This thread has turned into an interesting talk, and since one of my whips is discussed, I decided to chime in.
The bullwhip I made for Paul, that now belongs to Mike, is moderately heavy, and was made trying to match the weight of the Morgans made around 2000. I followed the dimensions and proportions a specific Morgan 10 footer that weighed 818g. I checked my notes, and my 9 footer weighs exactly 813 gr. As you can see I got very close. That 10 footer was actually 9' 8", so it is basically 8 inches longer than my 9 footer. Now, my current 10 footers weigh around 870 gr. but the one that Tomek mentioned belongs to Uwe in Germany, was originally made for another person in Germany, and turned out heavier than usual. Assuming the weight of that whip is 960 gr, and assuming that the weight of the Indy 4 Jacka bullwhips is around 900 gr. then we can say that my whip is indeed heavier. But, and this is a big but, on a whip, the overall weight tells you only part of the story.
I took out my own Terry Jacka Indy 4 bullwhip, a beautifuly made 10 foot monster, and put it over my scale: 1070 gr. That is a lot heavier than the 900 gr stated my Terry. Perhaps his whips have gotten heavier? Of those 1070 grams, 40 gr come from the fiberglass handle foundation, and 30 gr from the lead in the knob. That means that there's roughly 1000 gr (1 kilo) of leather out there when we crack. Compare this to the 960 gr 10 footer that Uwe owns. The steel handle weighs aprox. 100 gr. The lead at the butt weighs approx. 150 gr. Doing the math, we come up with 710 grams of leather in the thong. (Obviously there's some leather covering the handle area, but I am not counting that to make things simple). It should be obvious now why the Jacka Indy 4 bulwhip feels a lot heavier: there's around 300 extra grams of leather there!
Balance is a difficult thing to measure in a whip, but we can safely assume that a heavy handle will better balance the moderately heavy thong of the Indy style bullwhip, and that a very light handle will do nothing to balance the very heavy thong of the Indy 4 Jacka. Some people like nose-heavy whips, but that is taken to the extreme in the Indy 4 whip. Who's to blame? maybe Anthony Delongis. I remember I was having a nice phone conversation with David Morgan after the first pics of Indy 4 came out. I was telling him that HF was carrying a Terry Jacka whip, and asked if he planned to sell it along the other Jacka whips he sold. He said "I don't think so". I asked why, and he said "it's better to let the whipmaker do what he likes and does best". Maybe he had a point there.
I think that for the kind of work that Indy does with the bullwhip, Harrison Ford would have been better served with a Morgan style whip. I know that Anthony wanted to incorporate in Harrison's whip vocabulary some intricate crack combos, hence the need for a longer handled bullwhip, but Indy doesn't do that. He ain't Catwoman, to whom Delongis' style was better suited.
Just my 0.2 cents