Wested's HERO jacket...

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

Gorak, what is the pit-to-pit measurement on your 38 Hero jacket?
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Laying completely flat on floor zipped up, it is exactly 20.5 from seam to seam directly under the gussets. :TOH:
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Quindy »

How did you measure the length of your sleeves? Like ususal from a jacket (without oversized shoulder width) that fits you or like the HERO is supposed to be (which means measuring sleeves from where they set off the shoulder) ?
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 101407.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
here is the jacket so far after a wetting down with a spray bottle, kneading the lrather with my hands, and a couple of rounds of Smooth Criminal on the Micheal Jackson Wii game.
Trying to figure out how to post this from my tab so bear with me....
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Sorry, that may have been crossing the line but my daughters were playing and they know about my breakdancing past and they threw down a challenge! Cant just walk away from a challenge...what would Indy think? Besides, the Wested went thru with flying colors...as I busted a move, the jacket flapped back and forth excatly like the Flying Wing fistfight!
Last edited by Gorak on Sun Jul 10, 2011 5:37 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Texan Scott »

MODS please delete the last two posts. Thanks.

MOD EDIT - Please leave all moderating to the COW administration and staff. We found your post, and would have found the double post just as easily
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by hovitos loincloth »

Oh dear, now I'm picturing Harrison Ford in fedora in the Billie Jean video........please kill me :-0

and substituting "willie scott" for the words "Billie Jean"........double :-0 :-0
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Okay this :rolling: post just took a wrong turn,huh?
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Acouple of more grain pics...
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 101244.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 101438.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 101511.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

And a pocket shot..
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 101627.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I have just been kneading the whole jacket with my hands...sitting on it, and stepping on it and I think the distressing greatly resembles the Hawaii jacket in grain appearance..as there seems to be slashes or cuts all thru out.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by tomek9210 »

How deep are the pleats?
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by wwhisko »

That jacket looks very sweet!

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by jnicktem »

Wow you guys are getting your jackets quickly! My Wested Hero was updated to "processing" on June 30th. I hope I get it soon!
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by nihil »

Incidentally I received an email from then a few days ago, where Gemma said the current turnaround for custom jackets is 10-12 days.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by dresden »

Those pleats look to be a inch in depth, I prefer smaller pleats. Looks good
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by gwyddion »

I'm really curious about the crispe and the shrunken lamb versions of these. I hope some pictures of those will pop-up on here soon.

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by moab »

Gorgeous jacket.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by MARQ »

Great Jacket folks, Hero-pattern looks very s.a. to me.lightweigth as an added bonus,Todd, you should worry.First thing that came to mind was:"Yeah,sure now he does it....that´s the pattern WESTED should´ve done ages ago..man!"
All the pics in this thread makes.. me want to throw my wested-jacket to the trashcan...no wait,here´s an idea: Peter,can I send my "oversized" back so alterations could be made on it, after 5-6 years it still looks new.gosh darned...anyway.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by indy81 »

So are the Hero jackets coming with the arm gussets as a standard feature? I saw it listed in somebody's post that they were single piece gusset. In all the pics I've seen so far it looks like there is excellent arm movement. Just wondered if you had to specifically say you wanted the gussets like in the first Wested Raiders jacket.

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Pleat depth is 1.5
Gussets are standard. Only info I gave them was my size, sleeve length, and back length. I then sent two e-mails, stating that I wanted it made in the thinnest most lightweight leather available at the time. Even after the first one, when Gemma replied that it was possible, I restated it again in a second e-mail and Gemma confirmed the information.
Here are the last set of pics as they are with some gear so that should be the top of the standards. I wanted to try something different instead of just standing around so I tried some action shots but using my timer on the camera made it very difficult so I put in one that came out the best.....
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 184629.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

then the regulars to show how the jacket has just relaxed into me..I am thru wetting ang distressing..the rest will be natural life working it in..no babying this jacket. I really wanna see it roughed up.
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 183503.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 180727.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 181855.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
http://i67.photobucket.com/albums/h304/ ... 180542.jpg" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

I have been wearing it everyday even in the heat. Has been very comfortable.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by jkeene71 »

Jacket looks great Gorak! Is that authentic brown or the new seal brown? It looks dark in the pics. How does the color compare to your old Dark brown lamb?
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Bdgsi11 »

