Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

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Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

I thought it would be obvious that the reason why Indy wears his bagstrap OVER his jacket In Indy 4 is because of a scene in LC when he gets CAUGHT ON THE TANK BY HIS STRAP because he puts it on under his jacket.
He learned his lesson, folks! That's why he wears it over his jacket in Indy 4.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtxGMfWxzNc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (Skip to 2:44)

http://fusedfilm.com/wp-content/uploads ... _4_005.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by knibs7 »

Already been stated before and MODS are gonna kill you if you don't resize that photo

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by binkmeisterRick »

No, we won't kill him, but we will turn it into a link. ;)

I recommend rereading the rules by which you are bound by signing up, and especially, in this case, the rules regarding pics:


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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Texan Scott »

I thought it was for the same reason that Superman wears his underwear on the outside of his pants...? :[
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

Look, I personally know Superman and he says "they are not underpants". :whip:

Judging from the CS pic, I hope that Indy's jacket in Indy 5 doesn't end up around his knees in length. :shock:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by knibs7 »

That would imply that there's even going to be an Indy 5 [-o<

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Jens »

iwantamorganreelbad1 wrote:I thought it would be obvious that the reason why Indy wears his bagstrap OVER his jacket In Indy 4 is because of a scene in LC when he gets CAUGHT ON THE TANK BY HIS STRAP because he puts it on under his jacket.
He learned his lesson, folks! That's why he wears it over his jacket in Indy 4.
Which still leaves the question open, how he could have got caught on the barrel of the that tank when his bagstrap was under the jacket. :-k ;)
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Wade Egan »

Texan Scott wrote:I thought it was for the same reason that Superman wears his underwear on the outside of his pants...? :[
You mean I'm not supposed to wear my undies outside of my pants? Since when? :shock:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Hollowpond »

Wade Egan wrote:
Texan Scott wrote:I thought it was for the same reason that Superman wears his underwear on the outside of his pants...? :[
You mean I'm not supposed to wear my undies outside of my pants? Since when? :shock:
Well, Superman doesn't anymore...
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

Impostor ! :o
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

My guess is maybe his jacket shifted and he slid off the end of the side gun? but it is unknown how he actually got stuck, but the fact that he was wearing it under his jacket and he could not get it off (luckily, he had Brody with him, and the driver was shot in the head, just a very MINOR graze, so he just started leaking blood, and then he died, and then he fell asleep on the steering lever) is probably why he didn't wear it under his jacket. Or maybe his MKVII was too heavy for him, so he liked to be able to easily take it off. Oh, and Mr. Borton, have you ever noticed that under the BULLWHIP secion under KOTCS, that one of the men carrying a whip and a satchel is wearing the satchel with the flap facing toward his hip?

Oh and by the way, if you watch the entire vid, the Tank sounds like a Ferrari, everyone's a chipmunk and the track is from an 80's video game :rolling:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

And also, I started this thread stating my opinion about why Indy's satchel is over his jacket in Indy 4, not about how Superman wears his red article of clothing that oh-so-resembles underwear but oh-so-isn't underwear.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Oildale Jones »

iwantamorganreelbad1 wrote:And also, I started this thread stating my opinion about why Indy's satchel is over his jacket in Indy 4, not about how Superman wears his red article of clothing that oh-so-resembles underwear but oh-so-isn't underwear.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Jens »

I'd be also interested in the "pretend" reason, but I'm easy to satisfy and even accept a simple: "Hey, it's a m-o-v-i-e." ;)
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by backstagejack »

iwantamorganreelbad1 wrote:I thought it would be obvious that the reason why Indy wears his bagstrap OVER his jacket In Indy 4 is because of a scene in LC when he gets CAUGHT ON THE TANK BY HIS STRAP because he puts it on under his jacket.
He learned his lesson, folks! That's why he wears it over his jacket in Indy 4.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtxGMfWxzNc" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; (Skip to 2:44)

http://fusedfilm.com/wp-content/uploads ... _4_005.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
That doesn't really make sense. Honestly, with the strap under his jacket, he has LESS of a chance to get it caught on anything. (since, as we all know, the scene in LC was ludicrious, as there's no way he could've EVER had his bag strap caught on the gun turret, ESPECIALLY if it was blown apart like it was... but we've had 20 years of discussion on that, ](*,) )

