What do you put in your bag?

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Post by Cammer »

hocfutue wrote:And an old sunglasses case containing a Hasbro Indiana Jones figure and accessories I pose for photos in unusual situations.
Okay, I just HAVE to know. What sort of an unusual situation would call for a photo session involving an accessorized Hasbro Indiana Jones figure? :-k
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Post by Super Sleuth »

Its ok I have an Indy figure too. And if you chek my avatar I also keep the Indy handbook close by at all times.
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Post by Cannuck_Indy_Fan »

i have the mk vi which of course has the extra pockets, haven't started using them yet ... but in the main compartment(s) I have a maglite led flashlight, my pocket knife, lip balm (winter months), (pauses to look again), my watch when at work, iphone, shure headphones. still plenty of room for other stuff that i hope to get, like a compass and my next book ... need the indy strap though, as it rides a bit high ...
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Post by Russian Raider »

I carry mobile phone, documents, digital camera, keys, chewing gum, city map and a notebook (paper one :[ ). I am using bag on daily basis in the warmer months, in winter i put all the stuff in my jacket. :P
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Post by Cowboy »

peanut butter and Denteen
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Post by Imahomer »

Cowboy wrote:peanut butter and Denteen
I keep looking at this. It's cracking me up! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Indiana Joyce »

Currently it contains a bandana(never know when you need a tourniquet, or a cold wet rag) my new headpiece to the staff of Ra, my home made grail diary, and a pen. Id like to get a pen knife and a box of stick matches. Oh and theres a Sankara stone in there but it weighs a ton so it wont be in there for long.
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Post by hocfutue »

Cammer wrote:
hocfutue wrote:And an old sunglasses case containing a Hasbro Indiana Jones figure and accessories I pose for photos in unusual situations.
Okay, I just HAVE to know. What sort of an unusual situation would call for a photo session involving an accessorized Hasbro Indiana Jones figure? :-k
Well, you can see some of the pics here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/63798539@N ... 198451330/

He's overdue for a showdown with the Megatron figure my buddy uses as a traveling photo prop.
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Post by knibs7 »

I also put my XBOX 360 controllers and batteries in it for when I play Halo 3 at my brother's house.

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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by IndyMaster »

This might sound weird (some of it)
1. dental floss
2. a comb
3. a mini flashlight
4. some coins
5. A guide to Mammals
6. A guide to monsters?
7. a small notebook
8. some flair pens
9. some double sided tape
10. some magic craft finish tape
11. Browning HP
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

During excavations, I usually pack the following in my satchel:
1.leather work gloves
2. water bottle
3. research diary
4. small paintbrush (for fine cleaning of artifacts found in situ)
5. a few first-aid supplies
6. compact binoculars

I'm probably forgetting something, but I'll be packing over the next week for a dig, and so I'll edit this post if there's anything I'm forgetting.

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

One thing that was especially useful while on the dig in Jordan last time was fly spray. It proved to be invaluable. Flies are very agressive over there. Simply shoo-ing them away is as good as an invitation to come back. :P A mosquito head net is also not a bad idea if you prefer not to use the spray.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Dr. Nebraska S. »

Texan Scott wrote:One thing that was especially useful while on the dig in Jordan last time was fly spray. It proved to be invaluable. Flies are very agressive over there. Simply shoo-ing them away is as good as an invitation to come back. :P A mosquito head net is also not a bad idea if you prefer not to use the spray.
Oddly enough, we didn't have much in the way of flies or insects when digging outside of Jerusalem. I wonder how Akko will be. I'll probably bring some bug spray in the satchel just in case.

I just remembered I also carry a small flashlight in my satchel, too. It would have been handy for seeing down into that underground Byzantine cistern I found 2 years ago, so I've carried one since then.

:TOH: Best wishes,
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Cammer »

Nebraska Schulte wrote: I just remembered I also carry a small flashlight in my satchel, too. It would have been handy for seeing down into that underground Byzantine cistern I found 2 years ago, so I've carried one since then.
You never know, there might have been SNAKES down there... :shock:
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Zoltar »

I've always refered to the MKVII as Indy's sandwich bag. Now Ive got a couple I use mine to take my lunch to work.

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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Indiana Bugs »

small medical bag with extra diabetic supplies, wallet, blood glucose monitor, pen and/or sharpie
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by scot2525 »

I used my bag for the first time publicly, out of costume, just a few weeks ago when I had to fly from Indy to Detroit. I packed my Blackberry, MP3 player, earphones, plane ticket, cigarettes, and lighter. It was a breeze going through security with it.

