Christy's Adventurer!

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Gorak »

I own a childcare and one of the best ways to distress a piece of gear is just wearing it to work. Kids will do all kinds of things to it but if you can wince thru it, your gear will come out looking better in the end. Plus, parents all tell me that when their child sees a picture of Indiana Jones somewhere, they assume its "Mr. Hector!"
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

It ***** I can't wear mine to work because 1) I can't wear hats at work and 2) even though I do wear it on the way to'll mess up my hair to a point where it looks like I just woke up haha~

By the way, I shall be posting up more pictures periodically.

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

ajocampo wrote:P.S. Don't get any milk on your hat or something...I don't think It'll stain too good hahaha
Well my other hat got some blood stains on it.

I didn't notice that I cut my finger because it got stuck on some screw on a door or something... Blood was pouring from my finger and some eventually got to my hat. Good thing it isn't that noticeable. I guess if it was a huge glob of blood, that would be fairly noticeable. That would be a hard stain to get out.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Restless Dreamer »

Recently, I've been to Romics, a cosplaying event taking place in Rome every year. Obviously, I wore my Indy Gear.

Here are some pics (I'll post them here to show how good and SA can be a Christy's).

Group photo:


Didn't have a gun nor a whip, so I was forced to duel with a sword:




With a fellow archeologist:


With V and a friend:

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Travelsonic »

Restless Dreamer wrote: Didn't have a gun nor a whip, so I was forced to duel with a sword:

Latex boffer weapons FTW! :D

[Nice hat, BTW, I gotta get pics of my newly acquired Adventurebilt up [in the appropriate thread of course].
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Joeyeah_right »

Restless Dreamer wrote:Recently, I've been to Romics, a cosplaying event taking place in Rome every year. Obviously, I wore my Indy Gear.

Here are some pics (I'll post them here to show how good and SA can be a Christy's).

With a fellow archeologist:


There are other people in this photo with Lara Croft? =P~

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by BendingOak »

That's what I was thinking. Giggity.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Who else but Quagmire?

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Restless Dreamer »

I can grant you she was not that stunning, compared to other cosplaying girls at the event. Italian beauty + Japanese schoolgirl outfit = Restless Dreamer crying for joy :lol:
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Kokopelli »

...any new Adventurers lately? I just ordered one in Cork, with a black ribbon; 5 1/4" crown and 2 1/2" brim non-dimensional.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

I'm planning to get a better ribbon to replace the stock one that came with my hat...any suggestions where to get this?
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by generalFROSTY »

I'm pretty sure John Penman will help you out in the ribbon department.
I recently placed an order for a Christy's Adventurer in BLACK. I wanted a black fedora to go with some other outfits, especially my black wool topcoat I wear often during the winter season.
Pics to come once it arrives...
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

Most recent picture of my christy's adventurer! ... G_5103.jpg" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

btw, i got an email from hornets hats...they are changing their name to top secret hats...
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by jlee562 »

Looks like they've got a new model with slightly smaller dimensions to the Adventurer which may better suit some folks: ... elt-Fedora" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Tremolo »

The Swerford seems to feature the more "normal" Indy specs. Thanks for posting that!
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

They still have the adventurer hat...but it seems they changed the seems a lot lighter than what it used to be...
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by jlee562 »

Tremolo wrote:The Swerford seems to feature the more "normal" Indy specs. Thanks for posting that!
Too bad I can't swap my Adventurer for a Sweford, the slightly smaller specs would suit me better methinks.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by IndyRiv »

I just wanted to share that in comparing a Magnoli Herbert Johnson fedora with my felt samples from Hornets Hats/Christys in Sable, Light Sable and Cork, the Cork is just "a touch" lighter than the Mag HJ.

Now granted, Christy's does not carry THE HJ color anymore (it seems to be a breed of its own), but if you were inclined to purchase a Christy's fedora and are looking for the color of TOD and LC especially, Cork looks to be the best. This is just based off of putting my 3" x 1/2" samples on top of the felt of the Mag HJ. I have not owned a Christy's or seen one up close, so therefore cannot elaborate more on that.

