How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

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How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by blueoakleyz »

It's a unique jacket but does anyone [not really into IJ] recognize your jacket as Indy's?

Do you ever get comments about the jacket in a general fashion sense?

Edit: WITHOUT wearing other gear, of course
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Canyon »

You know, I am still waiting for that comment from some guy coming over to me and asking "Is that the jacket?" but it hasn't happened yet. :(

However, I did spot a young guy wearing an Indy jacket right here in Bristol where I live and I almost did a double take. :lol:
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

I'll second that! Never been recognized, but I did spot an Indy jacket once in Florida!
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Mark Raats »

Never been picked out and that includes meetings and sessions at Lucasfilm and the Ranch.

That said, a lot of folks have said it looks like a truly well loved jacket but in all honesty, I don't wear it for it to be recognised, I wear it because I seriously dig the leathery thing!


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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by maboot38 »

I've had compliments on my jackets, but never any recognition as an Indy jacket.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by raider 57 »

Never once been identified by jacket only.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by indyclone »

ive had a few people reconize it but they were at conventions , so i guess that doesnt count. but i went to see pirates of the carribean last friday night and i saw a fellow at the theatre sgetting ready to sit down when i noticed his jacket looking awfully familiar, so i asked him "if it was a wested "? he had to look in the jacket to see , and he said "yes it was ".then i said "that is a indiana jones jacket " he said ''yes, it is " and he smiled . my wife called me a dork and the guy left to get his snacks .
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Holt »

he probably left cuz he and your wife was sharing brains at that moment. LOL. :lol:
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Only once when the family went out for diner and Red Lobster. A kid sitting at the table nextto us kept looking over at us. When got up to leave he hummed the Raiders march. Turned to look at hin and got a thumbs up. It was pretty cool. Other than that its just a leather jacket to everyone else ive met.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Mark Raats »

Actually, I've just remembered that Adam Hughes picked it out the minute I walked through his front door, so I CAN say its been recognised…..


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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by SpeedRcrX »

maboot38 wrote:I've had compliments on my jackets, but never any recognition as an Indy jacket.
Same here!
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by afterthedog »

I've never had Indy comments unless in full gear at conventions or Halloween .
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Dunross76 »

My TN CS got recognized once! Surprisingly, it was one of my Chinese clients who happens to be female. She asked me if it was "HF's jacket from Indiana Jones?". I was really surprised as I would never expect this especially from a client from China.
I get "nice bomber jacket" once in a while, but people never recognize it as Indy's. Actually, I like they don't as I wear it because I love the design, not because it's Indy's. Ok. Maybe because it's Indy's it helps a little too :-)
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How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Don't Call Me Junior! »

I would have to agree that most people would generally not recognize a jacket to be an Indy jacket even if it really was one. There were a couple of times around the time Crystal Skull was in the theaters that I received some Indy comments when wearing one of my "real" Indy jackets but I think it would have happened with pretty much any brown leather jacket that I might have worn during that time period. The hat garners Indy comments from time to time but the jacket on its own? Not so much.

This question actually brings to mind a compliment that I did receive on one of the jackets that Tony Nowak made for me. I was fortunate a few of years ago to get to visit with Tony at his house. Tony and I were getting ready to leave his house and head back to the shop. I was putting on my Raiders jacket and while I was saying goodbye and thank you to his wife she said something along the lines of, "Well, that's a really nice jacket.". Obviously she knew full well that her husband was making Indiana Jones jackets but as they were only a small part of his overall body of work it may have just been a compliment to another great leather TNO jacket and quite possible that Indiana Jones never crossed her mind in that compliment. Given the original topic question posed I think that may quite possibly have been the case. (...or she could have been just being polite and hated it but she seemed like a pretty genuine person in that regard to me.)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

I get compliments on occasion, but the only "recognition" expressed has been by friends. And that has mostly been to confirm if it is, in fact, an Indy jacket.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by blueoakleyz »

This is a good thing, whenever I wear a fedora people only think of Indy
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

A leather jacket hardly ever brings comments, except in a context where comment on outerwear might be expected (meeting friends for a specific purpose, for example), nor, in my experience, does a fedora. The two in combination, though, seem to mean "Indy" to most people.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by CM »

Another perspective. Most people I know (in the 40's) have not seen any Indy films. Or if they have it was raiders when it came out. All they remember is clips from ads or misty recollections from when they were teenagers. To them any leather jacekt and hat is Indy. By the way: I am the only person I know who saw Indy 4... :o
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Indiana Croft »

I typicaly wear my Indy jacket with one of my Fedora's. But only once has anybody said they reconized the jacket as Indys, even though I was wearing a Fedora. Most people see leather jacket & Fedora = Indy.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by darkhelmet »

I've been trying to find clothes that resemble Indy, without looking in costume.

