What are your dream whips?

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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What are your dream whips?

Post by Canyon »

What are your dream whips?

Me and Chewie were discussing this the other evening and I was wondering what your dream whips are.

I have six, and they are as follows:
(Please bear with me as I don’t exactly know what kind of plait I would want). :[

1) Raiders tan (leather) (6ft or 8ft)
2) Crystal Skull leather (6ft or 8ft)
3) Young Indy leather (with red handle) (8ft)
4) Zorro black leather with silver ring on handle (8ft)
5) Catwoman black leather as seen in Batman Returns (8ft)
6) Nylon stockwhip in white and blue (as borrowed from Midwest whips at the QM) (6ft)


Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by whipwarrior »

1) screen-used LC David Morgan 8-ft
2) David Morgan 16-strand Classic Bullwhip, 8-ft (costed $800 back in the day; I would practically kill to own one of these now!)
3) My own DM #453 w/ custom shortened handle grip :whip:
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Hollowpond »

Well, if I could have anything, it would be a ten foot Raiders by Bernardo, and a 7 foot Zorro whip by Joe Strain.

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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Marhala »

whipwarrior wrote:2) David Morgan 16-strand Classic Bullwhip, 8-ft (costed $800 back in the day; I would practically kill to own one of these now!)
I'm with you WW! I'd love to own one of those too.

Have a great day!


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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by stoneman »

I'm not sure what exactly, but it would be something from Midwestwhips. They put out some gorgeous stuff, the last bullwhip I saw even had initial plaited into the heel knot! Not so Indy related, but it would probably be a pair of fully plaited stock whips with high plait handles from them.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by kwad »

Of course, the Indy whips are on my list; Three David Morgan's (each of the vintage in which the movies were made) and one Terry Jacka Indy IV "J Series" (with the little "J" button on the buttknot)

I'd also like a Delongis style Terry Jacka in 7 foot, a Catwoman style whip (like the one from Batman Returns, also by T.J.) and a Zorro model in 7 foot.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Chewbacca Jones »

Well, I think I am quite done as far as Indy whips go. I have a Joe Strain and a marvelous Winrich for that. ANd I have no asperations toward screen-used stuff. But, in a world where I could dump money into a gaggle of whips I don't yet own...
1. A Midwest Performance Hybrid.
2. A 2-tone light/dark 12 or 16 plait bullwhip (most likely a Strain, but flexible if I found the right look), 6'.
3. A black and red young Indy, 6' or 8'.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by riku1914 »

a 16 plait 9" handle 8' embranwhips whip. Bernie makes amazing whips and i'd love to have one of his
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Nexus6 »

Joe Strain 8' Raiders. (on my radar)

Bernie Wojcicki 8', 16-plait, config to be determined. (not on my radar just yet)


Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by whipwarrior »

I actually own an EM Brand 16-plait, 6-foot Indy bullwhip in dark whiskey kangaroo, and it's smooth as glass. Also, quite a bit lighter than my trusty Morgan, but still a fine whip nonetheless. I highly recommend Bernie for price and quality, if you can stand the 3+ month waiting list!
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Weston »

riku1914 wrote:a 16 plait 9" handle 8' embranwhips whip. Bernie makes amazing whips and i'd love to have one of his
Same here, only I'm thinking 10" handle, and two tone in natural and brandy, medium weight. There are many fine whipmakers out there, but I've bought twice from Bernie now and his service and artistry are amazing. I'll buy from him as long as he'll make them for me!

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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by pinder91 »

Strain 10ft Raiders Anniversary. I like to go for realistic dreams. :TOH:
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by Gaucho »

Del Carpio 10 ft LC, with short handle.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by michaelb »

Whip dreams? WHIP DREAMS?! I am constantly haunted by these... I bought a beautiful 10' 12 plait brandy whip from the awesome Mr. Joseph Strain and lost my job almost the same day it arrived. I immediately had "buyer's remorse" and told myself I would fully enjoy it once I got a job. Still looking after two years. Not in the best of moods or ready to really enjoy the whip yet. I have, for a few times, brought it out to practice with and find it amazing. It is gorgeous by the way and cracks like a gunshot... Always on a clean, grassy area, but it still gets a little dirt around the end plaiting. I use my Pecards to clean it before and after. (After with a bit of warm water first, just to get the grit out, then the Pecards before putting it to rest. I hope this "slight amount of dirt" is normal and won't damage it.) But as for DREAMS!? I can't wait to put it to full use and also get a few books and DVDs that have been recommended here for full use when employed. In the meantime, I have constant dreams of using it and watching it fall apart, flaking, plaits tearing, to it fully falling apart in my hands. These are pretty consistent and are driving me crazy.