And just as a side note - if anyone's interested, I am currently working with a hatter to see if he can exactly match the color of my Mag HJ to make new hats out of. If he can, I know he can duplicate the HJ (minus the nuances of the HJ label on the sweat, liner, etc) in terms of color and make as close to the real deal for a fraction of the price. So if anyone's interested, I could start a thread and feel free to PM me.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by jlee562 »

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Mag HJ itself isn't even "THE" original HJ color.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Tremolo »

The Swerford is really tempting, I especially like the 5.5" crown instead of the 5.75" of the Adventurer. I wonder if this is still the same Sable colour they have used before on the Adventurer, because Light Sable is gone and the Sable colour pictured looks a bit more reddish and browner than my old Sable Adventurer.
But I don´t think that they have changed the colour of the ribbon, to me it seems to be the lightning that makes it appear lighter.
Too bad that they don´t do any "custom spec" orders (like brim and ribbon widths, or crown height) anymore (I just asked) the Swerford seems to be the supposed to fill those needs with its new specs.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

No more special orders!? That blows! IMO, it seems, at first glance, top secret hats is a downgrade from hornets...but then again, I'm just speculating
Tremolo wrote:The Swerford is really tempting, I especially like the 5.5" crown instead of the 5.75" of the Adventurer. I wonder if this is still the same Sable colour they have used before on the Adventurer, because Light Sable is gone and the Sable colour pictured looks a bit more reddish and browner than my old Sable Adventurer.
But I don´t think that they have changed the colour of the ribbon, to me it seems to be the lightning that makes it appear lighter.
Too bad that they don´t do any "custom spec" orders (like brim and ribbon widths, or crown height) anymore (I just asked) the Swerford seems to be the supposed to fill those needs with its new specs.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Tremolo »

Yep, that´s really sad. The little aspect of slight modifications was always a plus for Christy´s, but I guess most people ordered the Adventurer with the now Swerford specs.
Here is what Sarah Hind from Top Secret Hats told me:
Thank you for your email. I'm afraid Christys no longer allow us to customise the hats so the Swerford can only come with the standard dimensions and ribbon. We are continually working on new hats with popular customisation requests.

I'm sorry I can't be more helpful.

With kind regards,

Regarding the question if Sable is still the same Sable they offered in the last years this is what I got:
The sable is the same colour as it always has been. It is so difficult to portray the fur felt colours as they photograph differently in different lights and then vary on different screens!
Still, I would have loved to get a new young Indy style Christy´s with a 5.5" crown. Oh well, but the Swerford is really tempting for me at the moment.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by IndyRiv »

jlee562 wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Mag HJ itself isn't even "THE" original HJ color.
I suppose it all depends on what screen still you're looking at in which film, but I did a lot of pausing at various spots on the LC dvd, as well as analyzing numerous photo and production stills and I saw the same color in my Mag HJ that's in LC. Again, it all depends on the person's perception, the tint of the lenses in filming, etc.

It probably doesn't hold much of a candle as I haven't had other people look at the felt on the hat and do the same tests and analysis, but I'm pretty convinced (and that's the key - convinced, NOT certain) with what I've seen that it's the HJ color --- at least for LC. Raiders, of course, may be somewhat darker.

I've been told by a reputable hatter whose dealt a lot with Christy's fedoras that he strongly would not recommend me ordering either the Sable or Light Sable for LC or CS as the felts are just too dark to what's seen on film. For Raiders, which is what he specialized in, he did highly recommend the Sable or Light Sable.

I'd like to mention though that these are just my observations and, again, I'm not saying (and didn't say in my initial response) for a fact that I know that the Mag HJ is "THE" HJ color; I'm just saying that it looks to be very close to what's seen on screen - the closest I've seen of any hat I've seen or owned thus far. As such, I haven't found a place that carries that exact same color either, making it seem like it truly is a specialized color of its own.

