New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

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New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Vaderbreath »

I recently got a wings goatskin from another member and I love it...but it smells heavy of smoke. I did a search but found nothing. Anyone know of a way to get that smell out? I've tried just airing it out, febreze, dryer sheets, but nothing works. Help!?!
Last edited by Vaderbreath on Fri Apr 29, 2011 3:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by maboot38 »

Vaderbreath wrote:I recently got a wings goatskin from another member and I love it...but it smells heavy of smoke. I did a search but found nothing. Anyone know of a way to get that smell out? I've tried just airing it out, febreze, dryer sheets, but nothing works. Help!?!
Time, my friend....time. Cigarette smoke is one of the most pervasive, offensive, and tenacious odors known to man. Sadly most smokers don't realize this until they quit, then they spend the rest of their lives embarrassed that they actually used to be so offensive to other's olfactory senses. (I'm speaking from experience here).

I think your best bet is to wear that thing until you beat the cigarette stench into submission. I'd recommend Mink Oil, except that I'm really not big into adding natural oils to a jacket. Still, if you plan on wearing the thing a lot, mink oil might work........I've done it with shoes but I still don't have the huevos to put it on a jacket.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Yep, time. If practical hang it up outside as much as possible to get maximum fresh air circulation around it.


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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Couldn't agree more, Jeff.

You can hand wash the leather, but it's the lining that will grab and hold the odor. Some folks (me included) have gone as far as tossing a jacket into a washing machine. Sometimes desparate situations call for desparate measures.

In my case I had once obtained a jacket that came from the home of a cigar smoker. That's what eventually removed all traces of the smell of smoke from the lining.

Turn it wrong side out, put it on a hanger, and hang it outside as much and as often as you can.

The natural ozone/fresh air will eventually remove all traces of the smell.

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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Vaderbreath »

Thanks for the advice, guys. Thankfully I live in a nice climate, so outside it goes...and goes....and goes.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Dalexs »

I've heard tumbling in the dryer (air fluff) with coffee beans does the trick as well.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

Yeah, but then your coffee tastes like Pecards. :-0


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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by maboot38 »

Indiana Jeff wrote:Yeah, but then your coffee tastes like Pecards. :-0
When will that flavor be available in K-cups?
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Texan Scott »

Will baking soda help in this sitation, cat litter? Coffee beans actually obsorb the odors around them.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

If you live in an area with skunks you could just toss it on one some evening. You won't notice the tobacco smell any more. :-0 Guaranteed.

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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by maboot38 »

Long John Tinfoil wrote:If you live in an area with skunks you could just toss it on one some evening. You won't notice the tobacco smell any more. :-0 Guaranteed.

An improvement over the awful stench of cigarette ruined clothing.

I've heard tell that vinegar baths might help some clothes. Has anyone ever put vinegar on leather before? How would that turn out?
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Indiana Jeff »

I can't imagine it would be any worse than dousing your jacket with acetone.


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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

Here's another discussion about this from 2005 you might want to read through, just for cross referencing.

viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13716&hilit=cigarette+smell" onclick=";return false;

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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Vaderbreath »

Thanks all! I think I'll pass on the skunk tip...

I'll check out that old thread too. Thanks again!
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by nicktheguy »

Just wear it through the perfume department of Macy's - you're almost guaranteed getting tagged with over-zealous perfume squirters as you walk through that section.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Vaderbreath »

I think I'd rather have cigarette smell. :shock:
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by fenris »

nicktheguy wrote:Just wear it through the perfume department of Macy's - you're almost guaranteed getting tagged with over-zealous perfume squirters as you walk through that section.
Ooooohhh... I hate those! Especially those that just squirt without asking! I once was squirted with women's perfume on my neck!

Good thing nowadays they just hand out those test strips... Although, some still have bottles. I really try my best to avoid them.

As for getting rid of the odor... I always thought baking soda was a good way to get rid of unwanted smells. Enclose it in some box together with a small cup of baking soda. Dunno how long it will take, though.
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Re: Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Vaderbreath »

Update of sorts...
-I tried baking soda in a bag....not much help.
-I tried airing it out for several days....helped, but still stinky. (I know I need to leave it out longer and I will continue to do that if necessary)
-I tried saddle soap....slightly better.
-I tried a wash machine....not much difference.

