Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »


Here is my Lee Keepler Fedora in "Raiders" style. It is a beaver-rabbit blend with a 5 1/2" crown with a 3" front brim with 2 1/2" sides and 2 3/4" in the back. Though fedoras are not my expertise, in my humble opinion, it is a nice, soft fedora. Really like the color of the fedora. The pictures were taken outdoors with natural lighting.

Had the fortunate opportunity to meet Mr. Keepler in person last weekend. Overall great guy with some very intresting stories. ;) By the way, don't forget about Mr. Keepler when it comes to purchasing "Indiana Jones" gear. He has great products at reasonable prices. He has never stopped producing gear. Remember, he is one of the "forefathers" when it comes to "Indiana Jones" gear.

Yes, he is aware of the fact that members have stated it is difficult to contact him and receiving their ordered products in a timely manner. But, if he has the item in stock, he will ship the products immediately. My fedora in my size was in stock, ordered it on a Tuesday, received it on the following Satruday.

My suggestions concerning contacting him. Contact him by way of his mobile phone NOT through his email address. And contact him early in the week for he is usually on the road late in the week and on the weekends for gun shows. And it is best to call him either early in the morning or late afternoon-early evening. His middays are occupied with a prior commitment.

His mobile number is 1 (619) 647-6744. Give him a call. He is a friendly person who always enjoys a good conversation.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I had a Keppler back when I was a newbie here. It was stiff as a board, but looked good. If it had been softer, I would have kept it. Yours, though, may be the nicest Keppler I've seen to date. :tup:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Michaelson »


Yeah, we keep bumping his info every chance we get. not much has changed.

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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

COW member "Chewbacca Jones", thank you sir. :TOH: Actually, the thanks should go to Mr. Keppler. :tup:

COW legend "Michaelson", :TOH: Mr. Keppler always stated he was not a "self promoter". Just wanted to assist him in getting his name out there once more.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

COW member "Tundrarider", thank you, sir. :TOH: Again, the thanks should go to Mr. Keppler.

Mr. Keppler and I actually got together at the COW Palace (ironic) in Daly City, San Francisco at the Crossroads of the West Gun Show where he had a booth selling his various products for firearms along with other leather products.

We previously made contact a year or so ago when I order his "ROTLA" gunbelt. But, about two weeks prior to meeting him last weekend, I contacted him just do see how he was doing. In fact, check out this post viewtopic.php?f=16&t=47580 Afterwards, I sent him an email, where he responded by stating for me to call him.

After several conversations, I ended up purchasing the fedora, along with a "ROTLA" strap. When he stated that he would be in town for the gun show, he suggested that in order to save on shipping that he would bring up the products and we could then meet together in person. He also brought the "Indiana Jones" jacket that is feautred on his website which I was fortunate enough to examine. Should have brought my tape measure. #-o Treated him to dinner at Hungry Hunter that night. :) Again, great guy who, like you stated Michael, has interesting tales regarding the gear. ;) We should trade notes, Michael. :tup:

As for the update on contacting Mr. Keppler. No problem, sir. Always willing to assist in any way. :TOH:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by RaidersBash »

WOW!!! That is a great looking Lid!

how does he get that great reverse slant in the back?!?!? I've always noticed that in the film hat, but have yet to see a hat maker nail so perfect!!! \:D/

does he have the pricing listed on his site, or can you tell us what one of those is running?
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Thank you, COW member "Raidersbash" :TOH: But, again, all the thanks go to Mr. Keppler. :tup: To answer your question on pricing, I don't want to step on any toes so it would be best if you contact Mr. Keepler at the telephone number I provided.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Chewie, Lee's current hats are different than what he offered when you had yours. If the hat COW member ProfessorHenryWJonesJr has is the same brand/felt, etc., that he showed at the QM summit a couple years ago, it's a pretty nice hat. There was a thread on them after the summit. I'll have to see if I can find it.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Noah »

That's a fine hat! I really like the slant in the back. :D
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Thank you COW member "Noah". :TOH:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Gorak »