I currently wear modern field/outdoor shirts with taupe colored cargo pants. I travel home to Hawaii in September and would love to have that Indy vibe as I come through the gate to greet my parents, whom I haven't seen in seven years. Still not brave enough to wear my fedora in public.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by RaidersBash »

I had a guy at work ONCE, because I was wearing my fed as well say, "you're even wearing the jacket!!!"

but that was the only time, and i don't think if i hadn't been wearing my fedora it would ever be noticed.

the fedora gets it all the time.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by teds3 »

With the weather I've had the last several weeks, I've started wearing my TN CS jacket to work and had my coworkers recognize it. Then when they saw the inscription on the inside pocket they went crazy. Everyone that walked by our desks, they would stop and ask if they've ever seen an authentic Indy jacket. I've even worn my Aldens on a few occasions and they go crazy when i do that.
If I had the extra money for a top quality fedora, i would have worn that as well.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by fifthchamber »

I've worn my jacket(s) through all of our winter here in Japan-land and am still wearing them, although I get the feeling it's going to be too warm once the rainy season goes.. I've never heard anyone say anything about it being an "Indy" look, although I do wear my fedora(s) with the jacket everyday as well... I think if I had the whole set on, perhaps someone would notice, but in suit pants and a shirt, with a tie, fedora and a heavy jacket you just look "1930's-ish" here in Japan, and although I've been asked if I'm a movie star, a singer, or just complimented for having "Sense" in Japan, no one ever makes the connection with Indy....

I'm rather happy that that's the case actually...... I think the few foreigners I've met can see what I'm aiming for, and I often get a wry smile when I'm in the hat AND jacket, but I mix it up enough to stop it from being TOO Indy..

If that's possible.. ;)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Forrest For the Trees »

That's actually one of my favorite things about the Indy jacket. Hardly anyone knows what it is.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by fenris »

This just proves that ordinary people (yes, we are extraordinary) do not know exactly what Indy is really wearing. That is why any combination of a leather jacket and hat is automatically Indy.

This accounts for ordinary people dressing up as Indy to wear; the Rubies costume, any brown jacket, a white shirt, brown or khaki pants and a cowboy hat. Before joining COW, I was probably one of them... except for the shirt. At least I knew it wasn't white!
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by mrkaboom »

ive never had any comments good or bad. may be the wear i guess.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by ron521 »

I wore my Signature Series US Wings (with no other gear) to a dinner with 30 or so people, and one fellow recognized it as "Indy" and complimented me. My very weathered "Larson" jacket has also been so identified when worn WITH gear, even though it is not very close to screen accurate.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Gorak »

Never the time, I was at the airport wearing the jacket and my Aldens with "civillian" clothing, and a well dressed 'suit' sitting across from me in the terminal put down his paper and said,"Excuse me; those are some really nice boots...very adventure looking..kinda like what Indiana Jones might wear." So I told him what they were and he got really interested and wrote down the info. Never once mentioned the jacket.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Indyzane »

My co-workers all ways say which movie jacket is that one? Is that the one from that guy you met? (Tony Nowak)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Indiana Bugs »

Never by jacket only, but then again, I always have on a fedora.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by WConly »

One time at a shopping mall in Kansas City a clerk at Bath and Body recognized my Wested (older cow TOD, distressed), but I also had on my PB Michaelson hat...I am sure that had a bit to do with it, as well. However I have gotten many comments when wearing my seal brown goat Lost Worlds Raider with people calling me Indy and this has been with
Tilly Winter hats, general Tilly's and even caps! And, yet, except for that one time with the Wested -- IJ Fedora or not -- Zip! On the other hand the fedoras do get the comments! Who knows! People are people and will process their information in somewhat odd ways from time to time. I do remember a guy walking into my one of the T-Mobile stores (Lawrence, KS) that I used to manage and he had on a Wested lamb and I commented on his and he was elated -- "Good Eye..." he said. "You are the first one to ever notice." "Easy," I replied and pulled one of mine out from behind the counter. W>
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Castor Dioscuri »

Gorak wrote:Never the time, I was at the airport wearing the jacket and my Aldens with "civillian" clothing, and a well dressed 'suit' sitting across from me in the terminal put down his paper and said,"Excuse me; those are some really nice boots...very adventure looking..kinda like what Indiana Jones might wear." So I told him what they were and he got really interested and wrote down the info. Never once mentioned the jacket.
Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm :-k
Clearly he must be a closet gearhead. ;)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Swindiana »

A couple of times, but only in the sence that someone who wears a close enough one pulls a sort of jealous expression. 8)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Weston »

Only once, but that was by a guy who is a huge Indiana Jones fan, and collector of gear. All of it "close-enough" stuff. Believe it or not, he has never been a member of this or any other fan site. I was so glad to actually meet someone in the flesh that was truly interested in this stuff that I gave him my Pre-Distressed Cowhide Wested. Certificate, sales invoice, receipt, bag and all.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Holt »

that was a nice thing of you to do :TOH:
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Swindiana »

Well, mine were not interested enough. :)

Kudos for that Weston!

