Happy Birthday to Me...now

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Happy Birthday to Me...now

Post by DocIndyJones »

Today is a milestone in my hopefully long and adventurous life. I turned 25 today. A quarter of a century old. At this point I found myself thinking alot about what I've done, the thinks I've been through, and the things I've still yet to accomplish. But also the thought that I have many years to go. This will hopefully be the start of the greaterst times in my life. Anyway on to my question, I looking for a Indy Bag... something not too exspensive, something that could tide me over until I find the perfect one, doesn't have to be a Mark VII or anything something like it. Not really looking to spend an arm and a leg at thins point just kinda fishing around the board seeing if anyone has an old one they be willing to let go of to a Birthday Guy. Let me know. And thanks guys for always being there when I need you the most. I've never met any of you in person but consider you some of my closest friends.

Have a good one...what ever that one may be-
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Post by Farnham54 »

Happy birthday Doc, and I'll be raising a glass tonight for many more. Remember, you ain't old till you think old, and at 25 those thoughts should be further away from your mind then saying Harry isn't a good Indy.

Congrats and have a good birthday party ;)


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Post by Sir Ernest »

Happy birthday man!

I'm 34 and I've done more since 25 than I did before I was 25 so there's hope for you yet!

You know the WPG bags are quite nice. I know I've talked'em up before, but I'll say it again...take a look at them.

Now go have some birthday fun!

Take Care,

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Post by Cooler King »

What birthday would be complete without Weird Al's Happy Birthday?

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

Well it's time to celebrate your birthday,
It happens every year.
We'll eat a lot of broccoli, and drink a lot of beer.
You should be good and happy that there's somethin' you can eat.
A million people every day are starvin' in the street.
Your daddy's in the gutter with the wretched and the poor.
Your mama's in the kitchen with a can of Cycle Four.
There's garbage in the water,
There's poison in the sky.
I guess it won't be long before we're all gonna die!

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

Well, what's the matter, little friend, you think this party is the pits?
Enjoy it while you can.
We'll soon be blown to bits!
The monkeys in the Pentagon are gonna cook our goose.
Their finger's on the button, all they need is an excuse.
It doesn't take a military genius to see
We'll all be Crispy Critters after World War III.
There's nowhere you can run to,
Nowhere you can hide.
When they drop the big one,
We all get fried.

Come on, boys and girls, sing along, okay?

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

Well, there's a punk in the alley, and he's lookin' for a fight.
There's an Arab on the corner buyin' everything in sight.
There's a mother in the ghetto with another mouth to feed.
Seems that everywhere you look today, there's misery and greed.
I guess you know the Earth is gonna crash into the sun,
But that's no reason why we shouldn't have a little fun.
So if you think it's scary, if it's more than you can take,
Just blow out the candles,
And have a piece of cake.

Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!


Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to you!

And a pinch to grow an inch! :D
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Thanks Guys

Post by DocIndyJones »

Thanks Guys you all are cool.

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Post by IndyHunter81 »

Happy birthday!
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Post by Swindiana »

DIJ: You have a birthday PM waiting for you, of sorts. :wink:

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Post by Indiana Grendel »

Happy Birthday Doc!
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Post by Pyroxene »

WPG bag. A friend of mine has one. He's not into gear but just thought it was a great idea. You will need a different strap as the one it comes with is not correctly attached and is too short to be corrected.

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Post by Tennessee Harper »

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you you dress like ol' Harrison and you look like him too.
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Post by Captain D »

I'm 24 years old.....so, I'm right behind you, lol, :wink:

Take care n' Happy Birthday!

Kind Regards,
Captain D
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Post by English Adventurer »

Happy Birthday Buddy, remember you've still got another 10 years untill you hit Indy's age. (Of sorts)

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

If you have to worry about what you've done, then you're not busy enough.

Grab a map of a trail you've never been before and get lost. Then come back and tell us all about it.

Happy Birthday, keep your chin up and your fedora on.
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Post by Redbeard »

Happy B-Day! I have a bag, which I used for a substitude before I knew abut the MK-VII bag. It's a modified "Bundeswehr Brotbeutel". Though I owe you one anyway you can have it.


It looks like the image, but I removed the straps on the front.

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Awesome Redbeard

Post by DocIndyJones »

Yeah that will be perfect just what I was looking for! I sent you a PM

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Re: Happy Birthday to Me...now

Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

DocIndyJones wrote:Today is a milestone in my hopefully long and adventurous life. I turned 25 today. A quarter of a century old.
That's how I thought of it too...quarter of a century old. However, It seems once I turned 26, when people would ask my age, I'd actually have to stop and recount in my head how old I was, and still do to this day. All the way up until 25 I could just spit out my age without having to think about it. Is my mind already beginning its detoriation to old age? (no need to answer that one)

Happy Birthday, Doc!
Last edited by Indiana Texas-girl on Mon Feb 02, 2004 12:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Panama Tom Jr. »

Happy B-lated B-day fellow gearhead!
I remember I had a bigger issue about turning 25 than when I turned 30 - go figure. It didn't help that my Dad and Grandfather were both Indy incarnate - it took time to realize that you've got to make your own legacy rather live up to someone else's.
Just a couple of things to think about-

1) Don't dwell on all the people who were younger than you when they did world changing things - kinda like how Alexander the Great or Jimi Hendrix were only in their 20's when they conquered the world in their own unique ways (I'm a history buff and a lead guitarist - can you tell?) :roll:
2)Remember that some people were considered failures for most of their lives until their time came - and then they succeeded when it counted (think Abe Lincoln and Winston Churchill...)

Enjoy life and remember the best is yet to come if you're willing to move on from the past and not get freaked out about the future. "Seize the day - make your life extraordinary..." Oh yeah, and good luck with the bag hunt... :wink:
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Post by Kit Walker »

Happy(belated) Birthday,
May the saddest days of your future be no worse than the happiest days of your past.
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Post by Mike »

Happy belated birthday. If you're interested in a WPG bag, you may find it helpful to know that wpg is now a member of the forum.

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