Excellent looking jacket! I am really considering picking this one up. :D
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Authentic brown. My dark lamb is,well...darker. A whole lot darker, deeper brown/black with more small grain but much softer and just a tad more light weight.
The funny thing about this authentic lamb is that it is very uninteresting in person. Before I chose it I scoured this and other websites seeing everyones authentic lamb pics to see what it looked like and weighed like. But when I opened the black bag, I was like,"This is it?". Especially if we take at face value thst this is what was "authentically" used.
But now, after the mild breaking in and seeing it in pics, its like I'm seeing a whole different jacket...and I really like what I see. For me.
So to sum up, I really am happy with this Wested purchase. Everything went well for me and I am very happy with the jacket I recieved. I feel it fits the bill of what I (my own opinion) see on screen, and/or what satisifies ME with regards to screen accuracy. Others may and will have different opinions but they are not wearing this jacket, I am and I love it. I am open to hear everyones opinions as that is why I love this site.....no one fits the same mold!
I think the magic of the jacket is in this new pattern as it seems VERY comfortable to wear even though you can feel it is fitted. The wider collar really makes a difference. I think we owe that to Holt and his work. Either way, this is officially my current favorite go-to jacket. Really looking forward to others pics when they get theirs in.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

That looks great. I wasn't a fan of authentic brown either when I first got it. It is a very blah looking brown. But, from your photos, it looks just right. That pattern fits you just right.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Texan Scott »

indy81 wrote:So are the Hero jackets coming with the arm gussets as a standard feature? I saw it listed in somebody's post that they were single piece gusset. In all the pics I've seen so far it looks like there is excellent arm movement. Just wondered if you had to specifically say you wanted the gussets like in the first Wested Raiders jacket.

Since the arm holes are smaller in diameter to the other offerings, you already have greater freedom of movement, but the single piece gusset adds to it.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

Not really knowing anything about gussets, I could not say whether they were constructed correctly or not..on this or any of my other jackets...just not my thing. All I know is that it is comfortable and currently satisfies my needs in what I want my jacket to look like.
And right now, it is too early to know if this is really a structural difference or just a luck of the draw as not too many have reaches our members hands yet. But that is the purpose of this thread...for those that took the plunge to show what the product appears like.
My personal experience is that it does feel different in fit compared to my lambskin Wested that I recently aquired. I would say kinda like the difference between USWings hero and legend.
and by the way, I did get a certificate with it too!
:#: :#: :#: :shock: :#: :#:

Thanks, Tundra..I took about 25 pics of kicking a door in, rolling off a ledge, and fighting but I was alone and was using a timer on my camera so that was the only decent one. But at least I have a better idea of what is doable once I get my wife to help. :TOH: i
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Texan Scott »

I'll try to get a pic of the gussets today.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

I think Peter's post in the linked thread below explains it pretty well, really...

viewtopic.php?f=2&t=40723&start=100" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Indiana Dymond wrote:viewtopic.php?f=2&t=40723&start=100" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

See Peters posts from around half way down.

Also found out more about "crispe" leather.Will be ordering one in the shrunken lamb REAL soon.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Kevin Anderson »

It does indeed. Thanks for that link.
However, that raises another question. What is "After 30 years we go back to our original 'Hero' jacket pattern from which the first 'Indy' jacket was made"
all about then?
I guess it sounds better than "After copying several jackets from other makers who do it right"... :)
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Hollowpond »

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Michaelson »

Rather than going BACK down that rabbit hole, let's keep this one on the rails and just discuss the new jacket they're offering. :TOH:

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Tibor »

Well for me, I haven't gotten interested because of the marketing. I'm interested because of the great new hides and the better cut, the retro label and the provenance of the original maker.

Good fun this. I'd like to keep it that way.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by hovitos loincloth »

I don't give a monkeys about the who, why, where and what. I got a great jacket off Wested and Peter to my specs at a great price. Kudos to Wested. :TOH:
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Gorak »

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by TheExit148 »

Has anyone asked Wested about getting the back length and storm flap length the same; ie: 24" back length, and 24" storm flap length?

I thought I remember reading someone had a 25" back length, with 22" storm flap length. If the jacket falls of the shoulders like the TNO Raiders jacket, then that would be a huge front rise above the belt. If they say they can accommodate this change, this would be the best jacket for the price IMO.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Tibor »

On my Hero in shrunken lamb, they were very close to the same... I'd say within an inch of each other. The fit is quite a bit different from their Raiders or ROLA model jackets.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by TheExit148 »

Tibor wrote:On my Hero in shrunken lamb, they were very close to the same... I'd say within an inch of each other. The fit is quite a bit different from their Raiders or ROLA model jackets.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Texan Scott »

Here is a shot of the gusset:

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Tibor »

TheExit148 wrote:
Tibor wrote:On my Hero in shrunken lamb, they were very close to the same... I'd say within an inch of each other. The fit is quite a bit different from their Raiders or ROLA model jackets.
Sorry, none. I ordered the length based on my last ROLA custom and it was quite a bit too long. They generously let me return and in the mean time I have one in Crispe on order to more suitable measurements in this cut. I plan to get another in the SL as soon as I confirm the fit. I'll say that the SL is beautiful hide and I'm as pleased as could be with it's look. It is far more substantial than the dark lamb and quite a bit tougher, not at all "spongy", if you know what I mean. Honestly, I was truly impressed. Can't wait to see the

The SL has that perfect "flop" into the suitcase sound and feel, like when Indy is packing when talking to Marcus in Raiders.