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Erri »

The line
We are continually working on new hats with popular customisation requests.
makes me think that if we collect enough interested people we can still request a custom model although it will be a pain in the arse compared to what it used to be.
The new Swerford could be good and bad, good because we don't risk getting the wrong specs when ordering Indy specs, bad because it won't do for those who need other specs.

It's a bit sad Christys has decided for a totally new approach to sales, I guess we ordered so many custom hats that for them it wasn't a convenient option anymore. I shouldn't have advertised it so much! :lol:

The price has slightly increased too (+£2.50)... mmh I don't like changes!

As for the colour, people, choose what you like the most but don't consider Magnoli HJ as a "golden standard" of the colour because every hatter has his own type of indy brown and unless "screenused" shows you in person his Raiders fedora and let you compare it with your own hat you won't be able to tell for sure which colour is a better match (and even in that case you would have to keep in consideration that the hat has also been distressed and it probably faded a bit from when it was brand new in 1980).
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

I wouldn't be surprised if they stopped taking custom orders because of this fan abase and the laundry list of customizations repeatedly asked for. That's been true of a number of vendors in the past.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

In any case, I wish them good business in the future~
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by jlee562 »

IndyRiv wrote:
jlee562 wrote:Correct me if I'm wrong, but the Mag HJ itself isn't even "THE" original HJ color.
I suppose it all depends on what screen still you're looking at in which film, but I did a lot of pausing at various spots on the LC dvd, as well as analyzing numerous photo and production stills and I saw the same color in my Mag HJ that's in LC. Again, it all depends on the person's perception, the tint of the lenses in filming, etc.

It probably doesn't hold much of a candle as I haven't had other people look at the felt on the hat and do the same tests and analysis, but I'm pretty convinced (and that's the key - convinced, NOT certain) with what I've seen that it's the HJ color --- at least for LC. Raiders, of course, may be somewhat darker.

I've been told by a reputable hatter whose dealt a lot with Christy's fedoras that he strongly would not recommend me ordering either the Sable or Light Sable for LC or CS as the felts are just too dark to what's seen on film. For Raiders, which is what he specialized in, he did highly recommend the Sable or Light Sable.

I'd like to mention though that these are just my observations and, again, I'm not saying (and didn't say in my initial response) for a fact that I know that the Mag HJ is "THE" HJ color; I'm just saying that it looks to be very close to what's seen on screen - the closest I've seen of any hat I've seen or owned thus far. As such, I haven't found a place that carries that exact same color either, making it seem like it truly is a specialized color of its own.

HJ stopped using the Cury felt, which was seen on screen in Raiders, after that film. "THE" color, for Raiders at least, is lost to history...
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

Has anyone tried to re-block their Christy's or got a hatter to re-block it? :-k If yes, how did it turn out?
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

ajocampo wrote:Has anyone tried to re-block their Christy's or got a hatter to re-block it? :-k If yes, how did it turn out?
I've read somewhere that sometimes the brim can rip off of the crown on a reblock due to the way the sweatband is stitched.

I tried a home semi-reblock (didn't take out the sweatband) to take some taper out off one side. I think I lost a bit of crown height, though. The Christy's now sits on my Indy display shelf and for some weird reason has gotten all stiff - really stiff! Dunno why, though. It could be the salt water spray from the beach or it could be due to steaming. Only the experienced guys here could probably answer why that happened.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Erri »

ajocampo wrote:Has anyone tried to re-block their Christy's or got a hatter to re-block it? :-k If yes, how did it turn out?
The reblock is not new to the Christy's. Up until now we've had two most common cases. First case: home-reblocks made with tupperware or other kind of home-wares, they all ended tragically (not suprisingly). Second case, serious hatters reblocking it, when they do they usually are too proud to say they did and if they did they will tell you it was bad quality as they expected with one case of brim being ripped off the body at the stitch line.

If you send it back to where you bought it (hornets hats or whatever) they can reblock it for you. I don't know how much they charge but I doubt it's much different from other hatters.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

Wow..the brim ripping off? That's extreme lol

I don't think I'm going to attempt any sort of re-block...the most i've done was steam-flatten the brim because of the intense flange it had when I got it.

