How good can a Todd's Holster look?

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How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Clutters »

Pretty good I think! I just got my Todd's holster back from Raidersbash after a serious session of wet-blocking and distressing over the end of year period to get it looking like a Raiders holster. Thanks again for that Mike, because as we know, there is no way I could get that done down here with our gun laws. :TOH: And the results, as you can see below, speak for themselves. The holster I got from Todd has a beautiful thick grain with plenty of character, so I started out with a great product, but the distressing and molding done by RB is exceptional. What do you think?
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »

Well, if I were a cop I'd want you to keep your hands away from the holster and in plain sight. :TOH:

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by RaidersBash »

Glad you're pleased with how it turned out Josh!

I enjoy putting them through the process, but the best part is when their owner is happy with the end result, so THANK YOU!
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Hollowpond »

Said it before, I'll say it again...Todd's holster's one of my favorite pieces of gear!

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by FordPerfect »

As another satisfied recipient of a Todd's weathered by Raidersbash I have to say he elevates a great piece of kit to SA prop status...!
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by AnubisScales »

That looks excellent! Now I want one! Course, I want a working and a resin gun to go with it. (Working for home and novelty, resin for conventions and such).
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Long John Tinfoil »


Clearly you and I don't go to the same kind of conventions...

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by AnubisScales »

Aye, I mean mostly comic/anime/sci-fi ones. They tend to frown on bringing real weapons in. :(
Which can frustrating, as most costumes I'd like to do require a blade of some sort. :P
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Clutters »

For those who are interested, that is a Wade Egan belt with the super whip holder done in a Raiders style, riveted on. So you get all the joy of a double loop holding your whip secure, no need for fishing line, and without close inspection, it appears screen accurate. Combined with the Nowak New Goat Raiders in the background, I think this picture captures some of the best leather gear available.
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Solent MKIII »

That holster looks great. :notworthy: :clap: Image
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by RaidersBash »

FordPerfect wrote:As another satisfied recipient of a Todd's weathered by Raidersbash I have to say he elevates a great piece of kit to SA prop status...!
Thanks FP! Glad you're still liking yours. :clap:

And again just a reminder for everyone else that I do this as a FREE SERVICE for anyone with a Todd's holster.

My way of "Paying it Forward" for this great community of fans and friends.

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

As I've said before, that's extremely generous of you, RB.
:) :tup:

Cannot wait to get MINE from you!
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by RaidersBash »

Hey Fox yours got here today. :H: I expect it will be out to you in a week or so...depending on how much LIFE gets in the way.
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by WConly »

Wow! I have seen pictures of the Shroud of Turin...but, now I am seeing a pic of the "Indy hoslster-Shroud of the Arkin." Simply amazing! Is that really an image of Indy's gun or not? Only much study will determine ](*,) !

Looks great! That must have really taken a lot of work to come out that good! Congrates on a job well done! W>
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Pitfall Harry »

How new was the holster before it was sent to RB for the weathering? Did you buy it recently, Clutters? :-k The only reason I'm asking is because the holster's color looks a bit different than mine. Unless RB's weathing changed the color a bit your's looks more brown than mine.

Just to be clear I've owned my Todd's holster for more than a few years now. In fact it's my second one. I have his original standard holster that had no drain plug in it and then my newer version is from right after he modified the standard holster design. The leather is much thicker and the color of mine is brown but with some reddish undertones.

Anyway, the holster looks great and RB did a great job "distressing" it......Todd's holster is a great piece of gear at a great price. :tup: :whip:
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Hi everyone,
Well, add me to the List of C.O.W. Members who were already impressed with the Raiders Holster offered by Todd's... but are now DOUBLY impressed with the wonderful work done by C.O.W. Member RaidersBash to give this great prop a wonderful, distressed & "lived-in" look to it.
:) :tup:

I'd already been thinking about picking up one of Todd's great Raiders-style holsters, but when I saw Clutters amazing shots of his (above) I knew I not only needed to get one of these, but that I'd only be satisfied with one that RaidersBash had worked on.
I sent him a PM telling him how impressed I was with the look, writing "I'm planning on ordering one of Todd's Raiders Holsters (I'm ready to do that now, in fact) and given a choice, I'd ABSOLUTELY prefer to have one that you'd worked your special brand of magic on... those pictures look fantastic! I'm looking for a distressing/wet-blocking (Full Meal Deal) treatment that gives the holster the most used (& screen- accurate) look possible" ...
I also made a point of mentioning how impressed with his generosity to his fellow GearHeads, saying "...the fact that you're generously offering this service to C.O.W. Members is outstanding... Thank you!"

We worked out the details of getting the holster to him and RB was great with communication, too: letting me know once the holster got to his door and later, making sure I was aware once the finished product was on it's way to me.

The holster arrived yesterday and I was VERY impressed... Todd made a very nice product, but in my opinion RaidersBash made it a thing of GREATNESS and piece of "Jones" Prop Memorabilia that I will never give up. The look of it, the feel, the attitude of it... ALL so very "Indy".
And when I look at this thing on my hip I can't believe that I actually DON'T have a firearm prop inside of it!

