Hi everyone,
Well, add me to the List of C.O.W. Members who were already impressed with the Raiders Holster offered by Todd's... but are now
DOUBLY impressed with the wonderful work done by C.O.W. Member RaidersBash to give this great prop a wonderful, distressed & "lived-in" look to it.
I'd already been thinking about picking up one of Todd's great Raiders-style holsters, but when I saw Clutters amazing shots of his (above) I knew I not only needed to get one of these, but that I'd only be satisfied with one that RaidersBash had worked on.
I sent him a PM telling him how impressed I was with the look, writing
"I'm planning on ordering one of Todd's Raiders Holsters (I'm ready to do that now, in fact) and given a choice, I'd ABSOLUTELY prefer to have one that you'd worked your special brand of magic on... those pictures look fantastic! I'm looking for a distressing/wet-blocking (Full Meal Deal) treatment that gives the holster the most used (& screen- accurate) look possible" ...
I also made a point of mentioning how impressed with his generosity to his fellow GearHeads, saying
"...the fact that you're generously offering this service to C.O.W. Members is outstanding... Thank you!"
We worked out the details of getting the holster to him and RB was great with communication, too: letting me know once the holster got to his door and later, making sure I was aware once the finished product was on it's way to me.
The holster arrived yesterday and I was VERY impressed... Todd made a very nice product, but in my opinion RaidersBash made it a thing of
GREATNESS and piece of "Jones" Prop Memorabilia that I will never give up. The look of it, the feel, the attitude of it... ALL so very "Indy".
And when I look at this thing on my hip I can't believe that I actually DON'T have a firearm prop inside of it!
I've included a few photos with this post to give you an idea of how it looks...
Apologies that I'm not "Geared-Up" from head to toe... I was so excited to try it on with my Wade Egan belt and get outside to get a few snapshots before we lost daylight that I didn't really stop (or care) to think about the fact that I was still wearing a pair of jeans and some other (non-Screen Accurate) Gear!
But I want to give RaidersBash my word that you'll
never see shots of me in Raiders Gear in the future where I'm
not wearing THIS holster.
This Thread began with the question
"How good can a Todd's Holster look?"
My short answer is:
This thing ROCKS!
Fantastic job, RB... Once again, Thank you!