Yeah, I only know ONE hatter here in Toronto that block hats. There are probably more, but they are too underground to appear online or in the yellowpages. I have yet to go and get it blocked. My question now is...Are there special blocking techniques or styles? Do I just go in there and ask for a re-block? Because i've heard of blocks that have different shapes (i.e. ovals, circles...).

:TOH: James
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by DR Ulloa »

Well, I reblocked my Christy's but I used proper vintage hatters' tools that I had purchased on ebay. I can tell you that this hat can and will shrink. I was left with half the hat I had before, using the same method I had used on a vintage Bailey's western hat I turned into a fedora. No shrinkage on the Bailey's. But believe me when I say that I lost a good inch and a half on the crown and about the same on the brim. Unusable. I never felt like I was about the rip the brim off, but I was careful not to pull too hard. I did, however, manage to get the whole body onto the block with no space between the felt and block.

Now, I'm no hatter, but I have spoken to John and Steve enough and read enough of their posts to know how to block a hat. I water blocked it just like Steve and John do (or did; can't remember right now). What was left was a sorry looking piece of felt that could only be worn open crown like a bowler, which basically fit around my head. Honestly, I don't see how anyone can reblock this thing successfully. Maybe the reason why the reblocks keep going arwy is not because of those performing them, but because of the materials. If a hatter won't reblock a hat, it's because he doesn't want to take the risk of possibly losing the customer's hat due to #### materials. I equate the same thing to guitars. I would certainly fix any of my Gibson guitars should any damage come to them; they are worth $2000+. But I would not spend the time and money fixing up a run of the mill guitar that cost me $150 if anything happened to it. You get what you pay for. There are such things as good deals, but you are still getting what you pay for.

And Fenris, the reason why your hat became stiff is because of the steam. Since you mentioned steam, that is always a dead give-away. Steam reactivates stiffener in felt. It's like switching a light switch.

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Erri »

ajocampo wrote:Do I just go in there and ask for a re-block? Because i've heard of blocks that have different shapes (i.e. ovals, circles...).

:TOH: James
You're new around here aren't you? :lol:
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

DR Ulloa wrote:Well, I reblocked my Christy's but I used proper vintage hatters' tools that I had purchased on ebay. I can tell you that this hat can and will shrink. I was left with half the hat I had before, using the same method I had used on a vintage Bailey's western hat I turned into a fedora. No shrinkage on the Bailey's. But believe me when I say that I lost a good inch and a half on the crown and about the same on the brim. Unusable. I never felt like I was about the rip the brim off, but I was careful not to pull too hard. I did, however, manage to get the whole body onto the block with no space between the felt and block.

Now, I'm no hatter, but I have spoken to John and Steve enough and read enough of their posts to know how to block a hat. I water blocked it just like Steve and John do (or did; can't remember right now). What was left was a sorry looking piece of felt that could only be worn open crown like a bowler, which basically fit around my head like a condom. Honestly, I don't see how anyone can reblock this thing successfully. Maybe the reason why the reblocks keep going arwy is not because of those performing them, but because of the materials. If a hatter won't reblock a hat, it's because he doesn't want to take the risk of possibly losing the customer's hat due to #### materials. I equate the same thing to guitars. I would certainly fix any of my Gibson guitars should any damage come to them; they are worth $2000+. But I would not spend the time and money fixing up a run of the mill guitar that cost me $150 if anything happened to it. You get what you pay for. There are such things as good deals, but you are still getting what you pay for.

And Fenris, the reason why your hat became stiff is because of the steam. Since you mentioned steam, that is always a dead give-away. Steam reactivates stiffener in felt. It's like switching a light switch.


Thanks for the info, Dave.

I agree to what you were saying about the materials of the hat. You do get what you pay for. And I paid around 80$ CAD for my Christy. Not saying it's a bad and cheap hat though. I like my hat. But yeah it's also true that if you want the hat to last and not have a 45 degree taper LOL, then a Christy would not be suitable. I just wish I had the money to get an AB or something. Maybe in the future :D

As for the re-block, I'm guess you would discourage any sort of re-block on any Christy I assume?