I use to have a Keppler that tapered something aweful years ago but this one looks fantastic and nothing like what he use to sell. looks like he sharpened his block and bashing...beautiful hat.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Cow member "Gorak", thank you sir. :TOH:
BTW, my Gibson and Barnes lambskin Expedition should arrive this Monday. :tup:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Chewie, Lee's current hats are different than what he offered when you had yours. If the hat COW member ProfessorHenryWJonesJr has is the same brand/felt, etc., that he showed at the QM summit a couple years ago, it's a pretty nice hat. There was a thread on them after the summit. I'll have to see if I can find it.
I hope you find it. I'd be curious. Mine was actually second hand, dating it back even further than my first Finger Lakes. I remember it fondly as my "photo-op" hat. :lol: My AB was late in the making, and being the nervous nitwit, I couldn't go with just my inaccurate c-crown Federation. :roll: I got luck and scored the Keppler, but wore the Fed most of the time because it was more comfortable.

Anyhow, it's good to hear that Kep went softer.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Mountaineer »

I have a Beaver Brand purchased from Lee back in 2008 and it has "Legacy" stenciled on the sweatband. Evidently that is the type of felt used for the hat and I will say that it is a soft and quite a floppy felt.

Like the Professor, Lee had my size (a long-oval, to boot) in stock and I got the hat within a week-and-a-half of my sending Lee a check.

I'd really recommend this hat to anyone if they were looking for another one, just because. Or the new person getting into the idea of wearing one of these more than just for a costume, but not wanting to kill their wallet.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Mountaineer wrote:I'd really recommend this hat to anyone if they were looking for another one, just because. Or the new person getting into the idea of wearing one of these more than just for a costume, but not wanting to kill their wallet.
Well put, sir. :TOH:

Along with this Lee Keppler fedora, I have two Akubra Federation IV fedoras one in brown and one in grey, one Herbert Johnson fedora courtesy of fellow COW member "DarenHenryW" (Thank you again, sir :TOH: ), and one Adventurebilt hat from Steve Delk (Thank you, Mr. Delk :TOH: )

Eventually, and hopefully soon, I plan on purchasing a couple of Penman fedoras in "Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" styles respectfully.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Michaelson »

I've only owned one Keppler in dark grey, and it was a VERY nice hat. It was the rabbit/beaver blend he came up with several years ago. They are worth serious consideration.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Mitch LaRue »

ProfessorHenryWJonesJr, first let me say a sincere Congrats on your purchase... it looks to be a very nice hat that will simply get better and better the more it's worn.
:) :tup:

Second, deepest respect for your quick willingness to make sure the credit that's due goes to the source: Mr. Lee Keppler.
I'm sure many new Members here will appreciate hearing the name and learning that Lee IS, in fact, one of the fellas who helped to keep this hobby alive & well for many years (and long before most of us had computer access to the internet & the world)...
I'm also sure thar many Members here will appreciate the reminder (complete with the latest info) as to how to best reach Lee.

The third thing I'd like to say is a favor I'd like to ask:
I've always been a big fan of the nuances and characteristic a fedora can take once it's sitting atop the head to whom it belongs...
Any chance we could see a photo or two of that fine Keppler on your noggin?
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Solent MKIII »

Great purchase! A very nice hat with an excellent bash job by Lee that just screams "Raiders" - congrats! :tup: :clap: Image
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I don't like it when my hat screams. It's just... disturbing. :[
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

:rolling: :rolling: :rolling:


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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by ProfessorHenryWJonesJr »

Mitch LaRue wrote:ProfessorHenryWJonesJr, first let me say a sincere Congrats on your purchase... it looks to be a very nice hat that will simply get better and better the more it's worn.
:) :tup:

Second, deepest respect for your quick willingness to make sure the credit that's due goes to the source: Mr. Lee Keppler.
I'm sure many new Members here will appreciate hearing the name and learning that Lee IS, in fact, one of the fellas who helped to keep this hobby alive & well for many years (and long before most of us had computer access to the internet & the world)...
I'm also sure thar many Members here will appreciate the reminder (complete with the latest info) as to how to best reach Lee.

