Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by DarenHenryW »

I am a high school English teacher and tomorrow my Sophomores are going to take their High School Exit Exams. (Our students typically do very well, and in case you are wondering, students take this test early in high school so that they have many chances to pass before they graduate).

On this test, there is an essay portion. My advice to them today was that if they can demonstrate the ability to properly form paragraphs in their writing and not simply write a block of text, that they will do fine. The test is not very demanding at all, and the vast majority of our Sophomores pass this test the first time around. Regardless, I wanted to briefly make a point about paragraph structure for them, so I continued to remind them that while writing a long block of text is bad, simply pretending to write paragraphs by occasionally indenting is only slightly better, though not by much. A careful essay grader will notice (as I often do while grading my own students' essays) that many poor writers indent simply because they think they need to after five or six sentences, regardless of whether or not they have properly moved onto a new subject. A paragraph is not complete after five or six sentences; it's complete when a particular idea has been more or less completely explained or argued, and it's time to move on to another idea, even this new idea is only slightly different.

So, to explain this right in the moment, I picked up my Penman Raiders fedora, and pointed out to them that while one could easily write one paragraph describing and discussing the hat, (or that a sloppy writer might write a long block of text about the hat), one could easily write many paragraphs describing and explaining different details and aspects of the hat. (It should be noted that the next three paragraphs were written here just to demonstrate what I was trying to explain to them, and is nothing more than an exercise in paragraph development, though I certainly welcome any and all discussions relating to what I've written, as I would love to expand what I've written here for future versions of my little essay).


The crown of a fedora deserves, as we all know, plenty of discussion. They are so many different blocks that exist to create different crown heights and shapes, that even one simple paragraph could not possibly begin to explain the varieties. Some crowns display a lot of taper, both side to side, as well as front to back, while others may display very little. And while some fedoras have very tall crowns, others have very short ones. And let's not forget the pinch at the front. While some people like theirs tight, as Indiana Jones does in Raiders of the Lost Ark, many fedoras, both modern and vintage, sport a much looser pinch. In general, this all comes down to personal preference, or how a hat is handled by its owner. Though it should be noted that a hat with a tight pinch is more likely to look "off-center" on the face if worn slightly to one side or the other because of the way the pinch rides over the line of the nose, whereas a hat with a looser pinch can be worn a bit off-center over the nose without the hat itself seeming to be off center. While some people are very picky about the way the pinch sits, others rarely give it a thought.

Next we can discuss the brim. While the heyday of the large brimmed fedora may generally be over, and "stingy" or smaller brimmed fedoras are a much common style, large-brimmed fedoras are beginning to make a comeback. Many people mistake large-brimmed fedoras for cowboy hats, though a cowboy hat will typically still have a much larger brim than a fedora with a relatively large brim, and a considerably different swoop and shape, not to mention differences in crown shape. Much like the crown height, the size of the brim may come down to personal preference, but if you are going to do a lot walking outside, the larger brim is sure to better protect your face, eyes, and ears from sun, wind, and rain. A very small brim at a certain point does not serve much of a practical purpose as it will offer no real protection, though it may better achieve a sportier look. And for this reason, people who wear fedoras with smaller brims are more likely to continue to wear them indoors, while a person wearing a fedora with a large brim is more apt remove it once out of the elements. Regardless, shape of face and choice of attire will also affect how one chooses the brim size of their hat.

The ribbon of a hat is also very important. More often, vintage hats from the turn of the century through the late fifties sported taller ribbons with neatly constructed bows that ornamented the hat and affected the perception of the height of the crown, while many modern fedoras have very thin ribbons with simple bows. Ribbons can greatly affect the overall look of a hat, as choice of color, material, and size all play a part in designating the function and style of a hat. The ribbon can be subtle or loud; it can serve to draw attention to itself, or blend casually with the suit of clothes being being worn.


I could go on and discuss the rest of the hat, like what goes into the underside: the sweat band and the liner, and continue to discuss how hats are made and their construction, but my only point was to explain to my students that any subject deserves attention to detail, and that these details warrant proper division and special attention. People like ourselves, of course, are obsessed with details, but most high school aged students have a hard time learning to properly organize and describe the things that interest them in a piece of writing.

What is also missing from my little essay is an introduction and conclusion. Again, I could write these things (and I probably will), but this is merely an exercise. More paragraphs about the history of the fedora, famous wearers, both in fact and fiction, as well as artists who create them, would be still more natural steps. In fact, as sites like this and others clearly demonstrate, like any interesting subject, if I wanted to write a book, I certainly could. Oak, you want to help me with a new project?

Thanks for reading!


Daren Henry Wilkerson

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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by getoutofthelibrary »

As an Assistant Principal of a high school in Texas, let me say :TOH:
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by DarenHenryW »

getoutofthelibrary wrote:As an Assistant Principal of a high school in Texas, let me say :TOH:
Thanks, I'm glad you appreciate it! I think my students did. :)
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by binkmeisterRick »

what you mean you have a problem with people who dont capitalize sentences or use punctuashion or spell words correctly
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by DarenHenryW »

binkmeisterRick wrote:what you mean you have a problem with people who dont capitalize sentences or use punctuashion or spell words correctly
N, m rl prblm s wth ppl wh dn't s vwls. Thy bg th sht t f m.

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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by binkmeisterRick »

nk? :lol:
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by DarenHenryW »

binkmeisterRick wrote:nk? :lol:
Well, your guess is as good as mine, folks.

Ink? Ank? Oink?

Dmn y, Bnkmstr!

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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by DR Ulloa »

That's a great example you used there, Daren. My 8th graders just took the FCAT writing exam, a test you must pass in the state of Florida to pass to enter high school, and you know as well as I how difficult it is to get kids excited about writing a few paragraphs about something they don't want to write about. And sometimes it goes in one ear and right out the other. If nothing else, they learned about what makes a great fedora!

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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

DarenHenryW wrote:
binkmeisterRick wrote:nk? :lol:
Well, your guess is as good as mine, folks.

Ink? Ank? Oink?

Dmn y, Bnkmstr!

No Kidding(?)
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by binkmeisterRick »


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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by Canyon »

Daren, that is an awesome story! Thanks so much for sharing. :clap:

The photos is a perfect example of Indiana Jones in his rugged attire an Dr.Jones in the classroom. :mrgreen:
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by Mitch LaRue »


Tipping my hat to you out of deepest respect for you, Daren - and, for that matter, to ALL the Members here who are teachers (and work so hard - and creatively - to find new ways to keep kids interested in learning)
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by sam »

Man, I would have loved it if my English teachers in High School would have used this example! Good work!
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by Indiana MarkVII »

I can recall my English teachers, math teachers and music teachers most of all. I respect and honor them and am proud that I learned a few things from them, too.

Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by whipwarrior »

God, THAT takes me right back to high school! I'd better stop reading this post before I start second-guessing my OWN paragraph breaks! ](*,)
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Re: Used my Fedora in Class Today to Teach Writing

Post by Noah »

That must've been an awesome lesson!
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