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Arch Stanton »

Could someone give me a definitive answer on Christy's sizing? Should I go 1cm up from my usual size or not? I can always pad the sweatband, correct? My problem is that I am like a 59.5, but every hat I've ever ordered has been a 60cm and they have all fit perfect. I also hear these things tend to run small and also shrink quite a bit. So a 61cm?
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

Some folks have attempted to get a size larger hat and let it shrink down a size in the reblock. I know Steve used to do this with the Herbert Johnsons as they would also shrink up something terrible at one point. I had a beater Christy's that someone threw my way once as I was interested in seeing the felt in person. It worked as a knock-around or gardening hat, if felt soft, but I wasn't overly impressed with the felt. In my opinion, you'd do far better with an Akubra at that price.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by kiltie »

Arch Stanton wrote:Could someone give me a definitive answer on Christy's sizing? Should I go 1cm up from my usual size or not? I can always pad the sweatband, correct? My problem is that I am like a 59.5, but every hat I've ever ordered has been a 60cm and they have all fit perfect. I also hear these things tend to run small and also shrink quite a bit. So a 61cm?
I would not say they run small ( at least not to the degree that the Fed 4 did for me ), but I DO recommend ordering a size up as it will shrink. My first experience was with a 58: my regular hat size, typically. Within days, I also got a 59. It was probably less than a month before the 58 started becoming uncomfortable, and eventually unwearable, whereas with the 59, I padded it out for a bit, and eventually it settled in nicely. I got a decent amount of wear out of it until I finally killed it through evil experiments.

As an aside, those experiments included one professional reblock and several kitchen reblocks ( pots, pans, cans, irons and steam ). While Bink is right about the felt being generally 'unimpressive', it will take regular wear and reblocking after moderate abuse. For a real hat and real world use, there are plenty of better choices, felt-wise. For the look, I think you can get a pretty good approximation of a number of Indy styles with the Christys', including Raiders ( as Erri so spectacularly demonstrates ), and it does have a much nicer out-of-the-box look and feel than the Fed regular. The ribbon work is total doo doo, though.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Erri »

kiltie wrote:( as Erri so spectacularly demonstrates ).
LOL I wouldn't say spectacularly but thanks for the compliment my friend :TOH:
Darn it I haven't worn a hat in a year or so now, they are still there taking dust on the shelf... oh no wait, they are all wrapped up in cellophane, no risk of dust but still on the shelf.
kiltie wrote:I got a decent amount of wear out of it until I finally killed it through evil experiments.
That's when you shouted "It's alive! It's alive!"
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by binkmeisterRick »

That's when I got it! :lol:
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

DR Ulloa wrote:the reason why your hat became stiff is because of the steam. Since you mentioned steam, that is always a dead give-away. Steam reactivates stiffener in felt. It's like switching a light switch.
The only weird thing was, it became stiff even before I steamed it. After coming from a 4-day vacation to the beach, that's when I noticed it starting to stiffen up. After a week, I "reblocked" it on my styrofoam block and steamed it a bit. I suspect it was the salt water spray from when we ride the boats.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

fenris wrote:
DR Ulloa wrote:the reason why your hat became stiff is because of the steam. Since you mentioned steam, that is always a dead give-away. Steam reactivates stiffener in felt. It's like switching a light switch.
The only weird thing was, it became stiff even before I steamed it. After coming from a 4-day vacation to the beach, that's when I noticed it starting to stiffen up. After a week, I "reblocked" it on my styrofoam block and steamed it a bit. I suspect it was the salt water spray from when we ride the boats.
If that's the case...then it probably is the salt water combined with the ridiculus humidity in the Philippines, and the sun.
I've never steamed my hat, except for the back brim, which turned out fine.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Arch Stanton »

Thanks for the replies, guys.

