Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

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Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by wild_weasel »

The US Wings Steer Hide Legend I recently bought weighs 4 pounds. Assuming Indy used his jacket more like a windbreaker rather than to keep warm in the Himalayas or avoid road rash under trucks, who manufactures the absolute lightest weight Indy Jacket?

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Adventure Dog »

There are a few existing threads about this topic. Check out the middle of this thread to see Gorak talk about the lightweight jacket he ordered from Wested.
http://indygear.com/cow/viewtopic.php?f ... &start=150" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Apart from that, Todd's Costumes makes a very light weight and durable Off-The-Rack jacket.
Wested can make you an Indy Jacket in some very lightweight materials.
I'm sure Magnoli Clothiers could answer any question's about the weight of their leather as well.

I'm sure the more experienced members will pipe in shortly!
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Hollowpond »

Wested has a light lamb that Gorak just got here...
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=51983&start=200" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Wings has the Antique Lambskin Lightweight Indy-style Hero "Safari" Jacket
http://www.uswings.com/ijhero.asp#LWLIJ" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
One of these would probably fit the bill :TOH:

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Texan Scott »

A few members have a super light weight Magnoli jacket made of very thin lamb. Past iterations of Todd's Standard jacket is also very light lambskin.

It could be that the hero may have used the jacket as a defense against mosqitoes as well, especially in the jungle.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Gorak »

Living in hot and humid South Texas, my first concern on any jacket is thickness or weight before any and all screen accuracy.
In my limited experience here is my personal opinion...

1. US Wings NewZealand Lamb...almost like air floating around you...first thin jacket I had that I felt was too thin but very soft and beautiful grain. This one I felt dainty in....costumey. It wasn`t but just felt like it.
2. Todd`s Standard. Very comfy and you forget its there. Don`t know if it is the skins he uses are "dense" or the lining but I heat up pretty quickly in this jacket. Not bothersome but noticable.
3. Wested Dark Lambskin. Just like Todd`s only way softer and it breathes great. I have worn this in 101 temps and have been comfy. Comforms and the weight is like a dress shirt to me. Love this weight and thinness.
4. Authentic Lamb. Exactly like the dark except not as soft...right now feels kinda rubbery but I also just gave it a cold water spraying a couple of days ago and it needs to break in. My Dark lamb felt the same after I wet it and right now it is super soft. But weight wise, just like the Dark lambskin.

Those are the lightest jackets I have experience with. I was always curious about magnoli. heard good things...
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

I have yet to handle one, but I thought the prototype 30th anniversery Wings coming out at months end was around 2 pounds. :-k

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Gorak »

Michealson, I was under the understanding that this new US Wings offering was made in this New Zealand Lamb. I love my Westeds but if I have to choose in terms of weight, it is this New Zealand lamb by U S Wings hands down.

Both Todd and Magnoli have told me that they can source out anytype of leather you want, any weight in any color.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

As a side note, what's ironic to me is G&B lambskin Expedition has ALWAYS been made from New Zealand lambskin. :lol:

It's interesting after all these years to see that material become so popular among our jacket vendors..It's a great hide! :M: :tup:

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Gorak »

Are you serious!??? I never knew that! I wonder if it is processed differently as it is slightly thicker and weightier than my Wings NZ. Matter of fact I am looking and feeling it right now.....very soft but thicker than what my Wings was. Hmmmmm funny world! :-k :TOH:
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Yep, I'm serious. First time I ever HEARD of New Zealand lambskin was during the development of the Expedtion back in 2000.

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Gorak »

Too cool, I swear, I am always discovering new things here.
Michealson, you are truly "knower of things". You just made my morning, I love learning new things no matter how irrelevant.
Thank you, sir :notworthy:
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I would say, the lightest three jackets out there are (in no particular order);

1. Todd's standard.
2. Magnoli lambskin.
3. US Wings New Zealand lambskin.

Mind you, I have never encountered a lambskin G&B, so I don't know how it compares with the US Wings.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Gorak »

I wouldnt put the G B Expo on the list. It is just weighty enough to be outnugged by the others on my list. I know it ends being all our own opinion but I am speaking from having to owned all the ones I listed ( including the Expo) and worn them in heated weather.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Texan Scott »

My 44R G&B lamb weighs about 3 1/4 lbs. Very well made for a lamb jacket, but certainly not light weight enough to make the list.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Gorak wrote:Too cool, I swear, I am always discovering new things here.
Michealson, you are truly "knower of things". You just made my morning, I love learning new things no matter how irrelevant.
Thank you, sir :notworthy:
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Indyzane »

Lightest I have, Todds standard.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Weston »

The new USW Legend 30th feels even lighter than my 2008 Todd's standard. I haven't weighed mine, but as Michaelson said, the word from Sarge is 2 lbs for a size L. Interestingly, the shipping weight on the UPS label mine was shipped with was 1 lb. I don't know if it's as light as the NZ Lamb, but man is it close!

EDIT: After I initially posted this, I took both jackets out and weighed them. Todd's 2008 standard weighs 1 lb 13oz., and the USW Legend 30th weighs 2 lbs 3oz. It must be the softer leather of the USW jacket that gave me the impression that it was lighter. The Wings jacket is bigger than my Todd's jacket overall, so there is more material there and that should be considered. Both jackets are size L.

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I would think the type of liner would make a difference too. Certainly the weight of the leather, but a cotton liner will breathe better than a satin and therefore feel 'lighter'.


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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by CM »

Michaelson wrote:Yep, I'm serious. First time I ever HEARD of New Zealand lambskin was during the development of the Expedtion back in 2000.

Regards! Michaelson
New Zealand has been famous for its sheep (and lambskin products) for decades over here and thought of as one of the tougher and heavier lambskins (unlike the fragile Italian versions, for instance) . The NZ sheepskin I used to have was "shrunken" lamb and weighed about the same as goat - 3.5 pounds for a fake A2.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

So I've learned over the years. :TOH:

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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by SpeedRcrX »

My lightest jacket is my TNO Raiders in goat: 2 pounds

When I compare this one with my Aero HB it's a feather.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by tomek9210 »

Dark brown lambskin from Wested, bought in April 2011, weighs less than 2 pounds. It's very lightweight, drapes well. It's a really good windbreaker.
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Re: Absolute Lightest Weight Indy Jacket?

Post by Indy30 »

The Wested jacket that I have for sale in the Cairo Bazaar is the lightest weight one that I've ever had.
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