US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

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US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by Oildale Jones »


I scored a killer deal on an unworn-with-tags US Wings jacket that was advertised as having been won in the Indiana Jones scratch-off lottery in Texas. However, according to some cursory research, US Wings denies having supplied jackets for the Texas lottery. The other lottery jackets I’ve seen have the Indiana Jones/Lucasfilm label and a nylon lining; this one has the USW label/tags and a cotton lining. The tag lists the item code as IJVIN (and has "Limited" written on it). (The closest I found on the US Wings site is IJVINC; C for cowhide, or custom?)" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

More pics here: ... ment/Indy/" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

So... does anyone have any idea what this means? Is this a smoking gun? Or is the seller smoking crack? (There's nothing but the seller's ad to indicate any connection to the lottery.)

What’s amusing is that although it’s a small, it doesn’t fit any tighter than my large Todd’s. And the length of the body and the sleeves is just about perfect. (Just another reason I’m hesitant about ordering online.)

Unfortunately, the seller must be a serious cigarette smoker; the jacket smells awful. (He did warn me.) It’s currently hanging in the garage to air out; any tips?

Edited to add: I neglected to mention that I currently fall between L and XL, so I always knew the jacket wouldn't fit, but I couldn't pass up the deal. (I'll either save it for my son or "flip" it.)
Last edited by Oildale Jones on Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Indydawg »

Take coffe beans, pour them into socks, tie them off, and stuff them into all the pockets..inside and out. You'll have to swap them out several times for fresh beans, but, the coffee will absorb the smoke smells...

Otherwise, the jacket looks to me to be a standard Wings jacket, possibly their limited Edition? Looks like a real winner to me! Congrats on the deal!
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I couldn't tell you if that came from the lottery or not, but I will say you totally scored. That looks to be from the limited run of Collector's jackets that used the same leather that Nowak used for the CS jackets. I own a Nowak CS, and the leather looks identical. Way to go!
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by whipitgood »

I've had suede jackets of mine dry-cleaned to get rid of the cigarette smell and it worked. Most dry cleaners have to send it out as only very few places do that kind of cleaning. The only problem is it's very pricey. It cost me about $65. Also, I'd do some research with dry cleaning leather before taking a chance on such a pretty jacket. My jackets came back fine, but I've heard that it can sometimes accentuate certain imperfections in the leather.
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by raider7 »

Good find - intersting that you say it's not much difference to your Todd's in sizing - can you provide some measurements please -

pit to pit
back length
across shoulders
sleeve from shoulder to cuff

I am considering ordering one of these and thought a medium would be about right - now I'm not so sure.
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

There was some flap in mid to late 2008 about the lottery jackets and US Wings. I did a quick search and David Hack verified Wings made the jackets for Arkansas. I didn't see any other states verified by David, but Florida and Texas advertised their lottery jackets came from Wings, but by all accounts the jackets were knock-offs of the Wings pattern. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the knock-offs was the sizing. People who normal wore L and XL were fitting into S.

Weird that yours has US Wings' tags, but fits like the knock-off jackets were described. :-k At the end of the day if you are happy with the jacket then it's all good.

As for the smoke smell, give this thread a look. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51135" onclick=";return false;


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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by raider7 »

Indiana Jeff wrote:There was some flap in mid to late 2008 about the lottery jackets and US Wings. I did a quick search and David Hack verified Wings made the jackets for Arkansas. I didn't see any other states verified by David, but Florida and Texas advertised their lottery jackets came from Wings, but by all accounts the jackets were knock-offs of the Wings pattern. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the knock-offs was the sizing. People who normal wore L and XL were fitting into S.

Weird that yours has US Wings' tags, but fits like the knock-off jackets were described. :-k At the end of the day if you are happy with the jacket then it's all good.