The only reason that makes sense is if he just wears it that way now in order to take it off easier.....although seeing how he didn't seem to carry anything in it at ALL and it just hung uslessly at his side the entire movie....he might as well've left it at home.....and his gun.......and his whip.....
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

His strap is caught ant tangled but in the next moment, Indy somehow manages to get the strap free and jump straight back on to the tank!
Did anyone know that he was into magic tricks? :CR:

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Tennessee Smith »

He needs to... And fixed that #%€¥% bouncing stone from the Well of Souls escape :roll: :lol:

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Todd, when you go to the screening ask Steven if it will be an 8K tranfer for the Blu-Ray? Or will he Take George's method of going 2K.

Oh, ask for an ETA also...

There, 2 great question for you. :lol:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Then pass someone a note... :lol:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Look, we've been asking him for a smilie spewing coke on a monitor from laughter for quite awhile. Get in line. ;) :lol:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bjw »

The only reason that makes sense is if he just wears it that way now in order to take it off easier.....although seeing how he didn't seem to carry anything in it at ALL and it just hung uslessly at his side the entire movie....he might as well've left it at home.....and his gun.......and his whip.....
Haha--right on the button!
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bjw »

_ - The 2nd-unit script supervisor? SERIOUSLY?! "Made no sense"??? By this, do you mean the strap under the jacket made no sense? THIS is how that change was first proposed? I'd always figured it was for convenience's sake for Ford, which was a feeble enough reason on its own. But this kinda throws me for a loop. . . .

And as for pretend reasons, I'm guessing it was the relative ease of disentangling himself (SHOULD something like that ever happen again), rather than the worrying about getting snagged in the first place, that might've triggered the bag-strap change. I just figure that CS-style, he could conceivably clear himself of the bag strap easier than LC-style if he ever found himself in a getting-dragged-by-a-tank-or-other-such-moving-vehicle situation again. Not sure about the physics involved as I've never tried it myself, mind you. . . . :-k
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

_ wrote:... George might digitize that for the blu-ray release. Seriously...

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Ooh, can he also digitize Steve's and Mark's Crystal Skull hats in place of most of the TOD hats (particularly the cockpit hat)? :Plymouth: :lol:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by PyramidBlaster »

And, for the 12 years I've been on these forums? I've never heard anybody say it made sense that he wore the bag under the jacket. Somebody once compare it to keeping your wallet in your underwear?
I can think of Four.

One, it allows you to keep the bag on when wearing and taking off the jacket---If you're going between inside & out, there's a high likelihood (especially in the 30's) that you'll remove your coat when you go inside. When the bag's outside, it just becomes one more part of the kluge.

Secondly, I think we can all agree that the intrepid Dr. Jones often finds himself in...Well, let's just say some unsavory locations around the world...? Being the seasoned traveler he is, he minimizes the possibility of someone coming up behind, cutting the strap, and taking off with the bag and its contents. By putting it underneath, the only exposed part is in front, where he can keep an eye on it.

Thirdly, it helps to protect the contents of the bag. Ever ridden one of those river-rapid rides at a theme park? First thing I do is tuck everything that might get wet inside any outerwear I might have...And since said outerwear is typically built for some degree of weather resistance(that's why they call it outerwear), it usually works... Also helps to soften damaging hits to the bag's contents.

Lastly, it secures the bag from falling off your shoulder and then becoming an entanglement hazard, tank-barrel scene notwithstanding. Imagine Indy being chased by a horde of Hovitios, only to hog-tie himself as the bag pops off his shoulder, falls to his ankles, and produces a nice snare. Ouch!

So there. That's my four. Feel free to come up with your own. I'll always be a bag-under-the-jacket kind of guy, even though it's murder on the shirts in the summertime. Outside the jacket, it always feels just so...Exposed...
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Collectedin89 »

PyramidBlaster wrote:
And, for the 12 years I've been on these forums? I've never heard anybody say it made sense that he wore the bag under the jacket. Somebody once compare it to keeping your wallet in your underwear?
I can think of Four.

