I know, it's not a WG, but...

Need help finding an Indy Gun, want to discuss film used guns...

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Alkali Jones
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I know, it's not a WG, but...

Post by Alkali Jones »

Hey All,

An Atlanta Cutlery catalog came in the mail the other day and I saw this near the back:
Image Image
I know, it's not a WG, but it's one of those "close enough" things that I thought I should post. Here's the link to the website:

http://www.atlantacutlery.com/p-2249-we ... olver.aspx

I don't own one of these. They're $70.00 bucks plus shipping. It doesn't fire anything, so Todd's (puppetboy's) thread about the WG might be a better deal. Might make someone an ok holster stuffer though. If you get one, post a review! 'Nough said.

Dan S
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Re: I know, it's not a WG, but...

Post by Texan Scott »

I thought you were going to say...

...I know its not a W-G, but I like it.... :-
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Re: I know, it's not a WG, but...

Post by Michaelson »

From the photos, it looks like a copy of the .38 version, though, which WOULD be the Mk IV.

That's about 1/3 smaller than the WG or standard Mark VI for that matter. :-k

Right profile, wrong size.

Regards! Michaelson
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Re: I know, it's not a WG, but...

Post by Michaelson »

It would rattle around in it.

I know. I used to own a real one. They were pretty small framed revolvers.

Regards! Michaelson
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