Azuma RLA Shirt

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Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by axobi1 »

Hello - I am new on this forum. If Azuma is checking this forum, can you tell me how I get in touch with you to order the Raiders shirt when it is available? I've been waiting for a very, very long time for the RLA shirt that is as close as the original one and I missed getting the NH shirt when it was available for sale awhile back : (( Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you or anyone on this forum too. Thanks again ! :TOH:
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by fifthchamber »

Heya Dude!

And Welcome to COW! :TOH:

Azuma will probably make a thread either in this gear section or the Vendor/Bazaar area, mentioning that he needs rough numbers for the run, so outside of a PM (he is probably rather busy), just keep checking those areas or the Azuma shirt threads for updates!

All the best...
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by Adventure Dog »

This thread got my hopes running pretty high. Now I'm torn between waiting to buy the Raiders shirt or buying a WPG.

Welcome to Club Obi-Wan Axobi1!

As Fifthchamber said, the Vendor Announcements or the current Azuma shirt thread (ToD or Crusade) will be where Azuma makes his... debut? Announcement?
I'm looking forward to the Raiders shirt, so if he tells you anything and okays it to be shared, go ahead and let us know!
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by Hollowpond »

Yeah, thats the whole reason I sold 5th chamber my LC. I want a Raiders, and if Azuma is coming out with one soon, I'm going to wait on the WPG...
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by fifthchamber »

Yeah.. MUCH thanks for that Travis! :TOH: I'm glad I could get it.... And for me, it just made me look forward to the Raiders offering even more... So it seems to have worked all round!
I have a Magnoli that I love.. But the LC you sold me is more comfortable to wear.. Less "formal" feeling? Like a used and loved T-Shirt.. So if the Raiders is like that... I'm more than happy to buy more!
Thanks again for that shirt mate! ;)
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by axobi1 »

Thank you everyone for the post and reply - appreciate it !! :|
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Re: Azuma RLA Shirt

Post by fuzzjunk »

Adventure Dog wrote:This thread got my hopes running pretty high. Now I'm torn between waiting to buy the Raiders shirt or buying a WPG.
Same here, I thought this thread was going to give us a sneak peek. #-o

Any who welcome axobi1!

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