When not using it my leather gloves, maproom brush, and Abner journal are stored in it.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Jens »

Snakes are not a problem at all, neither are scorpions - as long as you take care when removing really large stones (am I a bad person when I let do this by my workers?). Don't worry. While I found the flies annoing every now and then the were no harm at all ... this chapter we will cover if it comes to camel spiders (ever did a google or youtube search on these buddies?!). ;)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

Hey Jens,

I remember when I was removing some of those 'rather large stones' from the side of the Tal and found a yellow scorpion, followed by a black one, then a Palestinian viper. The younger Jordanian workers started to throw little rocks at it...with it under me...needless to say, it met its demise....I'm not so sure about do as I say do, not do as I do! :P

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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Bruce Wayne »

Todd's sandbag
Pocket knife
Two multi tools
Victorinox flash light
Red Hanky (it just has to be red!)
Indy handbook (when I remember it)
And a Vicotrinox XAVT, otherwise known as this:
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

Pardon me while I whip this out....move over Edward Scissorhands! :P It looks like it will do everything but BBQ for you. ;)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Bruce Wayne »

Texan Scott wrote:Pardon me while I whip this out....move over Edward Scissorhands! :P
How dare you say that about me!!! I challenge you to a knife fight, just give me two minutes to find the proper implement... :P :TOH: ;)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by AZ Pete »

Name it...Basically anything that fits.

Currently, I am carrying the following:

Eye drops and Chapstick (fit nice in the little pouch)
Small 1st aid kit
iPod and iPod Touch
iPod earbuds
iPod Car Stereo connection
Vehicle Registration
Water bottle
Multi Tool

However, I switch out stuff all the time depending on where I am going or what I am doing. With kids, it all depends...
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

...it's in your utility belt, Batty! .....the bright....canary yellow one! :P :whip:
You think EVERY spotlight is for you?? Really?!! What if its just a new Blockbuster franchise? Whatcha' gonna' do then, huh?!! All stressed up with no where to go! Not everyone who wears a cape is a BA!!!... :P

...sometimes, its a good thing to carry your gear on the outside of your belt! ;)

...ah, what's a little tool belt humor among super's... #-o

What's in your wallet....er....Mk VII...?
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by interbak »

I use mine as my gun show carry all;
1. bore light
2. gun sock
3. magnifying glass
4. pen and note pad
5. shotgun bore gauge
6. any small items bought at the show
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Bruce Wayne »

Texan Scott wrote:...ah, what's a little tool belt humor among super's... #-o
Well now, if we are getting technical, it is called a utility belt... :whip:
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by gi_canuck »


Let's see....
1. Digital Camera
2. Work Gloves
3. Assortment of electronic devices
4. Spare Whip Crackers
5. Maps
6. Pocket size pecard dressing
7. Screw Driver / Tape Measure
8. Band Aids
9. Swiss Army Knife
10. Bottle Opener
11. Pen
12. Wet nap
13. Flash Light
14. USB drive
15. A Spool of black thread
16. Mosquito Net
17. Wallet...

I think that's about it...
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Period Pocket Compass

Post by wild_weasel »

This is a period Taylor Pocket Compass I found to add to the adventure gear I carry in my Mk VII Bag.


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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by VancouverVic »

Did discover something rather interesting: the bag accommodates -- perfectly -- an iPad 2.
Put the charging cord in one of the smaller pockets, and you're good to go. ;)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by lantzn »

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What do you put in your bag?

Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

I never used to use my bag much but then I got an iPad. I started scouring the net looking for some type of unique case to carry it in and then it hit me. Would my iPad fit into my Mark VII bag? Perfect fit! Now I use one of my bags on a daily basis for iPad, iPhone, accessories, power inverter, p/s camera, headphones, Leatherman and wallet. When out and about in the modern world it contains just about everything I need.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by fenris »

I don't really have an Indy bag. All I have is this close-enough.


The strap is just something I found on another bag. The original strap was pretty much like the original MK VII strap.
With a couple of tweaks, this could be pretty much accurately resemble and Indy bag.
It's roughly the same size as an Indy bag only a bit bigger, I think (not sure if it is). It's heavy cotton-drill and very sturdy. I think the webbing attaching the strap to the bag is very durable.

What I put in my bag depends on where I'm going and who I'm with.

Things that are always inside the bag:
- emergency shoelaces on the front pocket
- mini hat brush
- small plastic bags for emergencies

Mall with Kids:
- my Canon S5IS camera
- extra batteries for the camera
- extra t-shirts for my kids
- band-aids

Mall w/o Kids or Meetings:
- a netbook (roughly the same size as an iPad)

On long trips:
- camera w/ extra batteries
- band-aids
- Salonpas (for body aches... dunno if you guys have that in your countries)

The back of the bag has an extra compartment... that's where I put the plastic bags and salonpas. Occasionally, I use that part to carry a water bottle for easy access.

