Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

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Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by classicbullwhips »

Hey all,

It's been awhile since I have posted last, just been busy making my cowhide Indy's I offer more screen accurate then ever (New pictures to come soon along with the cool new adventure style packing these whips arrive in). So back to the reason for this post, I recently stumbled upon this video of Anthony De Longis doing a presentation of his whip cracking style and technique at the Alamo (I believe it was from 2009). Hope you guys enjoy it." onclick=";return false;

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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by Mike »

Cool. Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by TheSavoryTrim »

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing! :)
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by kwad »

Thanks for the link James!
I love watching Anthony and his wife do their "Whip Tango".
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by bobm2004 »

With some new technology recently installed in my home, I was just able to watch that video on the 50" plasma and the surround sound system! Outstanding!!!! :whip:
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by Solojedi »

Hey guys
just saw this video the other day and as usual Anthony is THE MAN (next to Ford :lol: )

Anyway one thing that stood out to me was his "new" style or form. He said he "turns" his hand / wrist essentially whipping the whip "against" it's natural form.
NOW I read on this forum that one should ALWAYS us the whip in its "natural flow / loop" not against it as this could ruin the whip.

So is Anthony's method ok to use without risk of "damaging" the whip? :-k


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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by rawvoodoo »

IMO I dont think it will do any harm to a whip. Anthony's been doing it that way for quite a while , at least since Mastering the bullwhip was originally recorded and he looks young in that. If it was ruining his whips I dont think he would still be promoting it.
It's not so much aginst the natural curve as one would think either. When the whip is rolling out to crack, the loop is formed in the same direction as it is when the whip is looped when its on your belt.

Indymcfly has a video that shows this way of using a whip a little more close up you can really see how it works." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

I hope that made some sense.
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by DarenHenryW »

I try to engage as many people as I can in this debate, mostly because I've trained with Anthony, and while I know he has some enemies, partially as a result of this debate, I'm a true believer. That said, I don't see what's wrong with the cracking the whip the other way, either. To me, both are correct, neither hurt the whip, a good whip cracker will ultimately do it both ways throughout a complicated routine anyway, and it really just depends on your style. Everyone I ask has a different opinions, though in my experience, following Anthony's method gives one much greater control and accuracy. And I don't say that simply from my own whip handling, I say that from my own whip-handling and from watching the whip-handling of others. Doing it the other way, to me, has advantages and disadvantages. For a simple cattleman's crack, I think Anthony's way is quieter, though more controlled. The other way is louder, which gives it more showmanship, and can be just as accurate, though it looks less finessed. Again, it's mostly about style, and what you are trying to accomplish. Experiment, see what cracks work best with whatever method, but again, it will not hurt your whip. That is a myth. I asked Joe Strain what he thought, and he said, "the cow doesn't care."

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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by BullWhipBorton »

Anthony’s techniques utilize the "natural flow / loop" of the whip. He just prefers the loop to form on top, early on as the whip extends out. He is still working the whip with in its natural bend, just that this technique offers more efficient control while working the tip of the whip and also presents a much more theatrical roll out. As long as you’re working with that natural bend of the whip, whether the curve is on the top or on the bottom it’s fine. That’s not going to hurt or damage a whip either way, despite what anyone else out there might try to suggest. The problem more typically comes when you try to rotate the whip handle in your grip, taking it out of that natural axis or alignment, essentially fighting the natural bend as you throw.

The whole debate that the methods Anthony teaches are somehow harmful or damaging to a whip has been around for years. I've heard the argument from both sides and the fact is its essentially based on unsubstantiated information with a bit of personal bias. I’ve worked whips using both methods for many years, my whips are fine.

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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by kwad »

If you watch that video, Anthony does much more distressing things with his whip besides crack it.
He doesn't seem to baby his whips at all, and yet, they still work.
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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by DarenHenryW »

Hey, James!

Looking forward to seeing the pics of your new cowhide Raiders whips! I may just be interested! :)

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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by classicbullwhips »

Hey Daren,

I am hoping to display some pics soon of my even more SA Indy cowhide whips. (I have even gotten some amazing feedback from the new whips and the packaging they are now shipping in, one e-mail I got said "made me feel like Indy when I unwrapped it, I was nearly shaking"). Your other post of the kip vs roo is a perfect combo for showing off my version of the SA in cowhide in the near future, I just hope I can match Bernardo's excellence of when he was producing Indy Whips in cowhide (Bernardo helped me a lot through e-mails in trying yo make my cowhide whips even better, Thanks Again Bernardo) Keep an eye out for the pics very soon.

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Re: Anthony De Longis doing whip work at the Alamo

Post by Noah »

Great video!
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