The jacket Indy is wearing in the well of souls/wing scenes with the German Mec. is my favorite Indy jacket. The beat up dusty greyish flappy jacket with the dusty hat and the heavy distressed gloves. WOW!
that is Indiana Jones gear to me and I want
that jacket! So I decided to pull out my dark brown lamb wested which I destroyed last year. Long story short, the collarstand was ripped off from the front panel which I carefully glued shut again. anyways, after this accident I it gave me a reason to really distress it.
The glued snag under the collar just adds more Indy character to the jacket now. so it's all good! I think it came out pretty cool.
items used,
all this and not one seam busted or hardly even touched. I think I used 3 hours on it...
okay, nuff talk..
here it is..
all I need now is a tall balled fat guy to play the mechanic. Hey, _, mind shaving your head?


The snag under the collar