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Post by thePawn »


Dear Friend

As promised I am e-mailing you to let you know that today we launch the new Wested Leather Indiana Jones Shirt.

The price is £39.00 (GBP) plus postage £20.00 (GBP) and is available in sizes Small, Medium, Large and Extra Large.

At present it is anticipated that it will take around the same time as a jacket to deliver the first order but once production is underway the wait time should get shorter.

I hope you will be happy with this item and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Cheers Peter
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Post by Pyroxene »

Here are the photos. There was no mention of material type.




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Post by PETER »

Actualy I think the postage will be cheaper and of course if other items are linked with it cheaper still. Hope to set up order form for pants and shirt over weekend

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Is it just me, or do is look to be made of a pretty heavy material? -Maybe a canvas or a twill? And not that this is necessarily bad. I have full confidence in anything Peter produces.

You know, it's so hard to tell from a photo; I'll guess I'll just have to order one to find out! :lol:
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Wonderful... normally I would be able to rationalize that I'm not going to buy a shirt when postage is gonna cost me $30+.... But I'm already waiting on my Wested Authentic Goat, so I have no excuse. sigh, ::gets out credit card::

Edit: Also, the material does look thick in some shots, but in the overhead closeup the material in the collarbone area looks kind of thin, more like a poplin. Either way it's a great looking shirt.
Last edited by IndianaGuybrush on Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PETER »

There is no fooling your sharp eyes.
Yes this is a cotton twill being used for the first sample.
However we realize that at a 250 gramme weight it is a little too heavy duty. The problem was we wanted more substance and durability than the MBA sample I have. When looking at the cloth before make up it seemed quite close but made up is a little heavy. We are looking at the 150 and 200 gramme with possibly a peached finish for full production when we have absorbed the critics remarks although I beleive the pattern is spot on and the quality superb.
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Post by Michaelson »

You'll definitely want to give the twill a hard think, Peter. That's what U.S. Wings used/uses in their field shirts, and though tougher than nails, they're EXTREMELY hot, and would negate any wearing in warmer weather. That was the 'beauty' of the Howard shirt, as though light, it was a year round wear. Just something to ponder. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Ken »

Speaking as a UK national I have to say I love the idea of a heavy duty shirt. With the Howard shirt I always felt that the slightest snag on a bush or thorn would tear it. Admittedly this was what the film shirts were like, but it would be good to be able to have a shirt thats a little more robust.

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Post by Dalexs »


Just to add one comment regarding the material.

LLBean, although not totally accurate in color or pattern, make their field shirt in a 100% 4oz Cotton Poplin (that about 114 grams I think).
They are very tough (or used to be) and very comfortable in most weather.

Just my .02 (what is that in the Euro now'days)

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Peter... I have to second Michealson's and Dalexe's suggestion... BUT I would also ask that you consider the shirt with the option of EITHER material.

I think offering one material or the other would be ideal, a heavier shirt would be welcome durring the cold New England months!

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Post by Marc »

Just talked to Peter on phone yesterday, and now those wonderful news!

Looks great Peter! Living in Germany makes me prefer the heavy duty shirt as well.

Dalexs, 0.02U.S.D. are 0.0258Euro these days. The Dollar is pretty cheap at the moment, which of course is great for us European gearheads. :wink: When I bought my PB two years ago, it was more than 230 Euro, today it would be only 145 :shock:


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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Dalexs Wrote about the LL Bean shirt:
They are very tough (or used to be)
I bought one at Christmas and can attest that they are still very tough. They are certainly better suited for Autumn, Winter, and Spring in the Eastern US climate. Of course, as you know, here in Boston, Summer usually starts at the end of June and ends a few weeks later.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Dalexs wrote:Just my .02 (what is that in the Euro now'days) Dalexs
The UK is still clinging tenaciously to their original currency, the Pound Sterling, which is even stronger to the dollar than the Euro is :oops:
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Post by Starman Jones »

The shirt is beautiful. Living in Florida I would prefer a lighter fabric also. In addition, as much as I appreciate Peter's efforts and the quality of his products, I do have to exercise some frugality because we live on a pension. I sincerely hope Peter can get the price around 110 USD including shipping, as I can have one tailor-made locally for $95 plus tax, for a total of $107
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Post by Sergei »

Just to throw in my .02... whatever that is worth? But if this shirt is suppose to be in the "screen accuracy" niche, it should more closely resemble the cloth used by Noel. That cloth was what Noel called a Swiss Cotton. I have it. To me it resembles some of the very fine Oxford Pinpoint dress shirts I have when I wear a business suit. Also the buttons need some work. Those button look like they came off my Cabela's shirt. That's my .02...

