So here are some pics:

Here are the overlays for an 8ft and a 10ft as well as the strands for a 2nd belly for another 8ft. On the wall are the braided 2nd bellies for the 8ft and 10ft whips.

This is an 8ft in saddle tan that I made a couple of years ago and decided to keep as a display/demonstration piece.

Skiving the strands of an 8ft overlay. ... CN2734.jpg
THe leftovers from skiving ... CN2736.jpg
The bevelled edges that result from skiving help to get a neat braid. ... CN2733.jpg
Some wristloops, falls and crackers ... CN2678.jpg
An 8ft I made a couple of weeks ago - now belonging to Zoltar.
So I have two 8fts and a 10ft on the go. He first 8ft is for a German customer and should be finished before I go on holiday on Monday. The remaining whips will have to wait until after Easter. The 10ft is for a customer and the 8ft will be homeless and end up in the classifieds. I will post some pics when they are finished.
Thanks for reading!