Sincere apologies to the spirit of the thread for the temporary hijacking...
That said, guilt gone, I'm not planning on it, although I'd like to meet you and tip one 'r two back. Funny thing life. Some of the guys I get on with best I had head-banging intros to. Not unlike our virtual brawl when I joined. Some good folks here, but I am such a surface Indy nut in comparison to you guys. Love the QM and indeed, we could probably spend hours comparing our twisted taste for wearing "Animal Kingdom" on our bodies. I've raised my kids to have balance in life. I don't think it's hypocritical to wear these things whilst appreciating and loving our wildlife.
If I can swing down there, I'd love to get to spend time with you

BTW, my face boots are the Rios and Lucchese. And like you, the good ol' Frye have a spot in the closet too. I favor the "X" toed westerns. Drives my Montana relatives nuts. They think they're "city boots"
As for the jacket pix above, I saw an A2 someone had that looked like that. Didn't work on that jacket. But the Indy I think pulls it off well. Looks kinda raw and wild.