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Post by Cassidy »

Couldn't have said it better Sergei. I'm not sure if Peter & Wested are after screen accuracy, which, will definately be an issue for some (myself included), but there's something unsettling about those pictures.

I was very happy with Noel's offering, even the buttons were a good substitute for the originals, and the material seemed to drape and wear to what it looks like onscreen. This shirt, although a really nice piece of work, reminds me of a heavy duty safari shirt worn by Zoo-Keepers. I'm not trying to be harsh here, I just think it's worth getting all of our opinions before these things start rolling off of the assembly line.

I know that this shirt is just a prototype, but compare this:


To this:


I just don't know. Obviously the lighting in (presumably) Wested's offices are a little different than Tunisia :wink: but I still don't know...Yet.

At any rate, I still applaud Peter's efforts, and will be following this with great interest.

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Post by Gater »

I REALLY like it!! I have to agree with a few points made. Living in Ottawa, I would LOVE a heavy-duty material shirt for the cold winter months. All 8 of them. But it would be nice to also have a light-weight for the rest of the summer. So to have it offered in both options would be GREAT! Also, I did seem to notice the buttons right away. Perhaps there are some buttons available that might be more accurate? This is in NO way a criticism..just an observation.

I would really like to see a full-on, step-back photo showing the whole shirt at once, rather than close-ups of parts, if one is available.
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Post by agent5 »

Thanks for picking up the torch and going with the new stuff. I'm sure you'll have the biggest fan base for them by far. If I may Peter, I'd like to show you a couple of inconcistancies in the design, comparing it to the shirt seen in Raiders. I basically only see two small features worth mentioning but one was also shared by the Noel Howard shirts as well. First is the placement of the buttons. Noel had this right at one time but for some unknown reason it floated. Either the buttom placement moved or he moved the placement of the pocket itself. Either way, it was wrong.

If you look at the buttons next to the pockets you will notice that there should be one button that's parallel to the bottom of the pocket and the next button up should be parallel to the buttons of the pocket flap as seen in the pics below.
Image ... ns/r44.jpg

If I hadn't waited to ask Noel about this until he was about to close his doors, he said it wouldn't have been a problem to fix this for me, but I was too late. It seems that you are very receptive to peoples comments in the past about the jacket, so I hope you will look over and consider this.

One other small thing I noticed was that the bottom of the sleeve is supposed to be very squared off and not so rounded.

On another note, Peter, I sent you several private messages here through COW in thge past several weeks with no response. Do you check and respond to these?
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Post by schwammy »

I am thrilled that these shirts are now available, but I agree with Sergei on the material and the buttons. Buttons are big for me. I want 'em just right. And I guess I prefer the lightweight material used in the MBA shirts, mostly because the wrinkles are movie-accurate, I guess. :roll: And yes, my original MBA shirt did indeed rip in two different places after more than a year of constant use. I personally do not see the need for a heavier shirt, as heavy shirts are fairly easy to find. Well, maybe not heavy shirts with pleats, but then I'm not one of those who needs to own every possible permutation of Indygear. My one lambskin jacket and lightweight shirt are sufficient to satisfy my inner 11-year-old. However, I know I'm in the minority there, so perhaps the multi-weight solution would work.

The pattern looks pretty accurate. The details, like the pockets and collar, look a little too straight and blocky, and the epaulettes a bit short? I dunno. My mother-in-law ironed my NH shirt yesterday, and without the wrinkles, I hardly recognized it. It looks ready for the Marine Corps Dress Ball.

Where is Indiana Dan/Rick Blaine when you need him? He knows the Raiders shirt down to the last buttonhole.
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Post by agent5 »

I understand what you're getting at but I don't know when people are gunna get it that you simply cannot match the colors by looking at ANY pics or ANY version of the film and come out with an accurate color or even one to compare to others. While filming, filters are used and different lighting techniques and after it goes into post production the film is then processed, THEN theres the fact that everyones TV or monitor is different and has different settings for color, etc. I'm sure I missed alot too.

