Another round of guess that hat...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Another round of guess that hat...

Post by DanielJones »

Here is another round of guess that hat. I had this one reblocked, new sweatband and ribbon and liner. The crown was kind of cockeyed so I figured a proper reblocking was in order. The ribbon is the third one on it as the second one I put on to replace the original was from Todd's and really wouldn't last too much longer. It was already starting to sort of stretch out.
In the reblocking process I was told that the varnish came off of the hat in sort of a blue shade, which might explain why it had a bit of a greenish tint to it after a couple of years of wear in the weather.

Anyway, I think that the reblocking job was well done and now it fits me properly without it looking somewhat lopsided. When someone guesses the original hat I will post some previous pics too.
So, here it is.




Granted it'll take another couple of years of wear to really give it that broken in look & feel but it has at least a good start.

Cheers! :TOH:

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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by Texan Scott »

Camptown, but it sure looks like a Fed.
Last edited by Texan Scott on Tue Jun 21, 2011 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by DR Ulloa »

Looks like Penman's reblocks work. That block is very distinctive. As for the original brand. Keppler or Camptown, I'd say. They both have similar (if not identical felt). But, I think you owned a few Camptowns, if I remember correctly, so I'll narrow it down to Camptown.

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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by Gorak »

Reminds me of the hats Lee Keppler sells.
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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by fifthchamber »

Yeah...Not a Fed...The contrast is too much for that...

I'm going with a Keppler... :TOH:
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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by DanielJones »

Correct on the reblocker DR U. Penman did a fantastic job with this one. :D There wasn't nearly the amount of varnish to begin with so it started out floppy and didn't give John any fits.

And yes it is a Camptown Texas Scott & DR U, but which model? ;)

Cheers! :TOH:

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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by DR Ulloa »


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Re: Another round of guess that hat...

Post by DanielJones »

DR Ulloa wrote:Legend?

Ding, ding, ding, ding!!! :clap: That is the one sir!
Again, John did a great job on this one. The top of the crown was really thick too so it didn't really take the center dent well. Now it pinches up really nice and makes those distinctive camel humps. He showed me a block that had that same lopsidedness to it and then the block he used to square things up. What a difference. :D Plus the pouncing job really smoothed things out quite a bit and thinned out the top of the crown. I can't say enough about Johns work on this one. Top drawer work and customer service all the way. :notworthy: :notworthy:

This is what The Legend used to look like.


I'll have to get some pictures of it in action the next hike we go on.

Cheers! :TOH:

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