The next thing I'm gonna put in there would be a small emergency LED flashlight.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

lantzn wrote:Vintage items of course!


more pic;
http://www.flickr.com/photos/35223822@N ... 536869430/
Nice touch there with these vintage items!
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by FaustianSlip »

VancouverVic wrote:Did discover something rather interesting: the bag accommodates -- perfectly -- an iPad 2.
Put the charging cord in one of the smaller pockets, and you're good to go. ;)
This is actually what's prompting me to invest in an Indy bag; I need something that I can toss my iPad and a few other things in when I'm out and about but don't need a full-blown backpack. I'm not generally a purse kind of girl, but this should cover the bases nicely. At the risk of sounding like a person with a problem, I'm giving serious consideration to getting one of these to camoflage the iPad a bit. And, y'know. Because they look great. Ahem.

For work, I carry one of these, which was a swearing-in gift from the Parental Unit when I joined the Foreign Service. Aside from the fact that the thing could probably stop a bullet, I get a lot of compliments on it, and it has the great feature of going from a satchel to a backpack with a couple of adjustments of the main strap. I love the heck out of this bag, and think it looks kind of Indy-ish (well, if he had to settle down and get a desk job). Shame Saddleback's stuff is so expensive, or I'd own more of it.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Indiana Hutch »

gi_canuck wrote:Image

Let's see....
1. Digital Camera
2. Work Gloves
3. Assortment of electronic devices
4. Spare Whip Crackers
5. Maps
6. Pocket size pecard dressing
7. Screw Driver / Tape Measure
8. Band Aids
9. Swiss Army Knife
10. Bottle Opener
11. Pen
12. Wet nap
13. Flash Light
14. USB drive
15. A Spool of black thread
16. Mosquito Net
17. Wallet...

I think that's about it...
Wallt for sure! I got sed to carrying around my books in it!
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What do you put in your bag?

Post by Jedirun »

Don't Call Me Junior! wrote:I never used to use my bag much but then I got an iPad. I started scouring the net looking for some type of unique case to carry it in and then it hit me. Would my iPad fit into my Mark VII bag? Perfect fit! Now I use one of my bags on a daily basis for iPad, iPhone, accessories, power inverter, p/s camera, headphones, Leatherman and wallet. When out and about in the modern world it contains just about everything I need.
Yep, it is the perfect iPad case.
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by twilekjedi »

Well, I use it as my daily purse, so I carry the following:

1. wallet
2. two sets of keys
3. facial tissues
4. pen and notecards
5. cell phone
6. mini-calendar planner
7. zip bag with first aid kit, meds (Tylenol, etc.), wet wipes/Shout wipes/Off wipes, dental floss, contact lens rewetting drops, microfiber glasses cloth, hairbrush, comb, mirror, lipstick, breathmints
8. pocketknife
9. coupons
10. point-and-shoot camera
11. USB drive
12. pager (which fits in the little pocket)
13. sunglasses
14. iPod shuffle & earbuds

Of course, my keys always end up way at the very bottom. :roll:
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Ian »

Nothing too adventurous in mine,

Phone charger
Zippo lighter (I don't smoke though..)

...Just recently added new boot laces to my bag....

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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Texan Scott »

What if Indy were around? What would be in the bag?

Some type of notebook w/pencil
extra rounds
small flashlight
possibly a map linked to the latest adventure
trinkets, small finds
ticket from the last charter (air pirates) :P
small canteen/flask
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What do you put in your bag?

Post by Flash »

Hey gang,

This is what I put in mine.....

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nR8TgOTxEHY" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Comments welcome ;-)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Ronski »

I usually use mine when traveling, so here's my list:

Map of wherever I might be
guide books
water bottle or two
hand sanitizer
my wifes wristlet purse thing
pack of gum
Sometimes a snack
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Well, I really haven't won mine until last week when we went to Universal Studios and kicked around Florida. Sorry everyone but I've viewed it as a glorified man purse until know. =;

And I don't want to hear a word about being comfortable with my manhood.

That said, I'd wanted to wear it for some time but it doesn't really fit the need for a trip to Home Depot. That said we went to Orlando last week and I took mine. It worked great!!!

And here's what I packed:
Wallet stuff
And a midget

Okay, maybe one of those items didn't fit exactly but you all get the point ;)

It was nice to wear it to. I didnt get many looks, well except from a group of Germans but I blame my son for that episode!!! ](*,)
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Hollowpond »

That's funny, I would have thought the ipad would fit...
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Re: What do you put in your bag?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Nope, odd isn't it? :-k ;)

I think it was the #2 that did it in.

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