stones wrote:It looks a beauty! How recently did you get the hat from Swaine Adeney? It looks a perfect Last Cruscade!

Many thanks Stones,

although I think you're being a little over generous

I bought this lid in person from S.A.B. in the summer of 08, upon purchase the hat has an open crown it is then sent to be bashed at their work rooms in Cambridgeshire, so you do have some say in the shaping. Unfortunately, at that time I was very inexperienced in the subject of Indy gear

so I was unable to provide them with specific requests.
The construction of this fedora, the shade/texture of the felt and the general look have great similarities to that seen in TOD and LC.
If someone were to walk into S.A.B. and provide them with documentation and photos as to precisely how they wanted a Poet bashed, i'm convinced they would not be disappointed.