When warm weather starts up in Tennessee, I tend to put them away and pull out my old tried and true 'Ford felt' fedora that Steve made me that reflected the style worn by the 'Fedora' character at the beginning of LC. This hat was made back in 2006.
I long ago removed the liner for cooler wear, and even punched two vent holes on both sides of the crown just above the ribbon with leather punches for more ventilation. It's been worn hard, and put away wet more times than I can count, and just keeps coming back for more. I wear this hat until temps and humidity force me to reach for my straw PB Indy or my 78gr summer weight AB prototype.
I wore this hat up to Ohio over the weekend, and was literally stopped on the street by no fewer than 4 people praising this old hat, telling me how great it looked, and wanting to know where I got it. Knowing Steve is already buried in work, I just said 'a friend in Mississippi makes them for me'.

So, even though my sahari and moss green get thumbs up of approval when worn, my beat up old AB I own still turns head, and receives verbal praise from a non-fedora wearing public.
Just goes to prove a well worn fedora that takes on it's own shape and style due to daily wear is the one that gets the BIG thumbs up from folks. They seem to know it's an old friend and not a 'costume piece'.
This particiular trip was a different one, though. I've never had so many folks stop me before, let alone stop me to offer praise for such a beat up old hat. Made me smile.

Regards! Michaelson