First, has anyone actually tried wearing their whip like this? That is, holder on web belt with actual Indy trousers. Because not having tried it myself (I refuse to on principle. And besides I don't wanna compromise my web belt and trousers that way. And besides it would just look and feel DUMB. But ahem sorry back to the question. . . .), I'm guessing the saggage on that side of the waist would be considerable, not to mention downright uncomfortable. Anyone given this a shot with their Skull fashion?
And second, I can't imagine they simply hung the holder on there without some sort of support or rigging on the pants' waistband to stabilize it for all that running and action. I figured maybe Ford just cinched his belt up real tight to keep the holder relatively secure but that doesn't sound too pleasant for a film shoot. I've scoured all the stills I can find to look for a nice, clean shot of the whip hung off the web belt (unmasked by Mk VII/jacket, etc.) and haven't found any. I don't think there's much in the way of screen caps either--nothing that I can tell on my size TV screen anyway. My question then is, is anyone aware of any stills that clearly show this?
PS - To anyone who prefers the CS look and/or prefers to wear their whip this way, no offence intended! We're all gearheads here and all share the same affliction!