I don't think color is something that can really be argued as the design can because nomatter what color the design is in, it's simply not going to change. You just can't compate colors on a computer screen. The camera which Peter took the pics with only interprets what the color is and then it's tranfered to your computer monitor which also has to be programed for color and also simply interprets what the color is. There is NO way to actually tell until you have a screen used Indy shirt in your hands along with a replica product.
Last edited by agent5 on Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Cassidy »

Agreed, Agent5, but I'm more interested in the actual weight and drape of the material than colour. Colour can be changed, as witnessed by the re-dying projects around here. Weight can' least not on a shirt...although I'm sure someone around here could, but I digress.

My point is that, c'mon, we all have a pretty good idea of what an Indiana Jones replica shirt should look like, and there was something about the Wested offering that just didn't quite nail it for me. I have looked at the pictures in detail, and agree that it's a nice shirt, but I'm still undecided.
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Post by agent5 »

Cool. While I still don't fully understand why people dyed their shirts, you are more than correct about that. I for one would love to see more than one offering for the weight of the material if that is at all possible to please all camps. Of course, I'm in the screen accurate camp so I'm only interested in the weight being as humanly close to the original as possible so the drape/wrinkles look and feel right.
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Post by JerseyJones »

Renderking Fisk wrote:Peter... I have to second Michealson's and Dalexe's suggestion... BUT I would also ask that you consider the shirt with the option of EITHER material.

I think offering one material or the other would be ideal, a heavier shirt would be welcome durring the cold New England months!

You're the best!
I second that strongly and would guarantee an order for one in each material, because I love and own about 6-8 epaulet shirts in various materials. Stellar work Peter. It may force me to order very soon.

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God help me if you say you can make me suits. If you can, I am very interested ( at least those are a business expense ! :) )

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Post by JerseyJones »

agent5 wrote:Cassidy,
I understand what you're getting at but I don't know when people are gunna get it that you simply cannot match the colors by looking at ANY pics or ANY version of the film and come out with an accurate color or even one to compare to others. While filming, filters are used and different lighting techniques and after it goes into post production the film is then processed, THEN theres the fact that everyones TV or monitor is different and has different settings for color, etc. I'm sure I missed alot too.

Totally true, especially with fabrics and things like hats shirts and pants. Keep in mind that all the Star Trek Next Gen "Red" Uniforms are actually Burgundy to accomodate lighting needs.

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Post by Sergei »

Also the epaulettes are wrong. The end of the epaulettes point needs to come out past the pleated bars on the shirt.



Also the point of the epaulette is squared, not pointed.

Hope this helps. Just curious what pattern was used?
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Post by Ken »

schwammy wrote: Where is Indiana Dan/Rick Blaine when you need him? He knows the Raiders shirt down to the last buttonhole.
I am fortunate enough to own 2 of his shirts - one Last Crusade and one Raiders. They are without a doubt the best shirts have ever seen - the Noel Howard pales in comparison.

Here is a shot of the Raiders one:




The shirt(s) is lightweight but not as light as the Noel Howard - its more durable than that.

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Post by agent5 »

I too was gunna jump on the 'Blaine' bandwaggon but there were painful distribution problems that probably plague the mind of some even to this day.
Still, the shirt does look nice. Wish I could see one in person.

Look, we all know patience is key with this stuff. I have no doubt that in a short time Wested will have it down and we'll all be singing high praise. Peter has shown us he's more than willing to bend over and change things to satisfy us which is more than awesome. Seeing that this is only a prototype above, I don't think we have much to worry about.
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Post by Sergei »

I agree with Ken. Dan's last batch was clearly the best Indy shirt made. That is my favorite Raiders shirt. All the accuracy is right on, the shirt quality and weight were superior to Noel's. My only issue were the tails were a little short, but that could easily be fixed. Sigh...Dan where are you? And those blasted buttons. The only thing that comes close are the USMC button on their Summer Khaki or Service "C" uniforms.

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Post by AntonioPastor »

Personally, I would also like the cloth to be lighter, down here in Mexico, is hot 8 months of the year.
And also looking for ROTLA screen accuracy.

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Post by PETER »

Thank You Folks? You have reacted exactly the way I wanted you to in supplying me with the finer details of your rquirements.
You see I had 3 samples to go by a very lightweight MBA, a meduim weight Bean and a heavy weight Domiatakis. All differed in style as well.
I take on board the idea of a summer and a winter weight it seems a good idea but I do not want to put myself in the cul de sac of my Indyjackets wit so many variants, so I will only make one style in two possible weights.
Remember this is the prototype and like a racing car needs some fine tuning. Another prototype over the next few days and then production.
The pants are already in work in cavalry twill
I am working on a package price over the weekend.
I welcome the current comments as I want this to be as right as possible.
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Post by agent5 »

Thanks Peter. I find it very reassuring that you look to us for the details.