So, it's now at a cleaners having the liner repaired (damaged when I bought it), and being cleaned. One of their specialties is leather and the owner seemed confident she could get the smell out. So, we'll see. I just love this jacket because it is so thick and tough and it fits me perfectly, so I'd hate to sell it because it's a bit smelly. Actually, if the cleaners can't get it out, it will be permanently hung in the open air until the smell goes away, or I'm dead. I'm hoping for the former.
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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Michaelson »

Yeah, if you're dead and wearing it, you'll be dealing with a completely different odor, I'm afraid. :-k

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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Vaderbreath »

At least the cigarette smell wouldn't bother me! :lol:
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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Well depending on where you end up after your dead the smell could be worse :-k

Brimstone is an horrible scent to be sure of!!!! :lol:
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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Vaderbreath »

Nope, I know that where I'm going, I won't care that I ever had a jacket!

I'll get the jacket back in a week, so I'll update as to how it turned out.
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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Tennessee Smith »

Yep, you're right! :lol:

Probably won't fit the new body anyways ;)
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Re: Small/Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jack

Post by Chris »

I know I'm a little late to this topic, but I've found that wiping down the leather with mild soapy water, then wiping dry works on the outside- repeat if needed.

As for the lining, as others have soft of said- turn inside out and air. This is particularly effective if you can put it in direct sunlight on grass/lawn. It's cheaper than dry cleaning, and pretty effective.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

Okay, so after trying baking soda, saddle soap, wash machine, fresh air, febreze, and now a professional still stinks. BUT, not hardly noticeable. The best solution was the cleaners. They specialize in leather and they repaired the lining and took nearly all the cig stink out. You'd have to really stick the jacket to your nose to smell a slight trace of smoke. So, I'm happy now. I think with a little wear time and some fresh air, this thing will be just fine.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Chris »

Coffee makes some people too hyperactive to be able to clean a coat effectively.

Good for smuggling though.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

Well, _, I think I know of the coffee method...does it involve a dryer and beans? I do like coffee, so if you have another method, I'd give it a shot...although I can hardly notice the smell anymore. Great, now I want some coffee.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by kwad »

I remember seeing something on Mythbusters regarding the use of Vodka to remove the cigarette smell from clothing. If I remember right, they placed some cheap vodka in a spray bottle and sprayed the clothing after it had been locked in a glass case with a bunch of cigarette smoke.

According to the MB team, it worked pretty well.
Might be worth a try if nothing else gets the job done.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

How is your lately? ;)
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Weston »

This may sound like a goofy suggestion, but it can't be any worse than the skunk thing! :-0

Why not get a good campfire going and let the jacket take a good dose of wood smoke? I acquired a hat that just reeked of animal and cigarette smoke, and I gave it this treatment. The offensive odors were replaced with the much more pleasant scent of wood smoke, and as the fresh air took the scent away, the stench went with it. That's my recommendation; smoke it and then let it air out for a day or two.

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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Renderking Fisk »

This might sound crazy it has actually worked for me in the past with other vintage items my wife and I have brought home in the past.

Hang your coat up in a plastic bag that also contains some fresh rosemary, mint leaves and cedar shavings or blocks. I would avoid allowing any of these items to touch the leather because the oils or juice might preeminently stain the leather. Make sure that the bag isn't open; knot it or use the zipper if the bag has one.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

Sorry for the lack of an update. Well, I thought the smell was pretty well gone until it rained. Once the leather got wet, the smell came back...and quite strong. I've had it hanging outside for days on end, and while some of the smell has vanished (again), I can still smell cigs. I may have to try the vodka...and then I may even try using it to the get the smell out of my jacket. ;) Heck, I'll try the bag'o'spices trick too. I really like this jacket as it would be my only goatskin, so I just can't give up yet!
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

Weston, I'll try the campfire smoke too. It gives me a good reason (like I need one) to make s'mores with my boys tonight. I'll let you all know how it works.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

You just could start smoking...

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New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by 61ButteMT »

On leather, it's darn near impossible to get rid of. My grandfather smoked cigars, and you just couldn't get it out of anything that wasn't fabric. Honestly, I'd have asked for a refund or tossed/sold it. I hate that smell. OTOH, a good campfire is a smell I can live with all year long. I do like the last reply though. Not good for you, but certainly would work :)
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Renderking Fisk »

Wearing your jacket to a campfire is the best idea yet.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Texan Scott »

Any chance of getting your money back, Corey? I know it has been awhile. It's a shame to find that just right jacket only to have the smoke issue.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

I suppose I could ask for it back, but he gave me a really good deal on it, so I'm not out much. ,ow it's more of a project. If I can find a way, that may help someone else down the line.
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New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by lantzn »

fenris wrote:
nicktheguy wrote:Just wear it through the perfume department of Macy's - you're almost guaranteed getting tagged with over-zealous perfume squirters as you walk through that section.
Ooooohhh... I hate those! Especially those that just squirt without asking! I once was squirted with women's perfume on my neck!