One, it allows you to keep the bag on when wearing and taking off the jacket---If you're going between inside & out, there's a high likelihood (especially in the 30's) that you'll remove your coat when you go inside. When the bag's outside, it just becomes one more part of the kluge.

Secondly, I think we can all agree that the intrepid Dr. Jones often finds himself in...Well, let's just say some unsavory locations around the world...? Being the seasoned traveler he is, he minimizes the possibility of someone coming up behind, cutting the strap, and taking off with the bag and its contents. By putting it underneath, the only exposed part is in front, where he can keep an eye on it.

Thirdly, it helps to protect the contents of the bag. Ever ridden one of those river-rapid rides at a theme park? First thing I do is tuck everything that might get wet inside any outerwear I might have...And since said outerwear is typically built for some degree of weather resistance(that's why they call it outerwear), it usually works... Also helps to soften damaging hits to the bag's contents.

Lastly, it secures the bag from falling off your shoulder and then becoming an entanglement hazard, tank-barrel scene notwithstanding. Imagine Indy being chased by a horde of Hovitios, only to hog-tie himself as the bag pops off his shoulder, falls to his ankles, and produces a nice snare. Ouch!

So there. That's my four. Feel free to come up with your own. I'll always be a bag-under-the-jacket kind of guy, even though it's murder on the shirts in the summertime. Outside the jacket, it always feels just so...Exposed...
Really interesting points there mate, I enjoyed reading all that, it makes a lot of sense.

Personally, I like to believe the character started wearing it on the outside because of the tank incident.

I also prefer the look of it underneath. When I first saw it, I thought the "leather upon leather" seemed and looked strange.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by PyramidBlaster »

But there never seems to be enough pockets, unless you wear a photojournalist vest. And I can only pull that one off on certain occasions!!! No, when I go somewhere with more than the average 'pocket stuff'...It's a bag for me, and society be darned.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by PyramidBlaster »

I've had gun pockets put into many jackets and they are similar.

Man, now THAT's the way to go...Why haven't I thought of that? Good one...

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Mitch LaRue »

_ wrote:
Nebraska Schulte wrote:
_ wrote:... George might digitize that for the blu-ray release. Seriously...
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ooh, can he also digitize Steve's and Mark's Crystal Skull hats in place of most of the TOD hats (particularly the cockpit hat)? :Plymouth: :lol:
LMAO! THAT my friend is the first legitimate use of CGI I've ever heard proposed... :TOH:
You guys are awesome. Plus, you've both just inspired me to start a Thread over at Lao Che's called "The HYPOTHETICAL Blu-Ray 'FIXES' Question"
Check it out if you get a chance, I'd love to know your thoughts.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Oildale Jones »

Nebraska Schulte wrote:
_ wrote:... George might digitize that for the blu-ray release. Seriously...

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ooh, can he also digitize Steve's and Mark's Crystal Skull hats in place of most of the TOD hats (particularly the cockpit hat)? :Plymouth: :lol:
Based on "outfit changes based on past experience," isn't it possible that IJ went with a different haberdasher after 1935, thereby showing that he learned from his past fashion faux pas? I agree that the TOD fedora isn't nearly as distinctive as the Raiders, but it's technically not a discontinuity.

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

Personally, I like to believe the character started wearing it on the outside because of the tank incident.
THANK you for agreeing with me! FINALLY someone who understands what I mean!
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Collectedin89 »

iwantamorganreelbad1 wrote:
Personally, I like to believe the character started wearing it on the outside because of the tank incident.
THANK you for agreeing with me! FINALLY someone who understands what I mean!
You're welcome! I'm surprised more people wouldn't agree.