Say, did you get my PM's or what?
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Post by Pyroxene »

[Containing Excitement] Thanks, Peter.
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Post by Gater »

ok..let's take a step back and look at this for a moment.

After we..well..begged, cried, pleaded and wished for Peter to make the shirts, not only has he been great to accept the task, but purposely comes to US for specifics on how to make the shirt the best way he possibly can!!!

My goodness!! I can't even get my drive-thru order exactly how I want it, and this guy is such a gentleman and business man as to come to us as a group for the details of the shirt. I am SO impressed with that.

Peter, please allow me to be one of the many who applaud your efforts and your dedication to take up this task. I'm sure that by the time the prototypes are done, and all the suggestions have been taken under advisement, that it will be one incredible shirt that I, for one, will look forward to owning many of.

here, here!!
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Post by Starman Jones »

Peter's shirts were obviously photographed under flourscent lights, thus the color. IMO a PERMANENT PRESS oxford cloth would probably be a good compromise on fabric weight, the epaulets on Peter's shirt ARE pointed if you look closely, the buttons used on the orignal may no longer be available. Affter all, the last movie was shot over 15 years ago. Can anyone say NITPICKING? I know that absolute screen accuracy is absolutely necessary to some of you. To those I say you should consider an extreme body makeover, 'cause YOU ain't 100% screen accurate.

Sorry for the rant. Peter is obviously doing a relativley small group of people a favor in making these shirts. IMO it would be in COW's best interest not to give him too much grief over it :?
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Post by Michaelson »

Starman, you're new here, and it's apparent you do not have any idea about the history that Peter has with us and these items. He's been wanting to get hold of these designs and Indy supporting items from MBA since 1998. You can find the original discussions in the vaults, and many of us were involved back then. He WANTS the nitpicking to be done NOW, as he has done in the past with other Wested offerings, as if he can get as close to the wants of the screen accurate group, then everyone else will follow. Heck, if he just wanted to get a 'close enough for government work' shirt and pants, we can order those any day of the week from LLBean, Cabelas, etc. etc. etc. and not bother with Wested at all. This way he KNOWS what folks want, and can accept or ignore suggestions as being 'doable', or not. That's how 'brain storming' is done in any industry. So, this IS in COW's best interest, and at HIS request. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Gater »

Think of us as the "R" portion of the "R&D"
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Starman Jones wrote:Sorry for the rant. Peter is obviously doing a relativley small group of people a favor in making these shirts. IMO it would be in COW's best interest not to give him too much grief over it :?
The thing is Starman he came to COW because this is exactly what he wanted. He wanted to get as many qualified opinions as he could as fast as possible. Where else in the world is he going to find a conglomeration of IJ fanatics who have the kind of expertise and insight that some of the people here have? Let's face it, NO ONE knows Indy Gear better than some of the people who haunt these forums. From what I know of Peter he has always been committed to excellence in his products and accuracy is a big deal to him. If it wasn't he wouldn't even bother asking.

Then again, I'm sure that Peter appreciates people thinking about him and taking his feelings into consideration :wink:

Personally I think that him coming to COW is the best compliment he could possibly pay us and I think that all here who are criticquing the shirt are doing all they can to ensure that Wested continues putting out stellar products.
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

Er... Yeah, what Michaelson said :D
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Post by Starman Jones »

As I said, sorry for the rant, and I apologize to anyone I've p. o. You're right about my being new and not knowing the history COW has with Peter. If I'm allowed to stay, I'm sure I'll learn the ropes. We each are satisfied with different things, and I'm one of the "close enough for government work" types for clothes I wear day in and day out. My entire wardrobe is of the "action/adventurer" style with the Fed fed, Wested Raiders and the MK VII being the focus. serving as cues for the look, without having screen accurate items. My approach is to an everyday Indy, not a silver screen Indy.

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Post by Michaelson »

I'm right there with you. High regards. Michaelson
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Post by Captain D »

I could handle a "thicker" Indy shirt.....IF.......I knew it was a durable fabric!! :D

I'm heading out to work right now and haven't read "everything," so I apologize if this was discussed already....but what is the price for one of these Indy shirts in US dollars?

