I just got off the phone with Kelly from Swaine Adeney. She was terrific and spent 20 minutes talking Poets with me on HER dime. She explained a lot about what the deal is now with the Poet and the Macalpine and how every hat is cut by hand, thereby explaining some of the inconsistencies.
Most of all, she seemed to be VERY impressed when I told her that Peter Botwright of Wested was a regular at COW. We frankly discussed some of the accuracy issues with the hats and I graciously told her that while we gearheads are somewhat obsessive, it's because we so love the character and that we are all happy to help HJ in whatever way we can to keep the magic alive by sharing our headwear detail obsession.

I.e. she is very approachable and friendly and could be a good resource for us and seems to be interested in our little crazy universe. We shared some gear stories and she is sending me the Swaine paper catalog, with the HJ brochure and the original letter included with the Indy hats, which she has encouraged me to share with COW. I was very pleased !

I told her to feel free to stop by and look around and come by and chat with us.
Once again, patience, persistence and politeness, even when discussing points of contention, has (it seems) paid off. In the spirit of this, let's all be sure that we continue the fine tradition of spirited, civil friendly discussion about the Mighty Fedora of Indy around here and welcome Kelly and the HJ gang, should they come by.
I wanted you all to see this because it seemed positive and responsive for HJ/Swaine. A new direction, p'raps ? Let's hope so !