Have the same type of dreams with my fedoras. ](*,)


Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by whipwarrior »

michaelb, I used to be haunted by similar dreams of whip destruction many years ago. Most of my nightmares involved my beloved DM getting sliced by razorblades, dragged over rough pavement, or immersed in dirty water or oil. Bad stuff like that. I think it's a psychological reflection of how much we treasure our whips, and a reminder to always take good care of them. Don't worry, though, the nightmares will eventually stop.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by michaelb »

Awesome WhipWarrior...

I DO believe that it is definitely a psychological "thing"...

Kinda like your world falling apart, etc. I don't know. Interesting though.


Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by whipwarrior »

Chalk it up to dream interpretation, but it was really disturbing at the time because I didn't understand why I was subconsciously 'destroying' an object that I valued so much. The flip-side is that I often dream obsessively about things that I greatly anticipate, such as the purchase of a new Indy jacket. When my Wested CS was being made, I had recurring dreams that it was delivered to my house, and I was overjoyed; compounded by angsty nightmares that all of the details were wrong, the pocket placement specs, sleeve length, etc. All of this just goes to prove how much we are emotionally invested in our hobby. Probably too much, but Indy gear is an incurable condition, and we'd probably go crazy without it. :D
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by michaelb »


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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by riku1914 »

michaelb wrote:Whip dreams? WHIP DREAMS?! I am constantly haunted by these... I bought a beautiful 10' 12 plait brandy whip from the awesome Mr. Joseph Strain and lost my job almost the same day it arrived. I immediately had "buyer's remorse" and told myself I would fully enjoy it once I got a job. Still looking after two years. Not in the best of moods or ready to really enjoy the whip yet. I have, for a few times, brought it out to practice with and find it amazing. It is gorgeous by the way and cracks like a gunshot... Always on a clean, grassy area, but it still gets a little dirt around the end plaiting. I use my Pecards to clean it before and after. (After with a bit of warm water first, just to get the grit out, then the Pecards before putting it to rest. I hope this "slight amount of dirt" is normal and won't damage it.) But as for DREAMS!? I can't wait to put it to full use and also get a few books and DVDs that have been recommended here for full use when employed. In the meantime, I have constant dreams of using it and watching it fall apart, flaking, plaits tearing, to it fully falling apart in my hands. These are pretty consistent and are driving me crazy.

Have the same type of dreams with my fedoras. ](*,)

I'm still new to whip making and have the same things, my main one is just that every whip i make will easily all apart, but i've proven that wrong with my last one :lol: I keep telling myself "it's all in my head" but it really is strange.

I've always been told i have an obsessive personality. Been told that once i start something i dont' stop until i perfect it, many see this as a flaw in me but i enjoy being that way.

I previously "perfected" making bow and arrows, bmx ramps, a few others things not worth mentioning, but i really enjoy doing these things.

Hope the daydreams about my whips being destroyed do actually stop soon ;)
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by kwad »

riku1914 wrote:
I previously "perfected" making bow and arrows, bmx ramps, a few others things not worth mentioning....................
I'd definately say that making your own bows and arrows is something that IS worth mentioning. That's totally cool man!

I'd love to see some of the bows you've made.
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by nicktheguy »

My dream whip is one that can support my weight as I swing from building to building - and be various different lengths at different times, self cleans and applies pecards to itself, changes it's own poppers...

You did say DREAM whip ;)
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Re: What are your dream whips?

Post by riku1914 »

nicktheguy wrote:My dream whip is one that can support my weight as I swing from building to building - and be various different lengths at different times, self cleans and applies pecards to itself, changes it's own poppers...

You did say DREAM whip ;)
ha that reminds me of something.....
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