Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

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Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by FaustianSlip »

Hey all- I keep vacillating about Indy gear, so as per usual, Halloween's coming up and I've got nada. Well, except a pair of trousers that I can use in lieu of the more official options (which will probably work better anyway, being that I'm female, so guys' trousers aren't really cut for me). Anyway, here's my question: I'm browsing Todd's for stuff I'll need if I want to go as Indy this Halloween, but I need to order soon, since he'll have to ship everything to a DPO, which takes about a month. Because I'm ordering a bunch at once, money's kind of a factor, and the part of China where I'm living now is frigging hot. So... how critical is the jacket in all of this?

Basically, I can get a Mark VII bag, a hat and either a whip or the jacket, but probably not both. Just too much money to lay out there all at once. I can probably get a shirt custom-tailored here, since that stuff usually comes pretty cheap. What do you guys think? To me, the whip is a way more critical piece of gear in all of this than the jacket is, and since I'm living in an area where the need for a heavy, leather jacket is, uh, minimal, I feel like it makes more sense to hold off and wait until I've got the money to buy the jacket I really want at a time when I might actually use it outside of costume-type stuff. And a "streets of Cairo" kind of thing might work really well- just throw some fuller's earth on everything and hit the town. Thoughts?
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Sebastian Arms »

You answered your own question. Hold off on the coat. Todd's stuff is great for one stop shopping in the Indy world and the outfit sans coat still is very recognizable. The hat and the whip are the two things that give it away-right.

We are just getting a few cool mornings now where I can wear my jacket. But I wear the shirts and hat throughout the summer.

Get that order placed to Todd's soon!


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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by McFly »

I think you'll be fine without it: ;)




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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

The pix from McFly say it all.

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by FaustianSlip »

Hmm. On second thought, I could just skip the costume and put my money into a cloning machine, see about getting my hands on some jacket-less Harrison Ford. \:D/


On a related but slightly tangental subject, the consensus seems to be that the licensed hats, even the one sold by Todd, are pretty wretched. How about the Downtowner? I don't really see myself wearing a fedora often enough to justify spending much more than what that costs, but it'd be nice to have something that at least looks presentable.

Edited to add, how long does Todd's shipping generally take? I know that since I'm dealing with the DPO, it'll take longer, but I'm wondering more about how long stuff usually takes to get out the door. It looks like Todd has revamped the site, and his FAQs link is broken at the moment. Also, if I use fullers earth to "age" the gear, am I stuck with it on everything (namely, my pants, which I sometimes wear to work), or can it be washed off?
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Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Jedirun »

If the stuff is in stock, Todd's usually ships the same day you order and from my experience, the site won't let you order if it is not in stock.

I tried on Todd's Downtowner when I was there. It is stiff but has a pretty screen accurate bash and is miles better than the officially licensed hats. I think that given the price, it is an excellent choice for a costume.

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Adventure Dog »

Right now, the best bang for your buck on hat's ARE... As usual: Fed IV from hatsdirect.com and for a limited time only, a Garrison Rabbit hat (check out the fedora section). Not sure when you'll get it, but at $175 for a custom made Fedora, that's pretty dang good. Of course, if you don't plan on wearing that hat often, cheaper is better. Then again, if it turns out to be something that you like wearing... That's what happened to me. Now I need to save up for a new hat.

As for Todd's stuff? I love it. As a tall person I suffer a little bit from the shirt sizes, but the holster is great and so was the bag strap. I live on the other side of the continent from him, so it takes a little while to get here.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Deputy Jedi »

The jacket is not necessary as has been stated. I pulled off that look last Halloween, but was called a forest ranger by someone who did not see the whip... !Oh well....!

Ditto on Hatsdirect in Australia for the Federation IV. Great service. They respond to email very quickly and will help you determine the right size based on your head measurement. I have had two and jenny has helped me both times.

I am not sure, but perhaps shipping to your location might be quicker from AU. Good Luck and enjoy.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by FaustianSlip »

Thanks for the input, all. I'd love to get a Federation or a Garrison, but $175 is just too rich for my blood, at least at the moment. And being female, I don't really see myself wearing the hat enough to make that kind of money (nice as it'll look having pride of place on a shelf somewhere in my apartment).

Went to the tailor today, and it looks like the shirt's going to come out pretty great. The only thing I'm worried about is that the fabric we ended up using may be a little too thick. We'll see, though. She seemed totally confident about replicating the shirt but maybe taking it in a bit for a female body type. I'll post pics regardless; if it turns out well, I'll post the tailor's info here, too, in case anyone happens to be in the Shanghai area and wants to get one made for themselves. I'm starting to think if it's an option for you, that's the way to go; tailors here in general tend to be great at making copies of whatever you want made, anyway; send 'em the right pictures, and they could probably do a great job on Indy's shirt and trousers. Ditto places like Hong Kong, Bangkok, et cetera. So if anyone's coming to Asia, definitely consider going that route! The language barrier can sometimes be a problem, but I don't know much (uh, any) sewing-related Mandarin, anyway, and we got along all right. I think. Guess I'll know in a week or so!
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by indyclone »

hiya, figured since you asked i would put in my opinion.... Todd's really has good costume clothing so order your hat , satchel and hat from Todd's , get the hat measurement right so you have a correct hat size. you won't go wrong with Todd's , from a money stand point , it is good quality product for the money . :)
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

All this aside, other than folks like us, no one seems to even recognize there IS a specific jacket for Indy, so just about any good waist length leather like jacket would work for your Halloween costume.