And no worries, I am already aware of the questionable quality. one reason I'm getting a Christys is because I actually plan on it being ruined. So I am getting more than one. The Christys also comes in the bizarre color I need. It's for a little film project I'm trying to complete.

Also, I've already got enough Akubras to last me a lifetime. :)
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

I just have to add, even though the Christy's adventurer is more on the low end of the hats, I've realized since the day I bought my Christy, it's been looking a lot better, especially regarding the brim shape, IMO. Thing is, I recently just got fed up with the way it's shaped and just started 'vigorously' molding it. I've always wanted a raiders look on my hat. But IMO the Christy is takes a really long time to shape, especially the brim, which from the get go is flanged to the max and is very 'not moldable'. Even now with my intense regimen of molding, it still fights to hold the shape I want it to. ](*,)
I should post a video for you guys to see what I mean lol...
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by jlhampton »

ajocampo wrote:I just have to add, even though the Christy's adventurer is more on the low end of the hats, I've realized since the day I bought my Christy, it's been looking a lot better, especially regarding the brim shape, IMO. Thing is, I recently just got fed up with the way it's shaped and just started 'vigorously' molding it. I've always wanted a raiders look on my hat. But IMO the Christy is takes a really long time to shape, especially the brim, which from the get go is flanged to the max and is very 'not moldable'. Even now with my intense regimen of molding, it still fights to hold the shape I want it to. ](*,)
I should post a video for you guys to see what I mean lol...
I know exactly what you mean. I have one in burma and i don't even wear it solely because of the brim, mainly on the back side. I would prefer it to be a little more flat, but it just keeps curling up something fierce. It also tapers too much for my taste. I may have it re blocked some day.

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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

I've pretty much killed my Christy's because of the "reblocks" I did to get out the taper. My last "reblock" was 3 days ago. It was another experiment to see what else I can do to it. No amount of brushing, cleaning with those foam-like cleaners can get rid of all the discoloration. Maybe a pounce job would work, but the felt is thin as it is.

This is how I screwed up the hat...
1. The felt color is faded and has a lot of spots both dark and light.

2. Pulled on the brim too much and stretched the felt in a bad way. The transition from the crown to the brim is now thinner and discolored (it is more reddish) on one side because of all that stretching.

3. The ribbon is now a piece of $&*@... it's crumpled and has a weird shape after being left off the hat and crumpled in some box during the reblocking.

4. On a part of the sweatband, the reed is now visible due to an accident with an iron (hehehe).

Here's what it looks like right now:

Image Image Image Image

Couldn't get the right color on the pics. It's definitely lighter in person and actually has the SOC color.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

Well Fenris, judging from those pictures, your Christy has ALOT of character built into it now. Comparing what you have been saying about your hat and what it looks like, at least in the pictures, it doesn't seem all that bad. Again that's only through the pictures, and you are the best judge of the hat because you wear it.

So you've blocked it multiple times? I heard blocking a Christy will only make it worse, even if you bring it to a hatter. People say that is tapers even more and it loses some crown height. I've been debating on wether I should block mine. But now since I've figured out a way to make the brim to my liking, I don't think i'm going to be re-block mine in a while :)

I'll post some pictures when I get a chance.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

It looks better when it's just sitting on something. Once I wear it, the brim gets all weird probably due to the thinning of the felt at the brim break.

THAT is why it's been delegated to display shelf duty.
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by Erri »

The last picture is dead-on Last Crusade but I know that's now what you desired :lol:
Put a Graal next to it on your display shelf and it will make a nice show
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by ajocampo »

Erri wrote:The last picture is dead-on Last Crusade but I know that's now what you desired :lol:
Put a Graal next to it on your display shelf and it will make a nice show
I agree, just mixed in with a raiders turn
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Re: Christy's Adventurer!

Post by fenris »

Erri wrote:The last picture is dead-on Last Crusade but I know that's now what you desired :lol:
Put a Graal next to it on your display shelf and it will make a nice show
You know what? You're right! I didn't notice that. It does look like the LC hat! :o

Too bad once I put it on the brim gets all weird... this could have been a nice costume hat.
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