Just thought i'd share my story of how i found a genuine S & W 1917 (?) (abeit a .38) here in Blighty.
I was discussing with my work mate Jim whose dad is a gunsmith, about my fascination with all things Indiana Jones. I had already discussed obtaining a pair of Colt Dragoons to sate my Josey Wales fetish (quickly quashed when i discovered how horrendously expensive that would be over here) so I mentioned in passing "hey, you think your dad might be able to track a 1917 down?" To which he replied "sure, no harm in asking"
The following week he txted me and said "guess what!! my dad knows a guy who has a load of them in his workshop. you want one?" Did i want one!!! so i emailed a load of screengrabs to Jim and he asked his dad to grab hold of one for me-not in too good condition though. for authenticity! Jims words.
A few weeks later it was done.. deactivated and ready for collection. When Jim handed it over i couldn't believe it. I had a real one in my hand... which to be honest i never thought would happen. like i mentioned its a .38 but to me it doesn't matter. Maybe later down the line i'll ask him to get it a bit more SA. On the subject of which my buddy told me that his dad handed it to him and said "what do you think?" Having a great eye for detail he looked it over and said "yeah, awesome... but the Raiders one had a lanyard ring" . His dad growled and snatched it back and promptly scavenged one for another 1917. Good skills there Jim and your dad.
Can't say how much it was cos i got it for "friends prices". It wasn't cheap but then it wasn't half as much as it should of been.
Once i suss out my camera i'll post some pics.
Hope some of my fellow Limey adventurers find this of interest and who knows..maybe i can point one or two of you in the direction of Jims dad... if he's cool with that
Catch you later