Honestly, I'm as jazzed about these as I was about Nowaks.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Kt Templar »

Just as a follow on from Texan Scott's post:

My Hero jacket with working gussets.

Arm down:


Arm up:

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by nihil »

This looks sooo good, I'm totally getting one! And I even got another wested already, so that I can make small adjustments to the size I'm ordering, to get a absolutely perfect fit.
While it's a lovely jacket, I'm not completely sold to the dark brown lambskin. It's a nice color, but the consistency doesn't really get me buying the concept of an adventure jacket. The soft seal goat on the other hand... :TOH:
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Tibor »

Actually, these are quite good. :-k
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by COW Admin »

Thread has been cleaned out of personal attacks. Lets keep it to the topic at hand or it will disappear permanently.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by indy81 »

Thank you all for the pics of the gussets! :TOH: That clears up my questions on that matter. So would those who have the SL say that it is more substantial or just as substantial as the soft seal goat? I like the sound of the SL and it's look, but want it to be very durable. I've always heard that goat is the most durable, but will it give the wrinkled sleeve look as well as the lamb does?

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by The Numenorean »

Glad this is back up and running. I'm fairlt sure i'm going to go with the shrunken lamb. But what are the pros and cons of the shrunken and the crispe?


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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Texan Scott »

It's subjective, really. Just depends on what texture of hide you like best. Maybe as these are made and sent out to other members, they can post them.

WANTED: SL & Crispe leather pics. ;)

EDIT: Todd, not opposed to real questions.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Rick Deckard »

At this point, didn't every vendor copy a jacket? G&B copied a stunt used jacket, TNO copied a screen used Raiders jacket, Todd's Costumes had input from people that measured a screen used jacket (or something to that effect, I'm sure I'm off on some of the "facts"), Magnoli took measurements from a screen used Last Crusade jacket...ad nauseam.

Yes, Peter is saying that Wested went back to their "original pattern" after 30 years, and no, I don't believe that. If he had the original pattern all these years, he would have been making the Hero jacket that he now offers for all these many years, and his jackets would not have needed to be "tweaked" by fan input. So what? US Wings hyped Neil Cooper's involvement until Neil Cooper turned out to be a "flake" and subsequently any claim to an original pattern was dropped. That doesn't mean people can't like and enjoy their US Wings Legend jackets.

The history of this jacket is so convoluted that at this point no one wil ever know the true story. I still have a PM from you, _, where you told me that Steven Spielberg told you that Cooper made the jacket and that he (Spielberg) handed the jacket to someone on set and said that that jacket was to be the Hero. Is that still true?

The point is, if a vendor is offering a jacket that looks good and people are satisfied with it, why can't that be enough? If people are gullible enough to believe that Peter had the orignal pattern all this time and just now chose to unveil it to the world, that's their problem. You don't need to "save" any "honest, hardworking people" from making a mistake.

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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Cassidy »

Rick Deckard wrote:It's just a jacket...right?
Yep. And I've got three COA's from the early days to prove it. :roll:

I will say this new offering looks good on the surface and in spite of everything it's nice to have Wested as an option when dropping dough on "just a jacket."
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Tibor »

indy81 wrote:Thank you all for the pics of the gussets! :TOH: That clears up my questions on that matter. So would those who have the SL say that it is more substantial or just as substantial as the soft seal goat? I like the sound of the SL and it's look, but want it to be very durable. I've always heard that goat is the most durable, but will it give the wrinkled sleeve look as well as the lamb does?

I've never had a Wested goat jacket so I'm not sure of that. Compared to other goat, I don't think the SL surface is as tough as goat, but it's way tougher than other lambskins. I'd say it's similar to the lamb Tony Nowak used, but more subtle like his 2nd generation of SL. I was very impressed with it. I haven't received my "Crispe" yet, but will let you know.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Kt Templar »

indy81 wrote:Thank you all for the pics of the gussets! :TOH: That clears up my questions on that matter. So would those who have the SL say that it is more substantial or just as substantial as the soft seal goat? I like the sound of the SL and it's look, but want it to be very durable. I've always heard that goat is the most durable, but will it give the wrinkled sleeve look as well as the lamb does?

You're welcome.

They are pretty consistent with my lamb jacket from 2005-6.



The shrunken lamb with be tougher than the crispe I think. It's a kinda gnarly leather. Has a real 'leathery' thwump to it. The soft goat is just that a soft goat and many will like it as they have a preference to goat.
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Re: Wested's HERO jacket...

Post by Bdgsi11 »

I need a little bit of help deciding here. I want to place an order for the hero jacket, but I am stuck on which leather to select, for they both look really good. Which leather, do you think, will give a much more SA look between the crispe lambskin and shrunken lamb? Whats the difference between the two in terms of durability and thickness? Also, is it necessary to add an extra 1/2 in the back? Furthermore, does anyone know if this pattern comes standard with the misaligned arm and yoke seam?

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