As for the smoke smell, give this thread a look. viewtopic.php?f=5&t=51135" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;


Indiana Jeff

I'm even more confused about the sizing now :? - have to sya that leather looks pretty convincing as a CE though - would not have thought any fake ones would have gone to the bother to get it that accurate. Anyone who owns one recognise the lining, or is that different too??
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Email just received from David Hack regarding this jacket:
Hello M,
Please post for all the Fans to know the real story!
A few years back there were jackets made that did not have the Official US Wings ® Label but was called a US Wings® Inc. jacket.. Those were not made by US Wings ® Inc. The Governor of Texas is a friend and also wears Two US Wings ® Inc. Jackets one is a Bison and the other is made from Goatskin and is a strong supporter of our Hobby! The Indy-Style jacket seen here is the real thing and made in the USA by US Wings ® Inc.

Sarge …. COW member!
Regards! Michaelson
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Oildale Jones »

Thanks for all the comments and info. The USW is more snug overall, probably because of the lining; the Todd's is roomier, but feels tighter across the shoulders.

Measurements, flat and zipped (I hope I'm doing it right):

US Wings (IJVIN - anyone know the model name?)

Size: Small
Pit to pit: 21"
Back length: 27" (from collar seam to bottom)
Across shoulders: 18.5"
Sleeve from collar seam to cuff: 31.75"
Sleeve from shoulder seam to cuff: 25.5"
Yoke: 7.25" (from collar seam to bottom of yoke)
Bottom, zipped: 20" (adjustment straps about halfway)

Todd's Standard

Size: Large
Pit to pit: 19.5"
Back length: 24.25" (from collar seam to bottom)
Across shoulders: 19.75"
Sleeve from collar seam to cuff: 31.5"
Sleeve from shoulder seam to cuff: 23.75"
Yoke: 5" (from collar seam to bottom of yoke)
Bottom, zipped: 21.5" (adjustment straps about halfway)

Here is a comparison of both jackets worn unzipped: ... omparo.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I'm 6 feet tall, 200 lbs with a 46" chest and 36" waist. (What!?)
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by Baldwyn »

US Wings (IJVIN - anyone know the model name?)
Collectors Edition
Signature Series™ Indy-style
Vintage Adventurer Jacket" onclick=";return false;

BTW, your jacket looks spectacular. Very Nowak-y!
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? Nope, CE Vintage Adventur

Post by Texan Scott »

A CE has snaps on the storm flap though.
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? Nope, CE Vintage Adventur

Post by Oildale Jones »

Texan Scott wrote:A CE has snaps on the storm flap though.
I noticed that... :-k
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by Michaelson »

Easily added if you want them.

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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by donovan »

my CE didnt have snaps either (ordered mine 2009)
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket?

Post by raider7 »

Oildale Jones wrote:
Here is a comparison of both jackets worn unzipped: ... omparo.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I'm 6 feet tall, 200 lbs with a 46" chest and 36" waist. (What!?)
You know I gotta say that for a guy your size that 'small' looks a better fit than the Todds large. :o Great find !! :tup:
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by Kokopelli »

dude- the wings jacket looks waaaaaay better on you than the todd's! No offense- but the todds looks like you're wearing your kid's jacket.
oh, and to solidify 'killer deal' -you gotta tell us what you got it for!
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by Oildale Jones »

Kokopelli wrote:dude- the wings jacket looks waaaaaay better on you than the todd's! No offense- but the todds looks like you're wearing your kid's jacket.
oh, and to solidify 'killer deal' -you gotta tell us what you got it for!
I'm starting to wonder whether a Todd's in XXL might be a better choice than XL... :-k

For the USW I entered a max bid of $84 (shipping was $16) and ended up being the only bidder, so I got it for the starting bid ($45.99). Total cost, $61.99. :D
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Re: US Wings Texas Lottery jacket? USW yes, lottery no.

Post by Kokopelli »

Oildale Jones wrote:
Kokopelli wrote:dude- the wings jacket looks waaaaaay better on you than the todd's! No offense- but the todds looks like you're wearing your kid's jacket.
oh, and to solidify 'killer deal' -you gotta tell us what you got it for!
I'm starting to wonder whether a Todd's in XXL might be a better choice than XL... :-k

For the USW I entered a max bid of $84 (shipping was $16) and ended up being the only bidder, so I got it for the starting bid ($45.99). Total cost, $61.99. :D
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