Never heard of it, but it is very, very, VERY cool!!! I really like the WW2 A2 style jackets. I had a LL bean "Flying Tiger" once upon a time, but it had the non accurate split back panel (which is a turn off for me as far as jackets go anyways). One of these days I'm gonna get me an accurate one. Nice find!
Does this mean that George Lucas saw this film and got the idea of what Indy would look like ?
This film was set in WWII, so the uniform is pretty close to Indy's!
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
This is not about the actual movie, it is only an observation that Harrison Ford had "that look" before Raiders came out!
As for Harrison, I guess being second choice really paid off for him.
No stranger to doing three things in movies (in no particular order):
1. Wearing brown leather jackets with flap pockets
2. Yelling at a bad-guy either directly or over the phone about his wife and/or his family
3. Shooting first at the other guy before they have a chance to
- blast you and report to back to Jabba
- get close enough to you with their sword to slice you straight down the middle
- either ignite their lightsaber or do that weird force-choke-pinch thingy
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
Yeah, I mean wasn't Harrison Ford punished for it on the set of Temple of Doom?
Makes you wonder if they put pleats in Indy's trousers to take them one step away from the Officer's Pinks he wore in Hanover Street? (Though I thought Indy's pants were supposed to have been pinks, anyway.)
You know, there's another problem with his getup here. If he were out in public, he should be wearing his Class A uniform. The leather jacket and green shirt were working uniform items, not meant to be worn off base. No wonder he got a beating in ToD!
binkmeisterRick wrote:Makes you wonder if they put pleats in Indy's trousers to take them one step away from the Officer's Pinks he wore in Hanover Street? (Though I thought Indy's pants were supposed to have been pinks, anyway.)
I wish they had of been! Pleats kinda kill the "adventurer" motif for me...
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
This is not about the actual movie, it is only an observation that Harrison Ford had "that look" before Raiders came out!
As for Harrison, I guess being second choice really paid off for him.
Can't see the connection to Indy here, other than the obvious point that Indy is a generic adventurer uniform that is based on surplus military gear. Ford in this film is dressed in a uniform that happns to feature a not very accurate A2. I remember this film at the time being a piece of second rate flapdoodle.
Hollowpond wrote:Never heard of it, but it is very, very, VERY cool!!! I really like the WW2 A2 style jackets. I had a LL bean "Flying Tiger" once upon a time, but it had the non accurate split back panel (which is a turn off for me as far as jackets go anyways). One of these days I'm gonna get me an accurate one. Nice find!
It's what got Ford whipped to shreads for making by Barbara Stratton wearing a S&M outfit.
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
I'm with you there. Hanover Street and The Frisco Kid are a few hours I'll never get back.
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
I'm with you there. Hanover Street and The Frisco Kid are a few hours I'll never get back.
Indiana Jeff
Woah woah woah!!!! I've never seen Hanover St., so I can't speak on that . . . But I LOVE The Frisco Kid. No, it's not first rate, but it's totally watchable and fun. HF is pretty neat in it, and Gene Wilder is so adorable!
The Frisco Kid? Really? I've seen better performances in high school plays. I almost demanded Netflix give me a refund. I will give you Gene Wilder is adorable, but he's pretty much playing Adorable Gene Wilder.
binkmeisterRick wrote:Well, since Harrison Form himself is an aviator, it makes sense that he would wear such a jacket in the real world. (Not the acting world. )
binkmeisterRick wrote:Well, since Harrison Form himself is an aviator, it makes sense that he would wear such a jacket in the real world. (Not the acting world. )
In the article that accompanies the photos, Ford eyerolls when the photographer brings out the jacket. "They always want the leather jacket," he says.
binkmeisterRick wrote:Well, since Harrison Form himself is an aviator, it makes sense that he would wear such a jacket in the real world. (Not the acting world. )
In the article that accompanies the photos, Ford eyerolls when the photographer brings out the jacket. "They always want the leather jacket," he says.
binkmeisterRick wrote:Well, since Harrison Form himself is an aviator, it makes sense that he would wear such a jacket in the real world. (Not the acting world. )
In the article that accompanies the photos, Ford eyerolls when the photographer brings out the jacket. "They always want the leather jacket," he says.
I suppose it's the price you pay for being famous because of the leather jacket!
_ wrote:The jacket was made by Wested. Don't overstate the movie's impact - Ford was still second choice, and only then because he was doing carpenter work in the right place and at the right time...
Hanover Street was not memorable. I would not even Red Box it for $0.99... JMO...
I'm with you there. Hanover Street and The Frisco Kid are a few hours I'll never get back.
Indiana Jeff
Look at what I found at the theater (seeing a Raiders/ToD double bill with DarenHenryW)! A Frisco Kid poster in the bathroom!
Sorry for the late..
I like these 'new' pictures from Indiana this is very cool to me. They're look like authentic shots from the era or directly from 'The further adventures of IJ'-comics
What's funny is the movie is listed as PG but when I watched it with my ex conservative gf there was a scene where the love interest takes her clothes off very briefly. She was not I had to pretend to be mad.
I thought the movie wasn't too horrible, and had a goodlaugh that he was wearing a close indy outfit. I kept expecting him to put on a fedora....