Most folks still think he wore an A2 flight jacket. #-o

As Canyon posted last week, back 1984 that's ALL 'we' had available, and they didn't look bad at all.


Important? Not really, but folks will ask where it is when you show up not wearing one, so look for a decent inexpensive alternative, or create a good story. ;)

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Wade Egan »

Out of the 39 Halloweens I've done it up for I have probably been Indy at least 20 of them and as long as I had the hat and the whip nobody has ever asked me or 'teched' me on not having a jacket. In SoCal it was too hot and sometimes I just didn't have the right one. One sure fire way to make it work is to sacrifice your shirt and tear the sleeve off of the right arm going with the Temple Of Doom look. I think you'll be fine. Bring a zip lock bag filled with dirt with you and periodically douse yourself with the dirt and even put some fake cobwebs on yourself and you should be golden.

Bottom line, accentuate the positive! Rock what you have.

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Wade Egan wrote: In SoCal it was too hot and sometimes I just didn't have the right one. W.E.
That's a good point, Wade...it all depends on where you are at any given time. :-k

Out in my neck of the woods, the jacket IS asked about if you're not wearing one at a Halloween party, but then it's not hot out here in October. ;)

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by FaustianSlip »

Yeah, it's still in the '90s and humid where I live here in China. Indy wouldn't be wearing that jacket on a bet; I don't really see anyone giving me too much guff for not having it. I'm thinking I'll buy some fullers earth from Todd when I get the other stuff and just dump it on the shirt and all.

Although, that brings me to another question. If I go the fullers earth rout, am I stuck with it all over my gear forever, or can it be brushed/washed off post-Halloween?
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Well, there you go. You answered your own question then. :TOH:

Looking 'screen accurate' but dying from the heat isn't exactly the best way to enjoy a party, so leave the jacket at home....even if you HAD one. ;)

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by kwad »

Michaelson wrote:
Most folks still think he wore an A2 flight jacket. #-o

As Canyon posted last week, back 1984 that's ALL 'we' had available, and they didn't look bad at all.


Regards! Michaelson
Allright Michaelson,

Fess up! Which one is you? :-k


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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Behind the camera? :[
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Strider »

Gonna throw this one out there ....

I'm overweight. I wear the jacket so people won't notice. In all seriousness, the jacket makes it easier for me to hide my extra weight and not have it "pop" so much, as it were. I tend to stick with a lot of costumes that have coats that can hide that fact, as I certainly am not going to be dropping 50-60 lbs. anytime soon.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Mark Brody »

Body types aside, I say dress for the environment. If I were to go out trick-or-treating in Omaha, I'd wear my jacket (I only have one - cowhide). As it is, I usually stay at home and host a party. I'd probably wear the jacket long enough for the guests to arrive, see the full costume, and get some group pictures, but I'd ditch the jacket shortly after because it's just too darn hot. Last time I went as Indy for Halloween was a few years ago in Mississippi, and I only wore the jacket very early on in the party. That's the nice thing about the Indy costume - you can generally layer up or layer down enough to wear it in 95% of Earth's environment and still look good.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Strider »

Mark Brody wrote:Body types aside
Why? My body type was a big factor in why I chose to wear a jacket with the costume.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by BendingOak »

Michaelson wrote:All this aside, other than folks like us, no one seems to even recognize there IS a specific jacket for Indy, so just about any good waist length leather like jacket would work for your Halloween costume.

Most folks still think he wore an A2 flight jacket. #-o

As Canyon posted last week, back 1984 that's ALL 'we' had available, and they didn't look bad at all.


Important? Not really, but folks will ask where it is when you show up not wearing one, so look for a decent inexpensive alternative, or create a good story. ;)

Regards! Michaelson

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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

:M: :tup:
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Mark Brody »

Strider wrote:
Mark Brody wrote:Body types aside
Why? My body type was a big factor in why I chose to wear a jacket with the costume.
Right, I was just saying if this wasn't a factor in your costume preference; not sure if FaustianSlip cares about that, or simply having a complete costume with every piece Indy is recognized for.
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by nicktheguy »


Say, wasn't that last years whip competition at the QM? I see McFly and Liontamer in the photo, while _ was sporting his Venice Beach shirt he bought in the ship's shops? ;)
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by kwad »

I don't remember Jim Belushi entering the contest :-k
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by Hollowpond »

:lol: The second guy from the right does have an awesome hat though. It doesn't look very Indy (wider ribbon, maybe grey?) but it does look like an awesome vintage lid!
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Re: Halloween costume... how critical is the jacket?

Post by 191145 »

Faustianslip; I recommend you go as cheap as possible, all things considered. Get yourself one of the 'Indiana Jones'-marked theme park hats (about $25), a similar shirt and pants as you can, and any kind of gas mask-type/size shoulder bag. Maybe a cheap whip if you want. You will be instantly recognizable as IJ anywhere in the world, and you shouldn't spend a ton on a Halloween costume.
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