonky. I know why we like them, but it always takes me a second or two to get used to the turn. So I'm assuming the turn is a standard feature on these. Not a bad thing, just is. I considered "righting" the hat, because my head gets that warped brim on hats as is; but I left it turned.

When my wife saw it, she said, "Now that's the one that bleeds, right?" I laughed and told her, "Nope, new hat." She said, to her, it looked "exactly" like that hat. So kudos David, my wife mistook your hat for my Steve-converted homburg/Raiders hat. That comment made me happy at any rate. That's what I wanted, a hat to replace my bleeder. Mission accomplished.

So here it is on the noggin. Excuse the arm-length, cell phone shot as I was grilling out last night; 4 of our 5 weeknights are slammed with activities. I just wanted to get a semi-decent shot just to post it.

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Excellent looking hat, Mountaineer--it suits you! :clap:

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Deputy Jedi »

My thanks to member Mulceber who recommended Photobucket. I obviously don't post many pictures ! ... 18%202011/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

And I will offer a little more detailed review here. The hat was well packaged. The bash had fallen out (not unexpected), but popped right back in with finger pressure. I have continued to work it with fingers alone (no spray bottle or steam) and it looks better daily. The brown is dark and rich, so dark that indoor photos are tricky because they tend to turn out too dark for detail. It should color fade wonderfully with use.

The felt is very soft but durable. The sweatband is nicely and securely sewn in. I like the champaign color liner. It adds a different maybe classier look than just typical white.

And the bow work.... fantastic. David's bow crafting matches the quality on my Penman. Both these men know how to do bows.

I asked for a general raiders bash without turn because I have a slight long oval. True to form, I can get a slight turn look by manipulating the front brim on the left side with thumb and forefinger.

I think my face works better with looser pinches, so I doubt I will train this hat to be really super tight, but now I have my Raiders look. I just love the movie looks when taking the photos at different angles.

I am glad I remeasured my head and went with a bigger measurement on this custom. The hat is very comfortable and I can sit it down lower on my head to prevent it from flying.

Best wishes !! DJ :TOH:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Texan Scott »

Really nice hats there, JD and Mountaineer! ;)
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

DJ, you've got a great looking hat there. :clap:

:TOH: Best wishes,
Nebraska Schulte
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Deputy Jedi wrote:My thanks to member Mulceber who recommended Photobucket.
Hey, glad I could help. ;) The hat looks great on you. As someone who is eagerly awaiting my own Garrison, it's exciting to see more examples of his work. Thanks for the review as well. -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

You know what I love?

New hat smell. Almost as good a new car smell, but I get to experience it a lot more often with hats.

Got my Garrison yesterday. I'm going to be a tease and say
A. it's not a Raiders hat and
B. no pictures for at least a few days until I can get the front brim more to where I want it.

As to a review, not more to add than what others have said. The felt is soft and holds a bash without problem. The bash on my hat came completely out during shipping, but went right back. The fit straight out of the box is the best of any hat I've gotten and the craftsmenship is on par with the best of any maker out there.

High regards, David!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Can't wait to see it, Jeff... but until then, CONGRATS on your newest piece of gear!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Georgia Steve »

Really good looking hat's JD and Mountaineer. :TOH:
Always enjoy seeing pic of these hats. :clap:

Indiana Jeff , I can't wait to see this new hat!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mountaineer »

Thanks all. This hat wears great. I mean it plops down on the head and that's that. Not at all uncomfortable if you wear it for hours.

I think it's the softness of the hat, it just shapes to your head when you put it on.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

OK, long overdue pictures.

This is a Bogey style in moss green. I've been working with David for some time on this hat. I wanted a moss color to round out my skull wardrobe and was thinking about something different from an Indy style. I saw a reblock David did for another member and knew I found the hat.



I've lost count of the number of compliments I've received about this hat. The folks that know me are used to seeing me in a fed, but this hat really caught their attention.

David, I'll be in touch soon about another idea.....


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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Michaelson »

Great looking hat, Jeff! :M: :tup:

Everytime I see another moss green hat show up, I'm forced to smile, as YEARS ago Steve Delk got in several moss green cones from Winchester to try, and he honestly thought it was a lost investment. Who'd want a green hat? :-k

Still, I had one on order for over 5 years before he finally made me one, and I've had more compliments on that hat than any other in my stable.

Now I'm seeing them pop up everywhere. I guess Steve was ahead of the curve on this color. :lol:

Anyway, it's a winner, Jeff. WELL done, David! :TOH:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Thank you, kind sir. That is indeed high praise coming from you.