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Michigan Smith »

Somebody asked me once if it was a "Members Only", remember those??
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How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by 61ButteMT »

New to COW, but what gets me is when I've been asked if my cow A-2 jackets are Indy. Seriously?
If you want a laugh, goto eBay. Type "Indy jacket" into the search field. That alone is worth a trip to the Internet.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Holt »

yes, seriously!

most people in the world believe Indy wore an A-2. The jacket is actually IS based on such a jacket together with a James Dean jacket.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by 61ButteMT »

Indiana Holt wrote:yes, seriously!

most people in the world believe Indy wore an A-2. The jacket is actually IS based on such a jacket together with a James Dean jacket.
Yes, anyone with a decent eye (don't even need two) can see the similarities, but wow, it's so different as to make me laugh when asked.
I don't even wear anything else in the "outfit" sans the khakis (plain front) and similar shirts. It's more a WWII military look than Indy, but what can ya say?
BTW, your pix on the USW site were the ones that pushed me to pull the trigger on the Hero cowhide. FWIW...
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Holt »

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Chuck »

I actually get a lot of comments for both the fedora (Akubra Deluxe) and the jacket (Todd's). I wear the fedora nearly every day to work from fall thru the spring (with a business suit) and add the jacket on casual Fridays. I work at a major university so there might be a higher awareness of Indy than in the general population. I once got some "Indy" recognition while changing planes in Vegas during a trip back from LA (Although I was wearing my A2 instead.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by jnicktem »

No one has EVER recognised my jacket as an Indy jacket. EVER. Although people do recognise my cowboy hat as Indys. ](*,)
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Ian »

jnicktem wrote:No one has EVER recognised my jacket as an Indy jacket. EVER. Although people do recognise my cowboy hat as Indys. ](*,)
Aye, and when I wear my Indy hat, I get called Rawhide... :whip:

I've never had my jacket recognised as Indy's in isolation, but I've heard the Raider's March hummed when I've had my MkVII and my jacket with me......Seems to be the '2 piece of gear' rule in my neck of the woods.......Must try the bag with SA socks.... :-k

(Why does the spell check underline 'recognised' in red?)

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by fenris »

Ian wrote:(Why does the spell check underline 'recognised' in red?)
...because the S should be Z in "recognized"... :TOH:
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Ian »

fenris wrote:
Ian wrote:(Why does the spell check underline 'recognised' in red?)
...because the S should be Z in "recognized"... :TOH:
I see......I think in the UK we spell it with an 's'.... :?

Nice one though dude....not trying to sound patronising (there's another one), but especially with English being your second language?....It's my first and you're better than me... :lol:


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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by fenris »

Ian wrote:
fenris wrote:
Ian wrote:(Why does the spell check underline 'recognised' in red?)
...because the S should be Z in "recognized"... :TOH:
I see......I think in the UK we spell it with an 's'.... :?

Nice one though dude....not trying to sound patronising (there's another one), but especially with English being your second language?....It's my first and you're better than me... :lol:


Actually I also confuse the two... but with spell check highlighting every wrong spelling, it's getting easy. Hahaha!

As for it being a 2nd language, I think English was actually my first. I think I only started talking in Filipino around 6yrs old because the other kids would tease me for not knowing the local language.
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by Ken »

The thing is we are all incredibly biased. I imagine a lot of us here have watched the movies many times. And also the fact that, obviously if we are members of this site, that when we watch the movies then we are drawn to the gear when watching them. But I imagine most 'non-fans' have an experience similar to this:

I try to think of a movie that I 'know' but its not one of my favourite movies. I have seen it maybe once or twice so that I am familiar with it, but thats about it. It could be say something like Ghostbusters.

Now, FOR ME, the defining features of a ghostbuster costume would be the jumpsuit (I think its tan, but cant quite remember), the patch on the shoulder and the proton packs. I imagine there might be come kind of belt but I don't know. Shoes - no idea. Were there gloves?

So if I see someone wearing a full on ghostbuster costume I am not going to notice things like whether the collar on the jumpsuit matches the one in the movie, or whether the shoes are wrong, etc. And equally, if I see someone wearing only the jumpsuit without the rest of the 'defining' (in my eyes) characteristics my mind is not instantly going to ghostbusters - more likely its going to go to airforce or something like that.

Thats how I feel it is for people seeing the Indy jacket. There mind is going to 'leather jacket - fashion' before it is going to Indiana Jones. But add the fedora and you have the 'defining characteristics' for the lay person. And with the the fedora being such a relatively unique item in modern fashion trends in the last few decades or more, no wonder it by itself (if brown) will instantly illicit Indiana Jones comments and connotations.

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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by fenris »

I agree, Ken. It really depends on who's looking...

I wouldn't know what a screen-accurate costume is supposed to look like for Ghostbusters or even Terminator. But being exposed to COW, I now know what an SA costume is for Indy. Before joining the forum, I was actually one of those that thought, "brown hat, brown leather jacket, khaki shirt, khaki pants = Indy." Boy, was I wrong!
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Re: How much do people recognize yours as Indy's?

Post by jnicktem »

Ian wrote:
fenris wrote:
Ian wrote:(Why does the spell check underline 'recognised' in red?)
...because the S should be Z in "recognized"... :TOH:
I see......I think in the UK we spell it with an 's'.... :?

Nice one though dude....not trying to sound patronising (there's another one), but especially with English being your second language?....It's my first and you're better than me... :lol:


Yes that is true. In the UK and Australia it is spelled with an "s" instead of a "z."
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