He learnt a lesson that day. I'm sure there are other reasons like the ease of taking it off, changing styles, etc. but I still like to believe it's becaues of the tank.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

Yeah, just in case he finds himself in the exact same predicament with another tank! :-k

When Indy rolls off the tank and grabs onto the turret you can clearly see that he is hanging on by his two arms (no strap can be seen). :-k
Next shot the strap is clearly caught. Wow, the strap somehow managed to get through the jacket and one arm to get caught! (magic at it's best) :shock:
Then, Indy somehow manages to get the strap free, even though the turret end is split like a banana, and jump straight back on to the tank! (miraculous) :notworthy:

Scene summary... Nobody wants Indy to die! [-X

However, let's not get too carried away as it was written in the script. 8-[]

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Hollowpond »

iwantamorganreelbad1 wrote:
Personally, I like to believe the character started wearing it on the outside because of the tank incident.
THANK you for agreeing with me! FINALLY someone who understands what I mean!
This is not exactly new ground here... Here is a quote from me circa 2008
viewtopic.php?f=16&t=34983&p=495154&hilit=strap#p495154" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Hollowpond wrote:I know this may be from way out of left field, and let me clarify i PREFER the strap under the jacket, but what if Dr. Jones decided to start wearing the strap on the outside. I mean that Last Crusade bag strap fiasco almost killed him, so maybe he decided, "If I had been wearing the strap on the outside of the jacket, I could have just slipped out and then beat the snot out of Colonel Vogel." :-k I know, I know, he still could have just slipped his arm out of his jacket sleeve, but...just some food for thought. :whip:
Sooooo, as to the FINALLY you mention, not quite sure where you're coming from here. :-k
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

PyramidBlaster wrote: Lastly, it secures the bag from falling off your shoulder and then becoming an entanglement hazard, tank-barrel scene notwithstanding. Imagine Indy being chased by a horde of Hovitios, only to hog-tie himself as the bag pops off his shoulder, falls to his ankles, and produces a nice snare. Ouch!
Isn't that what epaulettes are for? I've secured cameras, binocs and canteens from mine when I needed both hands for other things - climbing trees, cliffs, masts...

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

This is not exactly new ground here... Here is a quote from me circa 2008
Oh. Well then that's one more person that agrees with me, but the actual term would be that ME AND COLLECTEDIN89 agree with HOLLOWPOND, not the other way around. Stupid me, not checking my sources properly! I signed up a month ago so I had no way of knowing. Sorry for lack of credibility. ](*,) ](*,) :whip: :shock: Shocked=Me, Whip=Hollowpond
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

Not saying you're a mad flogger.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Hollowpond »

Oh, I am a mad flogger :whip: :lol:
And no hard feelings either, I'm just saying I agree with you and have for a LONG time... :TOH:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by iwantamorganreelbad1 »

Welp, sorry for wasting your time _.
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bjw »

Well, just to chime in for the minority opinion, it's bag under jacket for me all the way, both for looks and personal preference. I just hate that look on Indy, traumatizing tank incident or no traumatizing tank incident. It just makes him look like some guy dressing up as Indiana Jones. :TOH:
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Collectedin89 »

I agree with the above, it looked so much better underneath regardless of why the character himself or the creators changed it.

I also agree with what somebody said earlier, apart from Indiana Jones I have never seen a bag worn under a jacket like that, it really is quite unique and original to Indiana Jones.

I'm so glad they replaced the strap on the Mark VII with a leather strap rather than keeping the original wide webbing strap, I wonder if others in war time ever did that?
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

Looks like it's vote time again!

Inside or outside the jacket?

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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by Indiana Jeff »

PyramidBlaster wrote:Lastly, it secures the bag from falling off your shoulder and then becoming an entanglement hazard, tank-barrel scene notwithstanding. Imagine Indy being chased by a horde of Hovitios, only to hog-tie himself as the bag pops off his shoulder, falls to his ankles, and produces a nice snare. Ouch!
To that point, watch CS when they are being chased by the indians down the temple steps. Oxley falls and when Indy bends over to help him up, his bag strap nearly ends up around his knees.


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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by PyramidBlaster »


I totally told you so.... :TOH:

What hurts worse than a belly-flopping face-plant in a grassy field at a dead run? A belly-flopping face-plant on stone temple steps...#-o
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Re: Why Indy Wears His Bagstrap OVER His Jacket In Indy 4

Post by bounos »

Well, You know Indiana Jones, he loves to on trips!

A bit too much? :whip:
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