The "Hero Jacket" always reflected Indy's two fisted adventuring persona and character, the teacher and the grave robber. As he got older, it also changed to represent the main stages of his career.
The first one, "Raiders", has more of a James Dean rock' n'roll vibe to it than the others, reflecting Indy's youthfulness. Dark brown colour, almost black and the way Indy wears it with the collar up at the beginning, during the temple scene, there's a bit of a JD Americana with some "Wild One" in there. I guess that's what Mutt also represents as well in "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", a young version of Indiana Jones.
The "Last Crusade", a jacket in which the design shifted more towards the A2 aviator style with it's lighter brown color, rounder cut and military collar. The distress and wear is more evident. A mature Indy still in his prime but has experience. The classic adventurer style that everybody is probably more familiar with.
The "Crystal Skull" went even further by introducing the inner facings and thicker cowhide making the jacket even more gentlemanly. Flat, straight, relaxed fit with elegant collar lines and slightly less drape and flapping. Indy's a dad and is at the twilight of his adventuring but can still kick ###. I have seen the actual jacket from the film and the colour looked even lighter than the LC.
All very awesome designs and that's cause it was a great idea for a jacket from the start, it then transformed and evolved with Indiana Jones.