Also, I suppose I'm more of an Indy jacket student that an Indy shirt student, so if anyone could fill me in on which "fabric" is the thinnest AND most durable.....?


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Post by Starman Jones »

At the current rate of exchange the shirt is about 75USD. Postage COULD add another $30, but will probably be less.
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Post by Cassidy »

Well, at the risk or raising ire, what are the chances that a fabric could be obtained that looks like the shirt in the lighting conditions of the "Cairo" scenes? These sequences seem to consistantly be a fan favourite, and hey, it would save some from re-dying. If we can have it in different fabric weights, why not in colour?

I just hope that when Peter rolls these out to us, that the choices are simply and easy. It gets confusing with the jackets really fast if you don't stay on top of things...I mean, at this point I couldn't even tell you what a "screen accurate Wested replica"'s changed so much over the years. I hope this doesn't happen with the shirts and pants. Which is, why I think our input is so valuable at this stage in the game.

Noel, to the best of my recollection, sourced a material which was as close to the original IN HAND as possible. Now, this wasn't quite enough for some, so they re-dyed and distressed etc...which was really, really cool. Now, if Peter could only obtain a fabric that looked like that, I'd be rolling up the pennies to get a few.

As for buttons being out of production, so to speak, Noel managed to get great ones, especially on the TOD/LC versions, and the ROTLA ones were excellent.

Now off to the gym for the Harrison Ford Complete Body Makeover Workover :wink:

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Post by thePawn »

Does anyone know if Indiana Dan is still offering his shirt for sale?
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Post by Flash Gordon »

Here's the clincher.

Watch the scene where Indy is with Sallah on the Cairo rooftop discussing the headpiece, etc.

The epaulets reach just about to his collar. The ends of the epaulets aren't pointed, they're flat. It's as if you just cut the tip off the point. Imagine cutting off the tip of a triangle, and leaving just the sloping sides.

Also, the strips that run down the front of the shirt have a narrower seam running down their sides. The center of the strips are wider, and the edge seams are narrower.

Other than that, the shirt's great!
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shirt pleats

Post by Starman Jones »

There are seams running down each side because the strips are false pleats, not box pleats like on safari shirt pockets. Strips of material have the edges turned under and then sewn on the body of the shirt. If you look closely, you'll notice the seam continues over the pocket. This might indicate the pocket sewn shut. Box pleats would have been used if expansion of the shirt body were needed. I never saw Indy use his shirt pockets. Does anyone know for sure if the pockets were sewn shut or not?
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Post by Starman Jones »

Loked at Peter's pix again. The false pleat stops at the botom of the pocket, and the pocket is functional. Look closely at some of the screen shots and you will see this is not the case for the screen shirts.
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Post by Neolithic »

A pack with Jacket, Pants and Shirt?!?! Wow. :)
I don't know if I'd ever get the chance to say thankyou to Peter and the guys on this forum for the eye for detail they have. I can only add to this thread that I'm so very appreciative of the work that goes into this- especially the descerning abilities of so many here and the fact that a fantastic new Indy shirt is on the way thanks to all involved. It's a pleasure to read the posts and comments on it's progression and I'm sure there are many more who are thankful as I am for all of this!

I'm saving up now. :D
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Posts: 154
Joined: Fri Jul 12, 2002 3:32 pm

Post by belloq »

I'm glad to see Peter remembered the pen slot in the left pocket. However, I concur with everyone about the cuffs and epaulets- cuffs need to be square ended and the epaulets longer and more rounded three-sided tip not two-sided point. And of course, the buttons are an incorrect color.

In addition, it appears his current material is a heavy twill as opposed to the smooth cotton poplin Noel used. Perhaps it is a rough prototype fabric? I really hope Peter tries to contact Noel about his fabric sources as I believe they were as close as anyone will find for both pants and shirt. I have contacted Peter and Noel repeatedly about such details and I receive no response from either.

Post by whipwarrior »

Peter, the shirt looks awesome. Just fix the length of the epaulets, make the material a bit thinner, and change the buttons to sand-colored or very light gray (as seen in Last Crusade), and it's perfect. At that price, I'll buy 4 more!!! :D You have our eternal gratitude, sir.


P.S.- The pants look awesome, too, except you need to add that cross-button flap thing on the inside of the fly. The color is spot-on, as well.
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