Good thing nowadays they just hand out those test strips... Although, some still have bottles. I really try my best to avoid them.

As for getting rid of the odor... I always thought baking soda was a good way to get rid of unwanted smells. Enclose it in some box together with a small cup of baking soda. Dunno how long it will take, though.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Vaderbreath »

Update! Well, the jacket has been hanging in my garage for months now, and I did the whole sit by a fire thing, and still stinks. Now too bad, though. I've worn it around outside, and I don't notice the smell anymore unless I jam my nose into the sleeve. The inside doesn't stink at all...just a few places on the outside. So, I still haven't found the ultimate way to completely rid the jacket of cig stink, but at least it's bearable now.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Canuck Digger »

I was recently faced with the same issue and nothing worked. In the end the fit wasn't right and money was tight, so I returned it, but I hadn't found this online at the time: "Seal the (leather item) up in a big plastic bag with charcoal (not the self lighting type) Charcoal absorbs even the nastiest odors without harming anything."

I have not tried it but if you still have the jacket and it still smells, it can't hurt the leather to try (unlike some other suggestions...)

Let us know if you do try this out.

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New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Sammy »

:) this thread reminds me of the B.O. Episode of Seinfeld!! Haha!!! No one recommended tomato sauce? In any case, I'd keep this jacket because after everything that's been done to hasn't fallen apart or gotten damaged!!!!
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Michaelson »

Sounds to me like it's time to stop with the home remedies and take it to a professional leather cleaner to get the job done.

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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by fifthchamber »

I think he said he took it to the cleaners this time last year....Smell went but came back after a heavy rainfall...

You could try re-doing the pro cleaning thing again though..If it worked so well (for a time) once, it might work to eliminate it all now this much further on?

I agree with Michaelson...Since it worked so well before, try it again now..

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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Michaelson »

That, and maybe having it relined. Usually it's the liner that holds the smell.

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New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket?

Post by Sammy »

_ wrote:I once left a jacket behind at a little italian restaurant. I could not get back to pick it up for 4 days. When I did, it had the delightful smell of their garlic bread - I was in heaven. Just a thought? :TOH:
I heard this method is exceptionally effective at keeping vampires at bay. :)

All kidding aside, I agree about re-lining it. Also, if it's the leather, ever try wearing it inside out, zipping it up, and sweating in it really good? Might be a good way to transfer its scent onto you to wash off. Just a thought.
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Mighty_Draw »

I bought an old cooper A2 on ebay a couple years ago and when it arrived it smelled like a 70 year old ashtray a cat took a dookie in. I turned it inside-out and started febreezing it everyday for 2 months. Two big bottles of febreeze, and a trip in the shower it was 90% gone. A little more febreeze and after a year it finally smelled normal. I didn't see that mentioned here, and I'm talking about so much febreeze it discolored the lining in places!
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by Luisiana Jones »

Mighty_Draw wrote:I turned it inside-out and started febreezing it everyday for 2 months. Two big bottles of febreeze, and a trip in the shower it was 90% gone. A little more febreeze and after a year it finally smelled normal. I didn't see that mentioned here, and I'm talking about so much febreeze it discolored the lining in places!

I dunno 90% but I also used to smoke and febreeze did help a lot. Totally agree with Mighty draw u might wann try febreeze out.


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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by ReturningSon »

The trick is, like many have said before, is just letting the jacket sit in the open air (preferably facing in full view of the sun) and to fabreeze it. I had one that the smell real bad. Took a solid 6 months of hanging it in the backyard everyday and fabreezing it. Now, the smell has COMPLETELY dissolved and you wouldnt even know it was ever there. :TOH:
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Re: New Smell Update! Getting cigarette smell out of jacket

Post by lindy »

A colleague of mine said his wife works in the West End as a Theatre Dresser and costume manager, every night the costumes come back from the actors heavily sweaty and need to be turned around for a performance the next day and one of their tricks of the trade was to buy lots and lots of cheap ( ish ) VODKA Put it into spray bottles and give each costume a good 'going over' with vodka,
It's neat alcohol and evaporates very quickly taking with it all the nasty odours leaving a clean, ready to wear costume
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