The third thing I'd like to say is a favor I'd like to ask:
I've always been a big fan of the nuances and characteristic a fedora can take once it's sitting atop the head to whom it belongs...
Any chance we could see a photo or two of that fine Keppler on your noggin?
First off, thank you all again to all for the compliments. :tup: Much appreciated. :TOH: But, again, all the accolades should go to Mr. Keppler. :)

COW member "Mitch LaRue", just giving credit where credit is due. Though we have MANY great and talented vendors here, many whom I have already purchased products from and others whom I plan on doing business with in the very near future, we should not forget those who helped "pave the way" for everyone to follow.

As for pictures of me wearing the fedora, I will try to accomodate the request as soon as possible. :TOH:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Cheers, my friend.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Michaelson »


Here I am with Lee at the 2003 QM summit. Lee is the very person who started this whole fiasco, so you can either get to know him better, or curse the ground he walks. He's responsible for all of our collective wallets being so thin all these years. :x ;)

In reality, it took a couple of us to talk him into even LOOKING at the internet. I remember talking him through logging onto a friends computer to find Indygear.com to see what this was all about. I told him, quote, 'You need to get on this, Lee. They're eating your lunch!'

At the time he was sitting at his kitchen table hand bashing every hat ordered from him that he got from his supplier, Beaver Hat Co., and then mailed them himself.

We've promoted him everytime he comes to surface and has connections and items to offer. He had a long dry spell in not being able to locate a leathersmith, but he comes and goes as he has time, so he's never BEEN forgotten, and we'll continue to support and promote him every chance we can.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Lee Keppler »

binkmeisterRick wrote: Chewie, Lee's current hats are different than what he offered when you had yours. If the hat COW member ProfessorHenryWJonesJr has is the same brand/felt, etc., that he showed at the QM summit a couple years ago, it's a pretty nice hat. There was a thread on them after the summit. I'll have to see if I can find it.

It's the QM hat alright. Heh, sometimes I think my handle should be Rodney Dangerfield. Maybe if I raised my price....JUST KIDDING!

And Michaelson, thanks for the kind words. I think the comment about lunch is true at present also.

Professor Henry Jones, Jr., It was indeed a pleaseue spending the day with you, even if I was working my "real job" at the time. I can bring the jacket again so you can remember your tape measure.

Anybody wants to inquire with a real time answer, (I'm on the road a lot and away from a computer) I can be contacted at:

619-647-6744, 619-647-6744, 619-647-6744, 619-647-6744, well, you get the idea. ;)
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Rich Johnson »

Ive been away for a while, been busy, not so busy with life etc.
I wear my Kepler fed every day and its worn out, especially after some major repair from the dog getting it.
Well, I got my hat in 08. It eventually shrank and tapered from wear in the rain and looks a tad odd for a true radiers hat. I sweated in it alot and I have a permanent wet looking sweat stain around the band and the front and rear of the brim that wont come out no matter what I have done to try and clean it.

I am in delimma, wether to go with another Kepler, (I am very local to him) or with an AB Rabbit Raider.
Which is a better hat for everyday wear.


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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Well, a beaver blend hat should hold up better to abuse over time better than a pure rabbit hat. Since it sounds like you are pretty hard on your hat may be better to go with the Kepler blend.

However, if you're like me and your head is not compatible with 'off the rack' sizing, then going with AB will allow you to have a custom fit.

But, if time is of the essence and Lee has your size in stock, you'll likely be able to receive it sooner than Steve's current lead time of 6-8 weeks.

To consider, The Henry (an AB product) is a beaver blend (20% beaver) and whereas has not been around quite long enough for longevity reports, they do seem to be holding up well.

Finally, it may be worth looking into getting the hat cleaned and reblocked. For a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new one you could keep your old work horse of a hat. Local Land Surveyor (Garrison Hats) would be a possible contact for a reblock. He has studied directly under Steve Delk and produces a really nice Raiders fedora.


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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Lee Keppler »

Just an FYI. I'll be out of the country till November 4th. Please call then if I can help or answer any questions.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Michaelson »

You be careful, Lee. [-X

HIGH regards! Michaelson :M:
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by The Bease »

I have a Keppler fedora. It's one of the newer ones I think. It's a very nice hat.
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Re: Lee Keppler Fedora "Raiders"

Post by Jedirun »


Thank you for starting this thread. Because of it, I learned that Mr. Keppler was local to me and I have ordered a Crystal Skull Fedora from him to finish my gear collection.

:TOH: Dr. Jones
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