Wested Pics

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Wested Pics

Post by West »

Hey everyone! I've been looking around and I've yet to see any pics of the gussets Wested puts on their jackets. So if any body happens to have some free time, a camera, and some nice gussets in their Westeds I'd be greatly appreciate seeing them at last.


P.S. If you could, those with elastic in their Westeds please post pics of the location of your bands on your jacket. I remember being able to show others the elastic bands on a Expedition I had by pulling on them slightly through the lining while the jacket was laying down on a flat surface. Thanks again.
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Post by SteveR »

I,ve got a few pics on my website, although the large versions are about 1.6mb.

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/candida.r/ ... et%20Pics/

Here's a good one of the Wested gusset:

http://homepage.ntlworld.com/candida.r/ ... 20(18).jpg
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Post by IndyMo »

Sounds like someone may be getting ready to purchase a new jacket.
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