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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Deputy Jedi »

Very Nice Sir !!!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Nightgoat »

I ordered a standard Raiders from Garrison last week. It'll be my first Indy fedora ever! I had been pondering which to buy for a long time now and was looking primarily at the AB Henry until I saw all of the pics of Mr. Garrison's work. The wait is going to kill me, though. I'm an impatient b*****d. LOL!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Hey Indiana Jeff,
I am glad you posted your Bogey hat. It looks good on ya. Very distinguished looking on you. I love this color. I have had several local folks request this color from me since making yours. I think it works well. It has such a deep, rich pine tone to it, it takes being next to green to bring out the full "green base" to it. The trees in the background demonstrated this fact. Other surroundings bring out the deeper tones.
After seeing yours on you, I am going to add one of these to my own wardrobe. :tup: Love to see some back shots of the crown top.
Thanks again for posting it.

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Michaelson »

They look great with a black leather jacket.
Bellieve me. :M: :tup:
Regards! Michaelson
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Hollowpond »

Dag right Michael!!! That looks GREAT on you dude! :clap: Great job, David as well!! :clap:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by fifthchamber »

Looks great Tundra!!

I rather like the shape you've worked in on the hat there...Like a cross between a Raiders and a Kingdom....Shades of LC too....Pretty cool as is actually.... :TOH:

Can't wait to see the other photos of course...But that one alone is a great shot! ;)
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by fifthchamber »


Ya gotta stop hiding the "old guy" behind the dude who looks like a mature Indy though, because until Indy moves I'll never be able to see him! :TOH:

Regards sir. :TOH:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Texan Scott »

The brim and ribbon looks very Raiders, Tundy! The front bashed crown looks like it could be further bashed down and the front pinch sharpened a bit (may be shadows?), but other than that, it looks like you are well on your way. ;) :tup:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Love that moss green Garrison, Jeff! :) :tup:

Michael, EXCELLENT as always! :notworthy:

VERY nice work, LLS!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Gorak »

Tundra...that looks so classic Raiders Indy. ManOman, you really look like you just climbed out of the Well of Souls or something. Very natural on you. Reminded me alot of the promo shot of Indy and Marion hugging in the desert.
:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by steerpike »

Micheal the hat is really great. I do own a Garrison SOC fedora, so I can say: what a great choice!
The shape appear perfect to me, actually the only thing is to thight the pinch a lot, as we know well.

I have to say, I'd love to see some other shot of this, as I know how great you are on gear wearing/showing.

So, compliment to Mr. Garrison as always, an to you for this great Raiders gear add.

btw, your shot remind me this one:

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Tundrarider wrote:Finally posting a pic of my new SOC Garrison! \:D/

I still hope to get better shots. For me the Fedora is the most difficult to photograph as lighting, camera distance and angle affect the shots so much.

Also, I'm still working in the pinch and overall shape. The pinch is still a bit loose for Raiders, but it's getting there! :H:

I love this hat! Thank you, David!!! :D


Michael :TOH:

You are welcome, Michael. Glad to see you post. That is a wonderful shot. Very "Raiders" in attitude. I will add this to my folder of customer pics. :tup: Shipping does take bashed out. Hopefully folks can do just like Michael did and place them right back. A little water on the front pinch will help to set a tighter pinch. Also, if you start the pinch right at the top of the ribbon, helps to create the Cairo look. Great look, Michael.

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Tundrarider wrote:Thanks, David!!! :D I'm honored to be added to your customer pics; but please promise me you will update this pic when I provide a new shot! The pinch in front is way tighter now, all the way to the ribbon, as you suggested. :H:

Thanks again! :D

Michael :TOH:
Hey, don't forget to post them here too - we'd all love to see them. :clap: -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jnicktem »

I really can't wait to get my Garrison! It should be here any day now. I am reaching the 8 week mark.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Tundrarider wrote:Thanks, -M! :D

You've adequately twisted my arm.... :P

Michael :TOH:
Hey, what do you think we're here for? ;)
I really can't wait to get my Garrison! It should be here any day now. I am reaching the 8 week mark.
I'm at 9 right now. Glad to know I'm not the only one eagerly waiting. :? -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Just got the news today, my Garrison Raider has shipped. \:D/ If you can't tell, I'm just a little excited. -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by david_h »

WooHoo!! My Garrison hat arrived today - wasn't expecting it until next week.

First impressions are very positive; the felt is nice and soft, the construction is excellent and the fit is just right.

I'll post some pics before the weekend is over!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jlee562 »

david_h wrote:WooHoo!! My Garrison hat arrived today - wasn't expecting it until next week.

First impressions are very positive; the felt is nice and soft, the construction is excellent and the fit is just right.

I'll post some pics before the weekend is over!

Well look who popped over from TFL!

Can't wait to see the pics....
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by david_h »

Hey JLee - they let anyone in her these days so I snuck in.

Truth be told, I'm a major lurker here. I've never even seen an Indiana Jones movie so I don't have much to contribute, but I do like a nice fedora as you know.

When I saw Mr Garrison's special offer I couldn't resist and went ahead and placed an order.