I've included a few photos with this post to give you an idea of how it looks...
Apologies that I'm not "Geared-Up" from head to toe... I was so excited to try it on with my Wade Egan belt and get outside to get a few snapshots before we lost daylight that I didn't really stop (or care) to think about the fact that I was still wearing a pair of jeans and some other (non-Screen Accurate) Gear! :roll:
But I want to give RaidersBash my word that you'll never see shots of me in Raiders Gear in the future where I'm not wearing THIS holster.

Image Image

Image Image

This Thread began with the question "How good can a Todd's Holster look?"
My short answer is: This thing ROCKS!

Fantastic job, RB... Once again, Thank you!
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by jlhampton »

Very nice, Mitch.
I have one of these myself and like it lots. It's a perfect fit for my 1917 S and W Classic .45. You should get one of those,too

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by RaidersBash »

Looks good on ya Fox.

I think in time it will look even better as handling and oils blend it in some more. Eat some fried chicken and play around with it... :P

And, IMO...from several of the photos I've seen...and images from Young Indy's Belgium uniform matching holster...the strap should be on the second hole :-k

But I could be wrong...

But what I'm NOT wrong about is HOW GREAT that Wade Egan BELT is!!!
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Wade Egan »


From a maker standpoint, I feel the most important thing with Indy related gear IS the distressing part! I mean, let's face it, Indy really didn't baby his gear in the field and there's no reason we should either.

Great work!

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

Thanks guys!
jl, I can't tell you how much I WISH I had some sort of amazing S&W (or replica) like that for my own collection... Frankly, it feels a bit incomplete without it...
Perhaps one day...
Until then, however, please accept my heartfelt admiration and fiery jealousy! :x

RaidersBash, glad you like how it looks.
I agree about the handling and oils just making it look better and better over time... I'll order up some Mary Brown's Fried Chicken this weekend and be sure to keep my holster nearby as a makeshift napkin!
(Oh, and I'll keep an eye that strap-hole issue in the future) ...And yeah, I completely agree about Wade's gun-belt: it's one of my favorite pieces of Gear!
:) :tup:

Wade, for me what you've said really sums it up nicely:
I have no interest in "babying" my Gear either... but I sure do appreciate the nice work that fellas like yourself and RaidersBash can do to get a piece of Gear looking "right" straight outta the gate!

Cheers gentlemen,
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Gorak »

Beautiful holster, Mr. Larue. I have a Keppler holster that has just been sitting on my display untouched but these pics put the bug in me to give it some attention. Also gets me really excited for my Wade Egan phone holster. I imagine it will look really nice in half gear.
great addition to your already fabulous collection! :tup:
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by jlhampton »

fiery jealousy accepted. Besides, you have quite a few items that i admire as well. I will catch up soon.

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I know exactly what you're saying about seeing a piece of gear you like and immediately wanting to go to work on your own stuff to give it a similar look... Frankly, if I had my own S&W Replica, I would've probably tried myself to do exactly what RaidersBash did SO well (as it turned out, though, I was lucky enough to get the real deal directly from him!) :tup:
I have to agree with you as well about Wade's phone/iPod holster: I've got one on order with him, too... canNOT wait to get mine! And I love the idea of making my overall "not quite IN-Gear"-look a little closer to my FULL-Gear-look.

Well, with that S&W, it sounds like you've already got a pretty great collection started... I look forward to seeing it grow as time goes on.

Cheers guys,
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by RaidersBash »

Alright Mitch...I'll see if I can find some pics of the holster to help. Either way is correct and there is a great shot on the homepage even during the SOC fight with the holster on the last hole, but there are some production stills I've seen that have it on the first...

but really WHO CARES???? LOL That's like talking about how far up the laces on the boots went... sometimes I hate myself for being so nerdy! ](*,)

Anyway...I think you need one of these to put in it :Dietrich:

A Smith and Wesson Model 13, .357 Mag. with changed out grips. Even in Canada you should be able to get one for about $300 :BD:

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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by Mitch LaRue »

I'll try my best not to help this Thread go too far off-topic, RB... but suffice to say, I'll have to send you a PM sometime asking for some details about HOW (and from WHERE) a fella like me could get their mits on a handsome firearm like that.
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Re: How good can a Todd's Holster look?

Post by jlhampton »

I'm looking forward to seeing the collection grow as well. Timing is everything. Maybe, before the summer is over there will be a few more additions to it. Got the Aldens, got the Wested dark lamb, Todd's gunbelt and holster and bag , a 9' roo hide Raiders whip from Adam Winrich, and so far the most prized possession, ...the Adventurebuilt beaver, Ford felt, s.o.c. fedora.
I liked your gray Penman so much, I placed an order last month for a darker gray clipper. Perhaps a pair of Magnoli's vintage browns will be next. Again, all in due time. 'till then, take care.

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