I have to say that I'm very glad that I did. This is the rabbit felt hat and it is such a rich dark drown colour and very soft - nicer to the touch than my Akubra Campdraft, which is also a very nice hat. The ribbonwork is good and the inside nicely finished off complete with an Indiana Jones-ish logo - I'm sure you folks all know what it is!

The workmanship is first class as well. I don't have any other Indy hats to compare it with (at least not yet, my wife is getting me a grey Penman which is currently on order), but David's work stands up very well against other custom hats I have.

I think the $175 offer is still in place, so there is still a chance to grab a super custom Indy hat at a fantastic price. I'm sure a lot of people have already taken advantage so the wait is somewhat longer than David's stated 4 weeks - trust me though; it is well worth waiting for!

Enough of me, here's the hat...


And finally, just to show that I do have some Indiana Jones credentials, here's the Garrison hat posing with my official Indy boots!!

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Oildale Jones »

david_h wrote:...I've never even seen an Indiana Jones movie...
WHAT!? :shock: That situation must be rectified immediately.

EDIT: Gorgeous fedora and great pics! (You know, for someone who's never seen an IJ movie.) ;)

Mr. Garrison emailed me recently with some bad news: There was a SNAFU with my fedora, but he's expediting a new one for me. Looking forward to getting it (and the extra ribbon so I can class up my Fed IV).
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jnicktem »

Oildale Jones wrote: Mr. Garrison emailed me recently with some bad news: There was a SNAFU with my fedora, but he's expediting a new one for me.
Me too.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by lantzn »

Mine arrived today as well! Like so many other the bash fell out in shipping but readily went back into place with a little prodding.
I love the rich dark brown color and the rabbit felt is soft. I'll get some pics soon.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Gorgeous hat, David_h. Also, it seems that you have a real talent for photography, because all the little details of the hat seem crystal clear. Thanks for sharing, that hat already seems to have developed some great character.

Oh and even if you don't watch any other Indy films (action adventure isn't for everyone :? ), I would definitely recommend watching Raiders of the Lost Ark, both because it's so iconic and because it's a nice send-up of the Republic Serials of the Golden Era. -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by wwtwo »

I ordered a GH SoC Raiders 25 November. David said it will probably take 6 weeks, and hopes to have it shipped before Christmas (is it PC to say that word here???).

Waiting patiently.

- W
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jnicktem »

Congrats on the order! I should be receiving my Garrison hat sometime this week.

And considering we have a secret Santa exchange going on on this forum- go ahead and say Christmas!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by wwtwo »

jnicktem wrote:Congrats on the order! I should be receiving my Garrison hat sometime this week.

And considering we have a secret Santa exchange going on on this forum- go ahead and say Christmas!
:lol: Thanks! Looking forward to hearing how you like yours (and for pictures)!

Haven't stumbled across the secret Santa here, but will look for it!

- W
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jnicktem »

Take a look in Lao Che's. Top of the page.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by david_h »

Thanks for the comments, guys.

Been enjoying wearing the new Garrison today

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by steerpike »

If you are thinking to go to Cairo, don't forget the right hat. I love this hat.

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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Just got my Garrison Raider in the mail! \:D/


I know we always say this whenever we get a new Indy hat, but this is the one! The felt is wonderfully floppy, exactly what you would expect from a Streets of Cairo hat, and is some of the softest felt I've ever seen that didn't have any beaver mixed in. The block of the hat looks a little weird when it's not on your head, but as soon as it nestles on your crown, it takes on a great Raiders shape. It's also the first Indy hat I've had where I didn't have to adjust the pinch. David made the hat look darn near perfect straight out of the box, and it has been very nicely broken in. It's already one of the most comfortable hats I own. David's work is comparable to Adventurebilt. A great hat at a great price. -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Those are some words of high praise to be sure!
:D :tup:

Glad you like your new hat so very much, Mulceber! May you always wear it in good health.
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by jnicktem »

Mulceber- awesome hat! David did a great job with that one! Wear it with pride!
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Mulceber »

Thanks guys! I wore it today downtown and the resemblance to the Raiders hat was uncanny. And with such floppy felt and a butter-smooth sweatband, I hardly knew it was on my head. -M
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Local Land Surveyor »

Mulceber wrote:Thanks guys! I wore it today downtown and the resemblance to the Raiders hat was uncanny. And with such floppy felt and a butter-smooth sweatband, I hardly knew it was on my head. -M
Music to my ears. :D :tup:
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Re: My Garrison Raider (Garrison owners unite here!)

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Tundrarider wrote:Finally posting a pic of my new SOC Garrison! \:D/

I still hope to get better shots. For me the Fedora is the most difficult to photograph as lighting, camera distance and angle affect the shots so much.

Also, I'm still working in the pinch and overall shape. The pinch is still a bit loose for Raiders, but it's getting there! :H:

I love this hat! Thank you, David!!! :D


Michael :TOH:

Sorry I'm late to the party, but Micahel, that is one of the best looking Raiders I've seen in a long time! Well done, LLS!

:TOH: Best wishes,
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